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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and Scope

Art History is a refereed journal that publishes essays and reviews on all aspects, areas and periods of the history of art, from a diversity of perspectives. Founded in 1978, it has established an international reputation for publishing innovative essays at the cutting edge of contemporary scholarship, whether on earlier  or more recent periods. At the forefront of scholarly enquiry, Art History is opening up the discipline to new developments and to interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approaches.

Visit the website for the Association of Art Historians

Instructions to Authors

1.  Guidelines for Contributors:


Three copies of an article (double spaced) for consideration should be sent to the editor (AAH address below), together with a word count (including notes), a 100 word abstract, list of illustrations and photocopies of illustrations, also in triplicate. Authors are responsible for securing permission to reproduce quoted material and all illustrations. Please also include (on a separate sheet) a very short biographical note which incorporates your institutional address. To assist the referee process the author's name must only appear on a separate cover sheet. All manuscripts must conform to the Art History Guidance, available from the Association of Art Historians, 70 Cowcross Street, London Style EC1M 6EK, UK or the AAH website.   

Contributions should be sent to Deborah Cherry, Editor, Art History, at the above address

  • in UK English
  • on single sided white paper
  • double-spaced in Times New Roman
  • illustrated (initial submission with accompanying photocopies of illustrations)
  • 12 point throughout, including endnotes and abstract

Cover Sheet should include:

  • full name and Title
  • Institutional address
  • Home address (optional)
  • Telephone number
  • Fax number (optional)
  • Email address
  • Title of submission

Please ensure that your name does NOT appear anywhere other than on the Cover Sheet. This is to preserve author anonymity and failure to comply with these guidelines may result in considerable delay to the review process.


Editorial Procedures

  • Art History does not publish previously published material
  • Art History is a peer-reviewed journal and articles considered for publication are read by specialist readers, as well as the editorial team
  • Art History aims to inform potential contributors of a decision within three to four months of their submission though this can be variable All submitted articles are read by three readers, one of whom is the Editor
  • Decisions by the Editor are final
  • Once accepted, it can take up to eighteen months for an essay to be published
  • The editors reserve the right to edit the texts received. Any substantial changes will be made in consultation with the author
  • Once accepted for publication, the author must agree to undertake any necessary revisions and to deliver a final copy to the editor by a mutually agreed date
  • Art History encourages illustrated articles and if necessary may ask authors to supply extra images
  • All articles accepted for publication will be sent to author at proof stage
  • Authors are expected to correct page proofs which will normally be dispatched three months before publication; they must be returned to the editor or deputy editor within ten days of receipt
  • No material changes may be made at proof stage; printer's errors must be corrected
  • Authors can order off prints of their article

Length and format

  • Art History does not impose a set length for submissions
  • Art History encourages fully illustrated submissions but please remember that it is the responsibility of the author to provide both the image and the permission to reproduce
  • UK English
  • All contributions must be typed (three copies for articles; one copy in case of reviews)
  • Double spaced Times New Roman 12 pt throughout, including endnotes and abstract on one-side of the paper only
  • The title page should indicate the author's name, institution (if any), address, telephone number and email address
  • Do not put author's name on any subsequent pages
  • Indicate word count (text and notes)
  • Do not use headers and footers
  • Disk file and print outs of the article submitted and accepted for publication must be identical. Please use virus checks of files
  • Text files should be submitted in MS word with simple file names, such as 'smith.doc' (Mac users: all files should be free of dots other than .doc extension)
  • Disks must be clearly labelled
  • Please use generous margins: at least 5cm
  • Endnotes only; not footnotes
  • Endnotes to begin on a new page
  • Do not use Latin abbreviations in endnotes (ibid, op. cit., etc)
  • No separate bibliographies; please incorporate all references into endnotes
  • Illustrations: please supply photocopies of all suggested illustrations with the initial submission including captions as a Word document
  • If presenting images as e-files or on CD please accompany submission with a typed list of file names identifying images and a print copy of each image
  • Acknowledgements should be an unnumbered endnote at the beginning of Endnotes
  • Endnotes are for cited references not for lengthy argument
  • Please supply an abstract of 100-150 words
  • Please retain a copy of the typescript as submitted

Editorial Board

Deborah Cherry, Central St. Martin's College of Art and Design, UK

Deputy Editor
Fintan Cullen, University of Nottingham, UK

Reviews Editor
Cordelia Warr, University of Manchester, UK

Editorial Assistant
Sarah Sears

Editorial Coordinator
Jody Patterson

Editorial Board
Colin Cruise, Chair, Association of Art Historians
Claire Davies, Senior Administrator, Association of Art Historians
Eric Fernie, Courtauld Institute of Art
Valerie Fraser, University of Essex
Clare Harris, University of Oxford
Mark Haworth-Booth, London College of Communication
Zhang Hongxing, Victoria and Albert Museum
David Jaffe, National Gallery
David Lomas, University of Manchester
Liz Prettejohn, University of Bristol
Dorothy Rowe, Roehampton University 
Katie Scott, Courtauld Institute of Art
Timon Screech, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Margit Thofner, University of East Anglia
Cordelia Warr, University of Manchester

International Advisory Board Members
Leonard Bell, University of Auckland
Thomas Crow, The Getty Research Institute
Page Dubois, University of California at San Diego
Suzann von Falkenhausen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Thomas Gaehtgens, Freie Universität Berlin
Jonathan D. Katz, Yale University
Pat Kirkham, Bard Center for Studies in Decorative Arts, Design and Culture
Ségolène Le Men, Universit?de Paris
Alexander Nagel, University of Toronto
Mari Carmen Ramirez, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Adrian Randolph, Dartmouth College
Mary Roberts, University of Sydney
Conrad Rudolph, University of California, Riverside
Susan Seigfried, University of Michigan
Richard Shiff, University of Texas, Austin
Charlotte Townsend-Gault, University of British Columbia

Association of Art Historians
Colin Cruise, Chair, Association of Art Historians
Claire Davies, AAH Administrator, Association of Art Historians


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