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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and Scope

Experts agree that for the last half-dozen years The Russian Review has reigned as a premier journal in Slavic Studies. Its prescient receptivity to cultural studies, its admirable emphasis on intellectual and scholarly quality over "partiinost" and its unusually rigorous adherence to publication schedules have made The Russian Review a model of academic scholarship and professionalism.  The Russian Review appears punctually, rarely contains typographical errors and stylistic solecisms, teems with stimulating, original insights, and invariably explores new ground.  It is one of the only professional journals worth reading from cover to cover, and its achievements are all the more impressive in light of its independence from dues-paying organizations - Helena Goscilo, University of Pittsburgh.

Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines


All manuscripts, book reviews, letters to the editor, and correspondence concerning submissions should be directed to the Editor in care of The Russian Review:



The Russian Review

320 Bailey Hall

1440 Jayhawk Blvd.

Lawrence, KS   66045-7574

E-mail: rusrev@ku.edu


Manuscripts should be in standard type, with one-inch margins, and with all text (including block quotes and endnotes) double-spaced. The maximum length for article submissions is thirty-five double-spaced pages (including endnotes), or nine thousand words; for book reviews, four hundred fifty words. Review articles should be compact and of no greater length than the works covered required. Authors should follow The Chicago Manual of Style and the Library of Congress transliteration system.


In order to expedite the review process, we request that authors send four anonymous copies of their article submissions, an electronic version (which may be submitted separately by e-mail), and an abstract of the article. In most cases submissions will be sent to two referees who are recognized authorities in the author's field, if possible. The Editor bases her judgment on the referee reports, although she is not bound by them. If revisions are indicated, the Editor will try to formulate for the author what is required and will supply either extensive excerpts or the full text of the referees' comments. Anonymity of both authors and referees will be maintained. If the Editor regards a submission as inappropriate for the journal, she will inform the author immediately without referees, stating her reasons. Requests for stylistic changes, more precise evidence, and more carefully formulated judgments are a normal part of the copyediting process through exchanges between Editor and author, but once a manuscript has been accepted, no changes will be undertaken without the author's consent. Authors will receive galleyproofs and pageproofs before publication to catch any inadvertent errors in processing.


Since even accepted articles normally require some revision, we will request two printouts and one electronic version of the final revised manuscript. The editorial office can accept any disk format, either PC or MAC; e-mailed articles must be in PC format.


We assume that submissions to The Russian Review have not been published previously, are not under consideration elsewhere, and, if accepted, will not appear in any other format prior to publication in the journal. The Russian Review does not publish unsolicited book reviews. Readers are welcome to volunteer to review a work, but the volunteer will be considered along with other suitable reviewers, and it is assumed that there is no special association with the author of the work under review. Any reader who would like to review books or referee article submissions is invited to inform the editorial office of her or his interests and special areas of expertise.


Authors will be required to assign copyright in their papers.  Copyright assignment is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless copyright has been assigned.  An appropriate copyright assignment form can be found at the following address: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/pdf/russ_caf.pdf

Editorial Board

Editorial Information

Eve Levin, University of Kansas, USA

Phone: 785-864-1121
Fax:  785-864-3800

Irene Masing-Delic

Associate Editors
Eugene Huskey
Michael S. Gorham
Edith W. Clowes

Consulting Editors for Film
Vida T. Johnson
Jane E. Knox-Voina

Managing Editor
Kurt S. Schultz

Editorial Assistant
Danielle Judith Price

Editorial Board
Marianna Tax Choldin
Caryl Emerson
Terence Emmons
Sheila Fitzpatrick
Joan Delaney Grossman
Tsuyoshi Hasegawa
Irene Masing-Delic
Hugh Olmstead
Nicholas V. Riasanovsky
James Scanlan
Richard Stites

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