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影响因子: 5.538(2015年) 6.654(2014年) 5.966(2013年) 5.278 (2012年) 5.92(2011年)

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Quarterly Journal of Economics is the oldest professional journal of economics in the English language. Edited at Harvard University's Department of Economics, it covers all aspects of the field¡ªfrom the journal's traditional emphasis on microtheory, to both empirical and theoretical macroeconomics.

QJE is invaluable to professional and academic economists and students around the world.


Instructions to Authors

Submission Guidelines
As of September 1, 2005, papers should be submitted electronically (pdf format only) to
http://gemini.econ.umd.edu/qje. On receipt of the paper, a confirmation email will be sent automatically. The submission is not complete if the confirmation email has not been received.

When creating the pdf file from standard word processing packages, it is important to select the option "embed all fonts" (or equivalent) to ensure that mathematical symbols appear correctly. Failure to do so may result in an unreadable submission. Instructions for generating correct pdf files can be found at https://gemini.econ.umd.edu/e-editor/pdftips.html

Before September 1 or in exceptional cases, for those who are unable to submit electronic files in pdf format, submit three (3) copies of the paper, with a cover letter, by mail addressed to:

The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Littauer Center
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138 USA


Manuscripts of more than sixty double-spaced typed pages in length are not ordinarily considered for publication. Copies of manuscripts that have not been accepted for publication are not ordinarily returned to the author. Offprints may be ordered by authors prior to publication, prepaid.
Specific Stylistic Instructions for Accepted and Revised Papers
Paper should be typed double spaced on one side of the page only.

The title should be typed in capital letters. If there is an acknowledgment note, attach it to the title, not the author's name.

One or two authors' names should be centered side by side (i.e., Blank and Blank). Three or more names should be stacked, centered.

Supply a 100-or-fewer-word abstract for articles (not necessary for short papers).

Headings should be centered, preceded by a roman numeral.

Subheadings should be flush left underlined, preceded by a capital letter or Arabic numeral.

References in the text and notes should use square brackets and dates, not numbers, i.e., Keynes [1936] or Samuelson [1947, p. 37] or [Hansen, 1938, p. 83], depending on usage.

Equation numbers should be flush at the left margin surrounded by parens, i.e., (1). Equations will be considered parts of sentences; punctuate accordingly.

Tables. Place at the end of the paper on separate pages. Heading (i.e., Table I) should be centered and should use roman numerals. The title of the table should be centered in initial capitals and lowercase letters.

Figures. Place at the end of the paper on separate pages. If the artwork is computer-generated, submit at least one original, non-xeroxed version. Heading (i.e., Figure I) should be centered and should use roman numerals. Captions of figures should be centered underneath. If it's a title, use capitals and lowercase letters. If it's in sentence form, treat in the normal way. Note that captions are printed, not drawn.

A reference list is required. Style is as follows:
Information needed for journals: Author's last name, author's first name, "Title of Article," _Name of Journal_, volume number in roman numerals (year), page numbers NOT preceded by pp. (Indent second et. seq. lines.)

Information needed for books: Author's last name, author's first name, _Title of Book_, editor'(s') name(s) if appropriate, eds. (city of publication, state, in 2-letter Post Office form: publisher, year). (Indent second et. seq. lines.)

If work by more than one author, first author's last name, first author's first name, second author's first name followed by second author's last name, etc. If more than one work by an author, use a long dash followed by a comma. List in date order. However, a later work by a single author would precede an earlier joint work by the same author and another person. If multiple works by the same two people, use ______, and _______.

Notes MUST NOT be on the bottoms of pages. They should be at the end of the paper, numbered consecutively, paragraph indented, preceded by a number and a period, i.e., 1. The literature in the . . . .

Mathematics in type. Strive for simplicity. All letter symbols will appear as italics in print (except cov, max, 1n, etc.), unless vectors are explicitly referred to and then the symbols will appear in boldface. Underbars can be printed. Tildes typed beneath letters will be assumed to indicate vectors (i.e., boldface). In the text or notes, simple fractions will be broken down and printed with a solidus. If they're complicated, they'll be displayed.

Definitions, theorems, propositions, corollaries, assumptions, and lemmas should be typed as Theorem 1 etc., flush at the left margin. Text of the theorem should be indented in the second et seq. lines.

Proofs, etc., should be typed as:

_Proof of Theorem 1_. This heading is paragraph indented and underlined (italics in print), and the rest of the paragraph is typed with the same margins as the rest of the paper. If QED is used, place at the right margin following the proof.


Don't abbreviate. Write out such items as right-hand side, United States, United Kingdom (as nouns) (U. S., U. K. are acceptable as adjectives), subject to, percent (one word).

Author's affiliation should be placed at the end of the paper (after the appendix if there is one), flush left, stacked (if more than one affiliation).

Order of the manuscript. Title page if there is one. Abstract and acknowledgment footnote should be on the title page. Then text of the paper, appendix (if there is one), references, notes, tables, and figures.


Editorial Board

Board of Editors
Robert J. Barro
Edward L. Glaeser
Lawrence F. Katz


Associate Editors
George Akerlof
Pol Antras
Susan C. Athey
David Baron
Marianne Bertrand
John Bound
Andrew Caplin
Janet Currie
William Easterly
Glenn Ellison
Ernst Fehr
Claudia Goldin
Charles Jones
Narayana Kocherlakota
Michael Kremer
La Ferrara
Edward O'Donoghue
Bruce Sacerdote
Jeremy Stein
Michael Waldman

Assistant Editor
Harriet E. Hoffman


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