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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and Scope:

Social Compass aims to reflect the wide variety of research being carried out by sociologists of religion in all countries. Part of each issue consists of invited articles on a particular theme; for the unthemed part of the journal, articles will be considered on any topic that bears upon religion in contemporary societies. Issue 2 each year contains selected papers from the biennial conferences of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR). All articles are refereed. Readers are also invited to contribute to the Forum section.

Instructions to Authors
Manuscript Submission Guidelines:

Social Compass aims to reflect the wide variety of research being carried out by sociologists of religion in all countries. Part of each issue consists of invited articles on a particular theme; for the unthemed part of the journal, articles will be considered on any topic that bears upon religion in contemporary societies. Issue 2 each year contains selected papers from the biennial conferences of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR). All articles are refereed. Readers are also invited to contribute to the Forum section.

Full-length articles (no more than 9,250 words) accompanied by a 150-word abstract, key words and a 100-word biographical note should be sent to the Editor: Celine Polain, Social Compass, Place Montesquieu 1/Boite 13, B-1348 Louvain la Neuve, Belgium [email: social.compass@anso.ucl.ac.be]. Forum pieces should be no more than 1200 words. Please send one print copy and a Word disk or attachment. Articles can be written in English or French.

Social Compass vise ?refléter la grande variét?des recherches menées par les sociologues de la religion de tous les pays. Une partie de chaque numéro sera consacrée ?un dossier thématique, tandis qu'une autre comprendra des articles ?thème libre portant sur la religion dans les sociétés contemporaines. Les articles ne sont publiés qu'après soumission et accord du comit?de rédaction. Le no. 2 de chaque année contient une sélection des exposés des conférences bisannuelles de la Sociét?Internationale de Sociologie des Religions (SISR). Les lecteurs et lectrices sont invit?e)s ?participer au débat de la rubrique Forum.

Les articles seront soumis en anglais ou en français. D'une longueur totale maximale de 9250 mots, incluant un résum?de 150 mots, des mots-clés et une biographie de 100 mots, ils doivent être envoyés ?la rédactrice en chef : Celine Polain, Social Compass, Place Montesquieu 1/Boite 13, B-1348 Louvain la Neuve, Belgique [email: social.compass@anso.ucl.ac.be]. Les contributions au Forum ne peuvent dépasser 1200 mots. Merci d'envoyer une copie papier et une version électronique (disquette Word ou attachement).

Editorial Board
Editorial Board:

Editorial Board
James A. Beckford University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
Irena Borowik Jagiellonian University, Poland
Kevin J. Christiano University of Notre Dame, USA
Pauline Côt?/A> Laval University, Canada
Abdessamad Dialmy University of Fes, Morocco
Eila Helander University of Helsinki, Finland
Jean-Pierre Hiernaux Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
Matthias Koenig University of Gvttingen, Germany
Otto Maduro Drew University, Madison, USA
Arnaldo Nesti University of Florence, Italy
Cristian Parker Gumucio University de Santiago de Chile, Chile
Pedro Ribeiro de Oliveira University of Brasilia, Brazil
Paul-Andr?Turcotte Institut Catholique de Paris, France
Jean-Paul Willaime IRESCO, Paris, France

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