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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Sixteenth Century Journal.jpg

In publication since 1969, the Sixteenth Century Journal (SCJ) prints twenty to twenty-five articles and over four hundred book reviews a year. The SCJ is dedicated to providing readers with thought-provoking research and inquiry into the sixteenth century broadly defined (i.e., 1450-1648). Our articles all maintain a strong historical core and cover subjects from around the world.

We are delighted to introduce the new website, with subscriber access to electronic copies of the volumes, issues, and articles published by The Sixteenth Century Journal. Please let us know of any problems as you navigate through the site.

Now in its 38th year, The Sixteenth Century Journal (SCJ) prints twenty to twenty-five articles and over four hundred book reviews a year. The SCJ is printed on acid free paper and is smyth sewn rather than perfect bound. Its pages have also been carefully designed with the rebinding process in mind; a generous gutter provides ample inside margins even after rebinding. The last number of each volume includes:

  • An annual subject index
  • An annual book review index

The SCJ is indexed and abstracted in over a dozen bibliographical reference sources, including American History and Life, American Humanities Index, Historical Abstracts, MLA International, Religion Index One, and more. Bill Katz recommends SCJ in Library Journal!

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Submissions

Contributions to The Sixteenth Century Journal are invited. Email queries may be made at David Whitford.

Please submit one electronic copy of your essay to dwhitford@united.edu.

Please submit two hard copies of your essay to:
Dr. David Whitford, Associate Editor, SCJ
United Theological Seminary
4501 Denlinger Road
Dayton, OH 45426

While we do not mandate a particular length, our submissions average 9000 words (including notes).

We review in a double-blind anonymous system. You will not know the identity of the person reviewing your submission and she or he will not know yours. To facilitate this, we ask that you remove any identifying markers from the manuscript. If you intend to quote yourself, for the initial review period, refer to yourself in the third person. Submit your essay with a cover letter that notes the title of your essay. Your essay will be assigned a tracking number by Dr. Whitford¡¯s office.

Submissions should be documented in proper Chicago Manual of Style format.

All manuscripts are subject to editorial modification.
Manuscripts (article and documentation) must be printed double-spaced, on one side of letter-size paper. Submissions from outside North America may use A4 size paper.

Be sure to include your email address in all correspondence. Email will be the normal venue for communication from SCJ¡¯s editorial office.

Electronic Submission of Articles

All manuscripts accepted for publication must be supplied in hard copy and electronic copy. Properly formatted ZIP disks with RTF files in either PC or Mac format or email attachments in RTF are preferred. Documentation may appear as endnotes or footnotes. Before preparing disk for final submission, authors may contact Paula Presley, Copy/Production Editor, for advice: Voice: 660-627-1359; fax: 660-785-4480; ppresley@truman.edu.

Books for Review and Electronic Submission of Book Reviews

Books for review should be sent to:
Sixteenth Century Journal Book Review Office
Roanoke College
Department of History
Salem VA 24153-3794

All books received will be listed in The Sixteenth Century Journal. Please visit the Book Review Website.

Scholars interested in reviewing should contact Gary G. Gibbs at scj@roanoke.edu.

Advertising Rates

For information contact
Kathryn Brammall, Managing Editor
Sixteenth Century Journal
Truman State University
100 E. Normal Street
Kirksville, MO 63501-4221 USA

Voice: 660-785-4665; fax: 660-785-4480;

Copyright and Permissions

Copyright 2005 by The Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, Inc., Kirksville, Missouri. All rights reserved. Permission to photocopy for internal or personal use or the internal or personal use of specific users is granted by The Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, Inc., for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center, provided that the base fee of $5.00 per copy of the article is paid, directed to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923. Special requests should be addressed to:
Kathryn Brammall, Managing Editor
The Sixteenth Century Journal
Truman State University
100 E. Normal St.
Kirksville, MO 63501-4221 USA

Voice: 660-785-4665; fax: 660-785-4480;

This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. It is our policy to require assignment of copyright from all contributors.

Editorial Board

Senior Editors

Raymond B. Waddington
University of California, Davis
Department of English
Davis, CA  95616-8581

Merry Wiesner-Hanks
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Department of History
Milwaukee, WI  53201-0413

RAYMOND B. WADDINGTON is Professor of English at the University of California, Davis. His fields of interest include Renaissance literature and art, Shakespeare, Milton, cultural and intellectual history, iconography, rhetoric, Italian and Latin. He has been a Senior Fellow at the National Endowment for the Humanities, a Guggenheim fellow, a fellow of the Huntington Library and is a life member of Clare Hall, Cambridge. He is the author of numerous articles, essays, and books including Aretino's Satyr, 2004; The Expulsion of the Jews, co-editor, 1994; The Age of Milton, co-editor, 1980; The Mind's Empire, 1974; and The Rhetoric of Renaissance Poetry, co-editor, 1974.

