

字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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影响因子: 3.277 (2020年) 3.030(2018年) 2.413(2017年) 2.036(2016年) 1.403(2015年) 1.441(2014年) 1.625(2013年) 2.181 (2012年) 2.188(2011年)

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Qualitative Health Research provides an international, interdisciplinary forum to enhance health care and further the development and understanding of qualitative research in health-care settings. The journal is an invaluable resource for researchers and academics, administrators and others in the health and social service professions, and graduates who seek examples of qualitative methods.

Comprehensive Coverage

Each issue of Qualitative Health Research provides readers with a wealth of information - book reviews, commentaries on conceptual, theoretical, methodological and ethical issues pertaining to qualitative inquiry as well as articles covering research, theory and methods in the following areas:

Description and analysis of the illness experience

Experiences of caregivers

Health and health-seeking behaviors

Health care policy

Sociocultural organization of health care


Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Submission Guidelines:

Qualitative Health Research (QHR) is an international, interdisciplinary, refereed journal for the enhancement of health care and to further the development and understanding of qualitative research methods in health care settings. We welcome manuscripts in the following areas: the description and analysis of the illness experience, health and health-seeking behaviors, the experiences of caregivers, the sociocultural organization of health care, health care policy, and related topics. We also seek critical reviews and commentaries addressing conceptual, theoretical, methodological, and ethical issues pertaining to qualitative inquiry. QHR is online at http://qhr.sagepub.com.

The section Pearls, Pith, and Provocation, edited by Dr. John Engel, enhances communication of methodological advances derived from experience or insight, encourages the discussion of provocative ideas or nagging questions, and fosters debates about significant issues. Teaching Matters, edited by Dr. Julianne Cheek, Professor, University of South Australia, promotes and discusses issues related to the teaching of qualitative methods and methodology. Editors of the Book Review section are Dr. Anton J. Kuzel, Department of Family Practice, Medical College of Virginia / Virginia Commonwealth University; Dr. Irena Madjar, Faculty of Nursing, University of Newcastle; and Sally Thorne, School of Nursing, University of British Columbia. Books pertinent to qualitative methodology, health, or both are welcomed for review. The editor of the Computer Monitor section is Dr. Raymond Maietta. Articles related to computers and qualitative research are welcome. In Knowledge Application, edited by Dr. Sally Thorne, Professor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, we publish theoretical or empirical articles addressing research integration and the translation of qualitatively derived insights into clinical decision making and health service policy planning.

Manuscripts should be typed, double spaced throughout (including references and tables), and should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition). An abstract of fewer than 150 words as well as notes, references, tables, and figures should be submitted on separate pages. Indicate in text the approximate position of each table and figure. All artwork should be camera ready; guidelines are available from the editor on request. The title page should include the name, highest academic degree, and affiliation of the author(s). This page should include a mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and acknowledgments. Information identifying the authors should not appear elsewhere in the manuscript. Letters to the editor may be submitted online. For more information on manuscript preparation, refer to the Web site at
http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/qhr or download the attached manuscript submission guidelines PDF.

The Qualitative Health Research editorial board is sensitive to ethical responsibility and expects authors to respect and to be responsive to the rights of research participants. Submission to QHR implies that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere, nor is it under consideration by another journal. If accepted, the author transfers the copyright to Sage Publications.

Authors who want to refine the use of English in their manuscripts might consider utilizing the services of SPi, a non-affiliated company that offers Professional Editing Services to authors of journal articles in the areas of science, technology, medicine or the social sciences. SPi specializes in editing and correcting English-language manuscripts written by authors with a primary language other than English. Visit
http://www.prof-editing.com for more information about SPi’s Professional Editing Services, pricing, and turn-around times, or to obtain a free quote or submit a manuscript for language polishing.

Please be aware that SAGE has no affiliation with SPi and makes no endorsement of the company. An author’s use of SPi’s services in no way guarantees that his or her submission will ultimately be accepted. Any arrangement an author enters into will be exclusively between the author and SPi, and any costs incurred are the sole responsibility of the author.

The editor can be contacted at


Editorial Board









Janice M. Morse

University of Utah


Editorial Board:




Section Editor:

Sally E. Thorne, PhD

The University of British Columbia, Canada


Irena Madjar, RN, PhD

University of Auckland, New Zealand


Julianne Cheek, PhD

University of South Australia


Joan L. Bottorff, PhD, RN

The University of British Columbia, Canada


Anton J. Kuzel, MD, MHPE

Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center


Raymond Maietta, PhD

Research Talk, Inc.


Janice M. Morse, PhD(Nurs), PhD (Anthro), FAAN

University of Utah

Technical Editor:

Doris A. Fortune

University of Utah

Associate Editors:

Joan L. Bottorff, PhD, RN

The University of British Columbia, Canada


Julianne Cheek, PhD

University of South Australia


Anton J. Kuzel, MD, MHPE

Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University


Sally E. Thorne, PhD

The University of British Columbia, Canada

Assistant Editor:

Becky J. Christian, PhD, RN

University of Utah

Editorial Board:

Michael Agar, PhD



Barbara Bowers RN, PhD, FAAN

University of Wisconsin - Madison


Joyceen Boyle, PhD, FAAN

University of Arizona


Carlos Calderon, PhD, MD, MPH

Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain


Martha Ann Carey, PhD, RN

Azusa Pacific University, California


Kathy Charmaz

Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, USA


Lauren Clark

University of Utah


Adele E. Clarke

University of California, San Francisco


Juliet Corbin, DNSc

San Jos?State University


Jack L. Coulehan, PhD

SUNY at Stony Brook


Benjamin Crabtree, PhD

University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey


Karin Dahlberg

Malm?University, Sweden


Carmen de la Cuesta, PhD

University of Alicante, Spain


John D. Engel, PhD

Northeastern Ohio University - College of Medicine


Arthur Frank, PhD

University of Calgary


Uta Gerhardt, PhD

Institut für Soziologie, Heidelberg, Germany


Valerie Gilchrist, PhD

Northeastern Ohio University - College of Medicine


Jody Glittenberg, PhD

University of Colorado, Colorado Springs


Maria Grypdonck, PhD

University of Ghent, Belgium


Gail Jensen, PhD, PT

Creighton University


Lea Kacen, PhD

The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel


Irena Madjar, RN, PhD

University of Auckland, New Zealand


Raymond C. Maietta

Research Talk, Inc.


Francisco J. Mercado Martinez, MD, PhD

University of Guadalajara, Mexico


Maria Mayan

University of Alberta


William Miller, MD, MA

LeHigh Valley Hospital


Carl Mitcham

Colorado School of Mines


Teresa Moreno-Casbas

Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain


David Morgan, PhD

Portland State University


Joe Norris

St Francis Xavier University, Canada


Patricia F. Pearce, PhD

University of Utah


Marie Poggenpoel, RN, PhD

University of Johannesburg, Kingsway Campus, South Africa


Jayashree Ramakrishna

National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore, India


Margarete Sandelowski, PhD, RN, FAAN

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Kyung Rim Shin, EdD

Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea


Phyllis Stern, DNS, RN, FAAN

Indiana University


Max van Manen, PhD

University of Alberta - Edmonton, Canada



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