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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Russian Literature combines issues devoted to special topics of Russian literature with contributions on related subjects in Croatian, Serbian, Czech, Slovak and Polish literatures. Moreover, several issues each year contain articles on heterogeneous subjects concerning Russian Literature. All methods and viewpoints are welcomed, provided they contribute something new, original or challenging to our understanding of Russian and other Slavic literatures.

Russian Literature regularly publishes special issues devoted to:

?the historical avant-garde in Russian literature and in the other Slavic literatures

?the development of descriptive and theoretical poetics in Russian studies and in studies of other Slavic fields.

Instructions to Authors
Guide for Authors

To facilitate editorial work authors are requested to prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the conventions summarized below.

Languages of publications are Russian and English. In exceptional cases contributions in French or German will be accepted. Articles may be in American or British English, but should be written consistently in whichever is chosen. However, original spelling in quotations should be retained. Manuscripts should be typewritten first copies or full-quality prints with a wide margin and double spacing. Please use one side of the paper only. The first page should be the title page containing full title, short title (maximum 40 letters including spaces) and author's name. In case of a Russian author's name and an article in English please indicate the desired transcription; if not the editors will use the scientific transliteration. In case of a non-Russian author's name and a Russian language article please state the desired transcription/transliteration in Cyrillic.

Titles of articles, essays, stories, "povesti", novellas, poems, "poemas", cycles should be in single quotes.
Titles of novels, periodicals, plays, books should be written in italics.

Shorter quotations should be given in double quotes. Russian quotations should be in transliteration (see below). Quotations exceeding four lines should be presented as a separate block, and, in the case of Russian quotations, in Cyrillic. Quotations within quotations should be in single quotes. Ellipses in quotations should be given in square brackets: [...], as distinct from original suspension points.
In shorter verse quotations (not exceeding four lines) verse lines should be separated by a slash, stanza boundaries should be marked by a double slash.

Preference is given to original Russian titles (English translations may be given in parentheses). If translated titles are used, the original title should be given in parentheses at least at the first occurrence.
Quotations should be given in the original language. Translations of quotations may follow the original - in parentheses.

References may be given in accordance with two systems:
* A full list of references is given at the end of the article. Reference in the main text and notes (if any) is then made by name, year, semicolon, single space, page number(s) in parentheses. Do not repeat the name if it is mentioned in the main text.
For example:
1) As Sapir has already noted: "All grammars leak" (1921: 37)
2) The well-known maxim All grammars leak" (Sapir 1921: 37)
* References may also be given in notes. Full bibliographical data should be supplied at the first occurrence, later references may be abbreviated - by the use of op.cit. However, the full data should be repeated if any confusion with other works referred to might arise.

In all cases references should be given in conformity with the following:
Titles of articles should be in single quotes, titles of books and periodicals in italics. Names of periodicals should be followed by volume and issue numbers, and by the article's page numbers. Titles of books should be followed by place of publication (not by publisher).

To submit an article
The author is requested to send two paper copies to the editor, Prof. Willem G. Weststeijn, Slavic Seminar, University of Amsterdam, Spuistraat 210, 1012 VT Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The reading/reviewing process takes some two months, after which the author will be informed about the editorial decision. If this is positive, the editor expects a final version and an abstract (the latter in English, 100 words), both to be sent electronically (w.g.weststeijn@uva.nl).

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


W.G. Weststeijn
University of Amsterdam, Slavic Seminar, Spuistraat 210, 1012 VT Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Tel: + 31 20 525 3070, Fax: + 31 20 525 3052

Editorial Board:

A. Flaker
Zagreb, Croatia
A.A. Hansen-Löve
Munich, Germany
R.L. Jackson
New Haven, USA
L.M. O'Toole
Perth, Australia
W. Schmid
Hamburg, Germany
T.V. Civjan
Moscow, Russia
E.A. de Haard

Editorial Assistants:

G.J. Alleman

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