MERRY E. WIESNER-HANKS is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of History at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is the author or editor of many books and articles that have appeared in English, German, Italian, Spanish and Chinese. These include Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe (Houghton Mifflin, 2007); Early Modern Europe 1450¨C1789 (Cambridge, 2006); (with Susan Karant-Nunn) Luther on Women: A Sourcebook (Cambridge, 2003); (with Monica Chojnacka) Ages of Woman, Ages of Man: Sources in European Social History, 1400¨C1750 (Longman, 2002); Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge, 2nd edition 2000), and Gender in History (Blackwell, 2001). She currently serves as the Chief Reader for Advanced Placement World History, and has also written a number of source books for use in the college classroom, including Discovering the Global Past (Houghton-Mifflin, 3rd edition 2006), and a book for young adults, An Age of Voyages, 1350¨C1600 (Oxford, 2005).

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Associate Editor

David Whitford
United Theological Seminary
4501 Denlinger Road
Dayton OH 45426

DAVID WHITFORD is Associate Professor of Church History at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. He is the author of Tyranny and Resistance: The Magdeburg Confession and the Lutheran Tradition, 2001, and the editor of Caritas et Reformatio: Essays on Church and Society in Honor of Carter Lindberg, 2003. His particular areas of interest are Martin Luther and Early Modern political theory. In 2002, he contributed an essay on Luther's political thought to the Cambridge Companion to Luther.

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Managing Editor

Kathryn Brammall
Truman State University
Department of History
100 East Normal Street
Kirksville, MO 63501-4221
Phone: (660) 785-4665
Fax: (660) 785-4480

KATHRYN M. BRAMMALL, Associate Professor of History, has been at Truman State University since 1997. She holds a B.A. and M.A. from the University of Alberta and a Ph.D. in Early Modern and Medieval British History from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada. She has held postdoctoral fellowships from the Mellon Foundation and the Social Sciences Research Council of Canada. She is the author of articles in cultural history and history of science and served as Managing Editor of A Global Enclyclopedia of Historical Writing (Garland Publishing, 1998). She is currently investigating the rhetoric of monstrosity in England and North America in the period between 1550 and 1660. Her teaching interests include medieval and early modern Europe and England, the history of women, and the history of science.

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Book Review Editor

Gary G. Gibbs and his medieval & early modern colleagues http://www.roanoke.edu/scj/index.htm
Roanoke College
Department of History
Salem VA 24153-3794
Phone: (540) 375-2202
Fax: (540) 375-2577

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Copy Editor & Production Editor

Paula Presley
Phone: (660) 627-1359
Fax: (660) 785-4480

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Editorial Committee

Bernadine Barnes, Wake Forest University
Marc R. Forster, Connecticut College
Scott H. Hendrix, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
Dale Hoak, College of William and Mary
William V. Hudon, Bloomsburg University
Jane C. Hutchinson, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Paul W. Knoll, University of Southern California
Christine J. Kooi, Louisiana State University
Stanford Lehmberg, University of Minnesota
Elsie McKee, Princeton Theological Seminary
R. Emmet McLaughlin, Villanova University
Raymond A. Mentzer, University of Iowa
Richard A. Muller, Calvin Theological Seminary
Charles G. Nauert, Jr., University of Missouri, Columbia
Michael O¡¯Connell, University of California, Santa Barbara
Allyson Poska, Mary Washington College
Marian Rothstein, Carthage College
Thomas Max Safley, University of Pennsylvania
Winfried Schleiner, University of California, Davis
Ethan H. Shagan, Northwestern University
Larry Silver, University of Pennsylvania
Nicholas Terpstra, University of Toronto
Timothy J. Wengert, Lutheran Theological Seminary of Philadelphia
Gerhild Scholz Williams, Washington University
Daniel Woolf, University of Alberta

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Assistants to the Managing Editor

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Other Assistance

Typographers for the SCJ
SCJ Cover Design by
Teresa Wheeler, Truman State University Designer
SCJ Printed by

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