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出版社:UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 1427 E 60TH ST, CHICAGO, USA, IL, 60637-2954

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Speculum, published quarterly since 1926, was the first scholarly journal in North America devoted exclusively to the Middle Ages. It is open tocontributions in all fields studying the Western Middle Ages, a period ranging from approximately 500 to 1500. European, Arabic, Byzantine, Hebrew, and Slavic studies are included. The language of publication is English.

Speculum is received by all members of the Medieval Academy as a benefit of membership. Agencies and institutions receive the journal by subscription.

Articles may be submitted to Speculum on any medieval topic. All disciplines, methodologies, and approaches are welcome. In keeping with the Academy's goal of representing all fields of medieval studies, individual issues usually include articles on a variety of subjects, in a variety of disciplines. Articles on interdisciplinary topics are especially encouraged. The language of publication is English. Unsolicited book reviews will not be considered. Scholars considering a submission to Speculum should view the submission guidelines by clicking on the link above.

Speculum participates in JSTOR, a collaborative project supported by the Mellon Foundation that ensures long-term access to older scholarly literature. Readers with access to an institution that subscribes to JSTOR may download and print for personal use material that appeared in Speculum five or more years ago.

Cambridge University Press handles all requests for permission to reproduce material from Speculum. For more information, please visit http://journals.cambridge.org/action/rightsAndPermissions

Instructions to Authors

Speculum, published quarterly since 1926, was the first scholarly journal in North America devoted exclusively to the Middle Ages. It is open to contributions in all fields studying the Middle Ages, a period ranging from approximately 500 to 1500. The primary emphasis is on Western Europe, but Arabic, Byzantine, Hebrew, and Slavic studies are also included. The language of publication is English.


Articles may be submitted on any medieval topic. All disciplines, methodologies, and approaches are welcome. In keeping with the Academy's goal of representing all fields of medieval studies, individual issues usually include articles on a variety of subjects, in a variety of disciplines.

Articles on interdisciplinary topics or articles that tackle large interpretative questions, undertake the synthetic analysis of major methodologies, or consider newer theoretical approaches to medieval studies are encouraged. Highly focused studies are welcome, but preference will be given to articles of interest to readers in more than one discipline and beyond the specialty in question. Authors should consider the multidisciplinary audience of Speculum, should craft their material to appeal to a large audience of medievalists, and should provide sufficient context for readers who are not already experts in the subject matter of their articles.

Translations and editions of medieval texts will be considered for publication when they are an essential part of a larger study; in such cases, the edition or translation may be included as an appendix.

Articles should present original scholarship of the highest quality. Preliminary notes on research still in progress are not acceptable, since Speculum articles should be mature pieces of work, likely to be of long-term value. Work that will soon be published in essentially the same form as part of a book or that is already available on the Internet should not be submitted. Articles are considered for publication on the assumption that they are not being considered for publication by another journal.

The current average decision time for article submissions is four months.


After the Editor's initial determination of the appropriateness of a submission for publication in this journal, Speculum follows a policy of double-blind peer review. The author's identity is not known to the reader evaluating the submission, and the author does not know the identity of the reader. The article should include only its title, not the name of its author. An author should avoid self-identification in the argument or documentation of the article. The author's name should not appear as an element in running heads of the typescript.


Authors should consult the Speculum Style Sheet before submitting their articles online at www.editorialmanager.com/speculum.


Speculum provides representative review coverage of the work published in all fields, methodologies, periods, and geographical regions of medieval studies.  Collections of essays and digital works may be reviewed in the journal in addition to books and monographs.

Reviewers are chosen by the Book Review Editors for their expertise in the subject matter. The ideal reviewer is sympathetic but critical, without overweening prejudice for or against the author, the subject, or the methodology. Personal conflicts of interest are especially to be avoided. The length of the review is determined by the appropriate Book Review Editor. Deadlines are normally four months from the date of assignment.

The Editor and Book Review Editors do their best to ensure that reviews are fair to the author and to the work. Although reviewers speak for themselves, and their judgments should not be understood to be sanctioned by the editors, the Editor of Speculum reserves the right to reject reviews that do not meet the expected criteria and standards of competence and fairness.

The first criterion by which a review is judged is that it provides a clear description of the content of the book and of the author's method and purpose. Thereafter the Editor looks for honest and fair critical judgment, applied to an assessment of the book's strengths and weaknesses, and for an indication of the importance of the book in the context of other scholarship.

Elaborate scholarly apparatus (footnotes, charts, illustrations) is normally to be avoided. Long lists of errata are rarely permitted--a summary statement and a few examples are usually adequate.

Reviews are assigned by the Book Review Editors, and unsolicited reviews will not be considered. Anyone who reviews a book in Speculum should not review the same book elsewhere. Scholars who wish to review for Speculum should contact the Editor at info@themedievalacademy.org.


All accepted submissions to Speculum must be accompanied by a completed transfer of copyright form, downloadable here.

Editorial Board

Editor: Sarah Spence

Articles: Shirley Werner
Reviews: Ellen Wert

Assistant Editor

Paul Lindholm

Assistant to the Editor
Christopher Cole


Book Review Editors, appointed by the Council of the Medieval Academy upon the recommendation of the Editor of Speculum, serve three-year terms, usually renewable for an additional term. Their primary responsibility is the assignment of books to reviewers. They also advise the Editor on new areas of research and publication forms.

The following are serving as Book Review Editors during 2013-2014. The date in parentheses is the final year of the editor's current term.

Suzanne Conklin Akbari (2015), Univ. of Toronto
Claudia Bornholdt (2015), Catholic Univ. of America
Steven Botterill (2014), Univ. of California, Berkeley
Susan Boynton (2014), Columbia Univ.
Ross Brann (2015), Cornell Univ.
Denise K. Filios (2016), Univ. of Iowa
Gregory Hays (2015), Univ. of Virginia
Julian Hendrix (2015), Carthage College
Colum Hourihane (2014), Princeton Univ.
David F. Johnson (2016), Florida State Univ.
F. Donald Logan (2015), Emmanuel College
Joseph Falaky Nagy (2014), UCLA
Leonora Neville (2015), Univ. of Wisconsin
Philipp W. Rosemann (2014), Univ. of Dallas
Carol Symes (2015), Univ. of Illinois
William Tronzo (2015), Univ. of California, San Diego


Members of the Editorial Board, appointed by the Council of the Medieval Academy upon the recommendation of the Editor of Speculum, serve four-year terms. The Editorial Board reviews material published in Speculum, discusses and makes recommendations regarding editorial policies and practices, evaluates and approves special issues, recommends readers for article submissions, and otherwise advises the Editor.

The following are serving as members of the Editorial Board during 2012-2013. The date in parentheses is the final year of the member's term.

Frederick M. Biggs (2015), Univ. of Connecticut
Sheila Bonde (2017), Brown Univ.
Cynthia Brown (2015), Univ. of California, Santa Barbara
Paul M. Cobb (2016), Univ. of Pennsylvania
John Contreni (2015), Purdue Univ.
Margot Fassler (2017), Univ. of Notre Dame
Rachel Fulton Brown (2016), Univ. of Chicago
James Masschaele (2014), Rutgers Univ.
Conrad Rudolph (2014), Univ. of California, Riverside
Wendy Scase (2015), Birmingham Univ.

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