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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Current Issue

Sociology of Religion, the official journal of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, is published quarterly for the purpose of advancing scholarship in the sociological study of religion. The journal publishes original (not previously published) work of exceptional quality and interest without regard to substantive focus, theoretical orientation, or methodological approach. Although theoretically-ambitious, empirically-grounded articles are the core of what we publish, we also welcome agenda setting essays, comments on previously published works, critical reflections on the research act, and interventions into substantive areas or theoretical debates intended to push the field ahead.

Sociology of Religion has published work by renowned scholars from Nancy Ammerman to Robert Wuthnow.  Robert Bellah, Niklas Luhmann, Talcott Parsons, and Pitirim Sorokin all published in the pages of this journal.  More recently, articles published in Sociology of Religion have won the ASA Religion Section s Distinguished Article Award (Rhys Williams in 2000) and the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion s Distinguished Article Award (Matthew Lawson in 2000 and Fred Kniss in 1998). Building on this legacy, Sociology of Religion aspires to be the premier English-language publication for sociological scholarship on religion and an essential source for agenda-setting work in the field.

Instructions to Authors

Sociology of Religion accepts submissions through Manuscript Central, our online submission system, located at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/socrel. On Manuscript Central's login page, the link entitled "User Tutorials" will provide authors with detailed descriptions of every feature and function of Manuscript Central and guide them through the submission process. For further assistance, click on the link entitled "Get Help Now." This will bring up contact information for e-mail and telephone customer support from ScholarOne, the designers of Manuscript Central. Authors can also contact the journal's editorial office. Provisions will be made to receive submissions from authors who cannot access the online system. Contact the editorial office (sored@wfu.edu) for instructions.

Processing fee. There is a fee of $25 to process the manuscripts of non-members of the Association for the Sociology of Religion. This fee is payable to the ¡°Association for the Sociology of Religion¡± in U.S. funds drawn on U.S. banks or by international postal money order.  Non-members may join the Association at the time of submission and have this fee waived.  Annual dues are $35 for constituent members and $15 for full-time students and low income (under $10,000) members, and include a subscription to Sociology of Religion.  For membership information, contact the ASR Executive Office, 618 SW 2nd Avenue, Galva, IL 61434-1912, bill4329@hotmail.com, or visit the ASR web site at

Manuscript preparation.
Manuscripts (text, references, tables, figures, etc.) should be prepared in detailed accord with the current edition of The American Sociological Association Style Guide and The Chicago Manual of Style. Detailed ¡°Instructions for Authors¡± are available here or in the third issue of each volume of the journal.

Copyright.Upon acceptance of an article by the journal, the author(s) will be asked to grant publication license. This license will insure the widest dissemination of information possible under the U.S. copyright law.

Multiple submission policy: The Association for the Sociology of Religion supports the Code of Ethics of the American Sociological Association (ASA) and other professional associations in the social sciences with respect to multiple submissions of manuscripts to academic journals. Further, it is assumed by Sociology of Religion that work submitted for review has not been previously published. If other published or submitted articles exist that are based on essentially the same or closely related data sets, such articles should be noted and referenced in a letter to the editor and their relation to the submitted paper briefly explained. In cases where a manuscript has been determined to have been submitted to Sociology of Religion when it is also under consideration by another journal or vice-versa, that manuscript will be rejected from further consideration by this journal.  Persons unfamiliar with the ASA¡¯s Code of Ethics may obtain a copy on the ASA web site (
www.asanet.org) or by writing the ASA at 1307 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005-4701.

NOTE: The editor reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not follow these guidelines for manuscript preparation and submission.


To have a book considered for review, please send or have the publisher send it to the Book Review Editor, Jerome P. Baggett, at the address listed to the right.

Also, while Sociology of Religion does not accept unsolicited book reviews, contact the Book Review Editor if you are interested in reviewing a particular book or, more generally, books attending to specified topics.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board


Scott Schieman

University of Toronto


Gerardo Marti

Sociology of Religion
Department of Sociology
Davidson College
209 Ridge Rd
Davidson, NC 28035


John Bartkowski

University of Texas–San Antonio

Alex Bierman

University of Calgary


Joseph O. Baker

East Tennessee State University

Jennifer Barrett

Wageningen University and Research Centre (The Netherlands)

Matt Bradshaw

Duke University

Amy Burdette

Florida State University

James Cavendish

University of South Florida

Dave Dixon

St. Joseph's College

Michael Emerson

Rice University

Sally Gallagher

Oregon State University

Mathew Guest

Durham University

Patricia Snell Herzog

Rice University

Ines Jindra

University of Notre Dame

Pamela Klassen

University of Toronto

Rachel Kraus

Ball State University

Christel Manning

Sacred Heart University

Rebekah P. Massengill

Swathmore College

Andrew McKinnon

University of Aberdeen

Atalia Omer

University of Notre Dame

Jerry Park

Baylor University

Susan Crawford Sullivan

College of the Holy Cross

James Wellman

University of Washington


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