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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Aims and scope
Russian Linguistics is an international forum for all scholars working in the field of Russian linguistics and its manifold diversity, ranging from phonetics and phonology to syntax and the linguistic analysis of texts (text grammar), including both diachronic and synchronic problems.

Besides original articles and reviews, Russian Linguistics publishes regular surveys of current scholarly writings from other periodicals.

Topics that fall within the scope of the journal include:

Traditional-structuralist as well as generative-transformational and other modern approaches to questions of synchronic and diachronic grammar;
Phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, pragmatics and semantics of Russian and Old Russian;
Philological problems of Russian and Old Russian texts;
Russian grammar in its relation to linguistic universals;
History of Russian literary language;
Russian dialectology.

Instructions to Authors
Instructions for Authors
Russian Linguistics

Manuscripts in duplicate should be typed doublespaced on one side of plainpaper, with wide margins to allow for editorial notes and instructions tothe printer. Signs and symbols should be typed if possible; in any case,clarity is essential. The first page of the manuscript should contain theauthor‘s name, article title and a running head (condensed title) whichshould not exceed 42 characters, including spaces. Each page of themanuscript should be consecutively numbered, including pages of referencesand captions. The author‘s affiliation should appear at the end of thearticle.
Notes which do not belong to the head of the article should be numberedconsecutively. They should be placed at the end of the article before theBibliography, if any. A note which refers to the head of the article shouldbe indicated by an asterisk.
Use italics for linguistic examples and l e t t e r s p a c i n gfor text requiring emphasis. Single quotation marks should be reserved forglosses (i.e. in indicating the meaning of a quated word, e.g. Russian[russian word for linguist should appear here] ‘linguist?. References in thetext should provide the author‘s name, the year of publication of the paper orbook, and, if necessary, the page references, e.g.: "Shapiro (1971, 25)discusses...", or, "Various investigators (Shapiro 1971, 25; Goldsmith 1975,81) have reported...". In order to ensure clear reproduction authors arefurther requested to provide a sharp print of any variant letter−forms used,such as Glagolitic.
Should be listed at the end of the article in alphabetical andchronological order.

Journal reference
Should comprise name, initials,year of publication, full title of paper, name of journal, volume number,and first and last pages in the following style: Kemeny, J. G.: 1953, ‘The use of simplicity in induction? Revue des Etudes Slaves 50, 391−408.

Book reference
Should comprise name, initials, year, full title, place of publication, and page in the following style: Lewis, D.: 1972, ‘General semantics? in Davidson, D. and G. Harman (eds.), Semantics of natural language, Dordrecht, pp. 169−218.

In the text references to an article by more than two authors should be bythe first name and ‘et al?but the authors?names should all be given inthe References section.
The author will receive two first proofs in page form from thepublisher along with an annotated copy of the manuscript, and is requested toreturn one corrected proof with the manuscript to Prof. Dr W. Lehfeldt withoutdelay. In those cases where proofs are not returned promptly, they will beread by one of the editors against the second manuscript copy and passed forpublication without the authors?comments. Second proofs will be read onlyby the publisher to ensure that corrections have been made as noted by theauthors. Care should be taken to ensure that all contributions aretypographically correct. A few corrections to the text are acceptable, butauthors may expect to be charged for the cost of making extensivealterations to the text and/or illustrations once in proof.
The author will receive, without charge, 25 copies of Article and Review Articles, 5 copies of Book Reviews. Additional offprints may beordered when the proofs are returned to Prof. Dr W. Lehfeldt.

No page charges are levied on authors or their institutions. Russian Linguistics is surveyed by Academic Abstracts, Community DevelopmentAbstracts, Linguistic and Language Behavior Abstracts, Language Teaching and Linguistic Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, MLA InternationalBibliography, Current Contents/Arts and Humanities, Arts and Humanities CitationIndex, Linguistic Bibliography, IBZ/IBR, Linguistic Abstracts.
Springer Open Choice
In addition to the normal publication process (whereby an article is submitted to the journal and access to that article is granted to customers who have purchased a subscription), Springer now provides an alternative publishing option: Springer Open Choice. A Springer Open Choice article receives all the benefits of a regular subscription−based article, but in addition is made available publicly through Springers online platform SpringerLink. To publish via Springer Open Choice, upon acceptance please click on the link below to complete the relevant order form and provide the required payment information. Payment must be received in full before publication or articles will publish as regular subscription−model articles. We regret that Springer Open Choice cannot be ordered for published articles.

Editorial Board
Editorial Board


Roger Comtet
University de Toulouse, France

Jos Schaeken
Leiden University, The Netherlands

Ulrich Schweier
University of Munich, Germany

Founded by Alexander V. Issatschenko

Editorial Secretary: Regina Sippl-Jahn, University of Munich, Germany

Editorial Board:

D.J. Birnbaum, Pittsburgh, USA; G.G. Corbett, Guildford, UK; A.D. Dulicenko, Tartu, Estonia; L. Durovic, Lund, Sweden; E. Klenin, Los Angeles, USA; M.A. Kronhaus, Moscow, Russia; V.B. Krys'ko, Moscow, Russia; Werner Lehfeldt,
University of Göttingen, Germany; N.B. Meckovskaja, Minsk, Belorus; J. Press, St. Andrews, UKD. Weiss, Zürich, Switzerland; V.M. Zivov, Moscow, Russia

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