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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Social Studies of Science is devoted mainly to the results of original research, whether empirical or theoretical, which bring fresh light to bear on the concepts, processes, development, mediations and consequences of modern science and technology, and on the analysis of their social nature.

Social Studies of Science covers a diverse range of topics, publishing important papers on new concepts, new methods and new research results. The journal is a vital, responsive and continuing resource for all academics in the field, and for a wide range of readers interested in the analysis of modern society.

The journal is multidisciplinary, publishing work from a range of fields including:

·political science, sociology, economics

·history, philosophy, psychology

·social anthropology, legal and educational disciplines

"Social Studies of Science is indispensable for anyone seriously concerned about understanding the place of science and technology in the modern world" - Michael Mulkay

Instructions to Authors
Manuscript Submission Guidelines:

Information for Contributors

Social Studies of Science encourages submissions of original research on science, technology, and medicine. It is multi-disciplinary, encouraging empirical and/or theoretical contributions from sociologists, historians, social and cultural anthropologists, other social scientists, philosophers, and researchers in legal and educational disciplines. It welcomes social, cultural, social-historical, and philosophical investigations of scientific research and technological development, and the dynamics of knowledge in a full variety of organizational and ecological settings.

Starting in December 2006, all submissions should be made online at the SSS SAGETRACK website. In the meantime, or if you have difficulty accessing SAGETRACK, please send your draft as an email attachment to: socstudsci@cornell.edu.

(starting Decemeber 2006)


Please log onto the website. If you are a new user, you will first need to create an account. This is a three-step system that takes a matter of minutes to set up. Log-in information is sent via email immediately upon completion. Full instructions for uploading the manuscript are provided on the website. If you have already created an account but have forgotten your details type your email address in the 'Password Help' to receive an emailed reminder.

Submissions should be made via the Author Center and the 'Click here to Submit a New Manuscript' option. For questions and a user guide, please use the 'Get Help Now' button at the top right of every screen. Further help is available through ScholarOne's?Manuscript CentralTM customer support at +1 434-817-2040 x 167. If you would like to discuss your paper prior to submission, please contact the Editor, at the following email address: socstudsci@cornell.edu

Please ensure that your Microsoft Word or RTF document does NOT include a title page, an abstract, or page numbers; the SSS SAGETRACK system will generate them for you, and then convert your manuscript to PDF for peer review. Furthermore, it is imperative that authors remove from their submissions any information that will identify them or their affiliations to reviewers. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revisions, will be by email.

Articles should be between 7000 and 15,000 words long. In the exceptional case, longer articles may be considered for publication, sometimes in two or more parts. Shorter contributions may be considered for the 'Research Notes' section.

Contributors are asked to pay close attention to the following important points of detail:

US and UK spelling may be used, as long as it is consistent through the paper. The Oxford English Dictionary spelling is used for words ending in 'z', for example 'organize'. Single quotation marks should be used throughout, with double quotation marks reserved for embedded quotes.

Italic type will be used for the titles of books and journals referred to in the text and reference list, and for the least familiar foreign words. Headings should be bold and flush with the left margin, subheadings should be in italic, also flush with the left margin. The endnotes should be double-spaced and numbered consecutively. They should be referred to in the text by numerical superscripts.

All papers must include a References section, in which cited sources are listed in alphabetical order. The following sample references illustrate the journal's style:

Browne, Janet (1998) 'I Could Have Retched All Night: Charles Darwin and his Body', in C. Lawrence & S. Shapin (eds), Science Incarnate: Historical Embodiments of Natural Knowledge (Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press): 240-87.

Collins, H.M. (1999) 'Tantalus and the Aliens: Publications, Audiences, and the Search for Gravitational Waves', Social Studies of Science 29(2): 163-97.

Lawrence, Christopher & Steven Shapin (eds) (1998) Science Incarnate: Historical Embodiments of Natural Knowledge (Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press).

Mullis, Kary (1998) Dancing Naked in the Mind Field (New York: Pantheon Books).

Prigogine, Ilya & Isabelle Stengers (1984) Order out of Chaos: Man's New Dialogue with Nature (New York: Bantam Books).

Note: References to weekly academic journals should give both volume number and the full date, thus: Science 298 (4 October 2002): 1052-57.

The corresponding author will receive page proofs for checking. He or she will be given controlled access to a PDF of the article and a complimentary copy (per author) of the whole issue after publication.

Editorial Board
Editorial Board:

Founding Editors
David Edge
Roy MacLeod University of Sydney, Australia
Collaborating Editors
Malcolm Ashmore Loughborough University, UK
Sergio Sismondo Queens University, Canada
Lucy Suchman Lancaster University, UK
Stephen P Turner University of South Florida, USA
Reviews Editor
Robert Evans Cardiff University, UK
Editorial Advisers
John Abrahams University of Sussex, UK
Brian Balmer University College London, UK
Geoffrey C Bowker Santa Clara University, USA
Alberto Cambrosio McGill University, Canada
Adele Clarke University of California, San Francisco -- Sociology
Harry Collins Cardiff University, UK
Ruth Cowan University of Pennsylvania, USA
Peter Dear Cornell University, USA
Aant Elzinga University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Ulrike Felt Department of Social Studies of Science, University of Vienna
Mary Frank Fox Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
Thomas F Gieryn Indiana University, Bloomington
Tarleton Gillespie Cornell University, USA
Joshua M. Greenberg George Mason University, USA
Donna Haraway University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Stephen Hilgartner Cornell University, USA
Alan Irwin The University of Liverpool, UK
Sheila Jasanoff Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations and Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Karin Knorr Cetina University of Constance, Germany and University of Chicago
Robert Kohler University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Bruno Latour Ecole nationale supirieure des mines, France
Donald Mackenzie University of Edinburgh, UK
Ben Martin University of Sussex, Falmer, UK
Hélène Mialet University of California, Berkeley, USA
Helga Nowotny Wissenschaftszentrum, Vienna
Nelly Oudshoorn University of Twente, Netherlands
Trevor Pinch Cornell University
Arie Rip University of Twente, Netherlands
Steven Shapin Harvard University, USA
Terry Shinn GEMAS, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France
Knut Sørensen Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Hebe M C Vessuri IVIC, Caracas, Venezuela
Steve Woolgar University of Oxford, UK
Paul Wouters Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Steven Yearley University of Edinburgh, UK

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