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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

South African Journal of Philosophy

The aim of the South African Journal of Philosophy (SAJP) is to publish original scholarly contributions in all areas of philosophy at an international standard. Contributions are double-blind peer-reviewed and include articles, discussions of articles previously published, review articles and book reviews. The wide scope of the South African Journal of Philosophy makes it the continent's central vehicle for the publication of general philosophical work.
The South African Journal of Philosophy is ISI accredited, i.e., on the Thomson Reuters database of professional journals. It is also indexed in The Philosopher's Index (the preeminent database for publications within the field), Current Contents/Arts & Humanities, IBZ & IBR, Bio Sciences Information Service, Revue Philosophique de Louvain, Repertoire bibliographique de la Philosophie, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie bibliografisch reperiorium.

Instructions to Authors
Manuscripts should ideally be submitted electronically (in MS Word or RTF format), directly to the editor.
The email address of the editor is: AOlivier@ufh.ac.za

If not submitted electronically, then three hard (paper) copies of the paper and an electronic copy on a CD-ROM (we are unable to handle floppy disks) should be submitted to the postal address for submissions:

The Editor
South African Journal of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
University of Fort Hare
50 Church Street
East London
South Africa

 You should be aware that the South African Journal of Philosophy charges page fees for the publication of accepted articles in order to be financially viable. Note that only authors who are able to claim support from their institutions (as is normally the case at South African institutions) need to pay page fees. Page fees currently stand at R100 (one hundred South African rand) per published page. Note that All authors have the option of making their paper Open Access. A copy will be placed in an electronic archive where it is accessible without charge. Freely accessible papers tend to be more frequently cited than papers that are only accessible to subscribers. If there is some problem with you or your institution paying page fees, please contact the editor.

Article submissions
Submissions should include references in the Harvard format for every work cited. In particular references to other works should appear in the body of the text in the following format (author [space] date of publication: page number[s]) [e.g. (Habermas 1998: p. 36)]. All such references should be accompanied by a full bibliographic reference list which should appear at the end of the article in a separate list.  

Reference samples:

Habermas, J. 1998. Postmetaphysical thinking. Oxford: Polity Press.
Chapters in books
Armour, M.P. & Umbreit, M.S. 2011. ‘Restorative Justice and Juvenile Offenders’, in: Springer, D.W. & Roberts, A.R. (eds.). Juvenile Justice and Delinquency . Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, pp. 391–415. 

Ramose, M.B. 2000. 'African Renaissance: a northbound gaze', Politeia 19(3), pp. 47–63.
Published reports
Commission on Laws and Customs of the Basutos 1873. Report and Evidence of Commission on Native Laws and Customs of the Basutos . Cape Town: Saul Solomon & Co.

Additional notes on references
When more than one work is cited at the same time, references should be separated by a semi-colon, e.g.
(Habermas 1998; Ramose 2000).
When a work has two authors, both surnames should appear in references. When a work has more than two, the first surname followed by ‘et al.’ should be used in the text, with all names detailed in the list of references.

For references to more than one work by the same author, give the surname once and list years separated by a comma, e.g. Quine 1969, 1974). If the same author is responsible for more than one work in the same year, then distinguish them with lower case letters starting with ‘a’.,e.g. (Quine 1969a, b).

Page references to books or journals appear without a single ‘p.’ or double ‘pp.’ for page/pages, e.g. (Ramose 2000: p. 49; Habermas 1998: pp. 40-41).

Instructions to Authors
Author guidelines.pdf

Editorial Board
Prof. Abraham Olivier
- University of Fort Hare
Managing Editor
Ms Sharli Paphitis - University of Fort Hare/Rhodes University
Editorial Board
Prof. Kwame Anthony Appiah - Harvard University
Prof. Vincent Brummr - Emeritus, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht
Prof. Alberto T. Dalfovo - Makerere University
Prof. Willem A. Landman - Ethics Institute of South Africa
Dr. Dirk J. Louw - University of the North
Prof. Denise Meyerson - Macquarie University
Prof. P.S. Mabogo More - University of KwaZulu Natal
Prof. Seumas Miller - Charles Sturt University & the Australian National University
Prof. Kai Nielsen - Emeritus, University of Calgary
Prof. David Papineau - Kings College, London University
Prof. Michael Pendlebury - North Carolina State University
Prof. Nancy Sherman - Georgetown University
Prof. J.J. Snyman - University of Johannesburg
Prof. Daniel F.M. Strauss - University of the Free State
Prof. Anton A. van Niekerk - University of Stellenbosch
Prof. Jennifer Wilkinson - Emeritus, University of South Africa
Prof. Kwasi Wiredu - University of South Florida
Prof. Simon Beck - University of KwaZulu Natal
Prof. David Spurrett - University of KwaZulu Natal

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