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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Science Fiction Studies is published three times a year (March, July, November) by SF-TH Inc. at DePauw University. The Science Fiction Studies Website publishes abstracts of all articles, as well as the full texts of all reviews, historical documents, and selected essays appearing in the journal since its founding in 1973 by R.D. Mullen. We normally maintain a one-year blackout before reviews are published in the journal appear on the website. Full texts of articles are posted as soon as an issue has been sold out.

Instructions to Authors
When submitting an article to SFS, please format it according to the following guidelines:
1. PC-compatible files only (MS Word or WordPerfect preferred);
2. required length: 5,000-15,000 words;
3. on a separate page, include your name and your postal and e-mail addresses, the title of your essay, and a brief abstract of its contents (3-5 sentences);
4. for the text itself: margins at 1", double spaced, font size 12 pt. or smaller;
5. use MLA Style for all documentation;
6. include Notes and Works Cited at the end as regular text. In other words, please do NOT use the "automatic" footnote/endnote function on your word processor to generate these. They sometimes tend to disappear when traveling through cyberspace or when the document is converted. 

For matters of writing style with respect to endnotes, works cited, and references in running text, contributors should follow the style of the MLA Style Manual, 1999. Precise information on the following must be provided. For books: the place of publication, publisher, date, and page numbers for quoted or paraphrased passages, and (for articles in anthologies) inclusive page numbers. If the edition cited is a later edition, provide also the date of the first edition. For articles in periodicals: volume number or (if there is no volume number) whole number, date of issue cited, page numbers for quoted or paraphrased passages, and inclusive page numbers.

Articles submitted for publication in SFS should be sent to Arthur B. Evans. They may be sent either electronically via e-mail attachment or as a single hard copy (with CD) via regular post. Please include, if possible, an e-mail and a postal address with the submission. Contributions to NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE should be sent to Carol McGuirk. Books for review should be sent to Rob Latham at the following address: Rob Latham, 286 Frost Court, Riverside, CA  92507 USA.

Permission for reprinting material contained in the SFS website may be requested by clicking on the following icon:

ADVERTISING IN SFS: Ad Sizes: Full page = 4.5" wide x 7.5" deep. Ad Rates: (per issue) Full page = $200.00 (US). All ads must be pre-paid. Tear sheets will be sent to the advertiser upon publication. Ad Deadlines: (for receipt of PDFs or camera-ready copy) January 1 for the March issue; May 1 for the July issue; September 1 for the November issue. Ad Format: Black on white (greyscale). Send to: Arthur B. Evans, aevans@depauw.edu, fax: (765) 658-4764, EC-203, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN 46135. Ad Terms: Agency commission: 15%. All advertising is accepted by SFS with the understanding that the agency and/or advertiser is authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof. In consideration of SFS's acceptance of such advertisements for publication, the agency and/or advertiser will indemnify and hold SFS harmless from and against any and all liability, loss, and expenses of any nature arising out of such publication. SFS reserves the right to refuse advertising it deems unsuitable.

SF-TH Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Indiana. The directors are Arthur B. Evans, Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., and Rob Latham

Editorial Board

Arthur B. Evans, Editor & Publisher
Department of Modern Languages,
DePauw University
Greencastle, IN 46135 USA
765-658-4758; Fax 765-658-4764

Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., Editor
Department of English
DePauw University
Greencastle, IN 46135 USA
765-658-4683; Fax 765-658-4799

Joan Gordon, Editor
English Department
Nassau Community College
1 Education Drive
Garden City, NY 11530 USA
631-864-9756; Fax 516-572-8132


Veronica Hollinger, Editor
Cultural Studies Program
Trent University
Peterborough, Ont. K9J 7B8, Canada
705-748-1771; Fax 705-748-1826

Rob Latham,  Editor
Department of English
University of California Riverside
Riverside, CA  92521-0323 USA
951-827-1966; Fax 951-827-3967

Carol McGuirk, Editor
Department of English
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991 USA

561-297-3832; Fax 561-297-3807

Sherryl Vint, Editor
Department of English
University of California Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521 USA


R.D. Mullen, Indiana State University, 1973-79, 1991-98
Darko Suvin, McGill University, 1973-80
Marc Angenot, McGill University, 1979-81
Charles Elkins, Florida International University, 1979-90
Robert M. Philmus, Concordia University, 1979-91


Brian W. Aldiss, Oxford (UK)
Paul K. Alkon, University of Southern California (USA)
Brian Attebery, Idaho State University (USA)
Andrea Bell, Hamline University (USA)
Russell Blackford, Monash University (Australia)
Mark Bould, University of the West of England (UK)
Roger Bozzetto, U. d'Aix-Marseille I (France)
Andrew M. Butler, Canterbury Christ Church University College (UK)

Gerry Canavan, Marquette University (USA)
John Clute, London (UK)

Robert Crossley, University of Massachusets - Boston (USA)
Jane L. Donawerth, University of Maryland (USA)
Neil Easterbrook, Texas Christian University (USA)

Rachel Haywood Ferreira, Iowa State University (USA)
Carl Freedman, Louisiana State University (USA)
Pawel Frelik, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (Poland)

Elana Gomel, Tel-Aviv University (Israel)
N. Katherine Hayles, Duke University (USA)
John Huntington, University of Illinois - Chicago (USA)
David Ketterer, Concordia University (Canada)
De Witt Douglas Kilgore, Indiana University (USA)
Brooks Landon, University of Iowa (USA)
Roger Luckhurst, University of London (UK)
Patrick A. McCarthy, University of Miami (USA)
Graham J. Murphy, Seneca College (Canada)
Patrick Parrinder, University of Reading (UK)
John Rieder, University of Hawaii, Manoa (USA)
Franz Rottensteiner, Vienna (Austria)
Nicholas Ruddick, University of Regina (Canada)

Steven Shaviro, Wayne State University (USA)
Vivian Sobchack, UCLA (USA)

Elizabeth Swanstrom, Florida Atlantic University (USA)
Takayuki Tatsumi, Keio University, Tokyo (Japan)

David Wittenberg, University of Iowa (USA)
Gary K. Wolfe, Roosevelt University

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