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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

As the official publication of the Division on Black American Literature and Culture of the Modern Language Association, the quarterly journal African American Review promotes a lively exchange among writers and scholars in the arts, humanities, and social sciences who hold diverse perspectives on African American literature and culture.

Between 1967 and 1976, the journal appeared under the title Negro American Literature Forum and for the next fifteen years was titled Black American Literature Forum. In 1992, African American Review changed its name for a third time and expanded its mission to include the study of a broader array of cultural formations. Currently, the journal prints essays on African American literature, theatre, film, the visual arts, and culture generally; interviews; poetry; fiction; and book reviews.

AAR has received three American Literary Magazine Awards for Editorial Content; and grants from the National Endowment for Arts, the Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund, the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses.

Contributors include renowned scholars such as Houston A. Baker, Jr. , Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Trudier Harris, Arnold Rampersad, and Hortense Spillers and prominent writers such as Amiri Baraka, Gwendolyn Brooks, Rita Dove, Charles Johnson, Toni Morrison, and Ishmael Reed. A recent reviewer remarked that "what makes AAR stand out isn't race but heritage. Its rich mixture of texture and tone is a welcome antidote to the cultural amnesia that prevails in [many] magazines. . . ."

Instructions to Authors

African American Review (AAR) is a refereed journal that publishes critical essays on African American literature, film, fine and performing arts, and culture generally; interviews; Back Talk and Forgotten Manuscripts columns; poetry; fiction; bibliographies; and book reviews.

Procedures for Preparing Manuscript and Online Submission: AAR now uses a web-based submission and review system, Manuscript Central (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/aar). Authors must submit all manuscripts electronically. Please prepare them in accordance with the most recent edition of The MLA Style Manual, which encourages the use of intratextual documentation and mandates the inclusion of works cited list at the manuscript's end.

Critical essays should fall in the range of 4000-9000 words and creative submissions should fall in the range of 2500-5000 words. Poets should submit no more than six works at a time. Fiction writers should submit one work at a time.

Inquiries regarding book review assignments should be addressed to Professor Yoshinobu Hakutani: yhakutan@kent.edu. You may also contact him by mail: Professor Yoshinobu Hakutani, Book Review Editor - AAR, Kent State University, Department of English, Kent, OH 44242.

**Please note: AAR does not consider previously published works or simultaneous submissions.**

Preparing the Manuscript File
The manuscript should be prepared before the submission process begins. Key the manuscript with double spaces (articles only). The Times Roman font at 12 pt is recommended. All papers will be converted to the .pdf file format for review, so authors should become familiar with the limits of that format to convert some fonts, special characters, and equations. Use of other or unusual fonts may produce unexpected results. Preparing or saving a manuscript in Microsoft Word using the Times Roman font should enable successful conversion to a .pdf file. Consult the Help areas of Manuscript Central, AAR Managing Editor
Aileen Keenan, or your local tech department if you have problems.
     Manuscript Central will convert word processing and graphics files to the .pdf format. Authors are asked to submit one word processing file (MS Word preferred) with the text, tables, and captions and each figure as a separate graphics file (at least 300 dpi as a tiff, jpeg, or eps format.). When papers are uploaded onto the server, the system will convert them to the .pdf file format for review. Again, please consult the Help areas of Manuscript Central, AAR Managing Editor
Aileen Keenan, or your local tech department if you have problems.

Submitting the Manuscript

Log into the system: Go to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/aar. If you are unsure about whether or not you have an account, or have forgotten your password, enter your e-mail address into the “Password Help” section. If you do not have an account, go to “Create an Account” to enter your user information; fill in at least the mandatory fields.

Information needed with the submitted manuscript: Before you begin to submit the manuscript, you should also have the following information prepared to key in or cut and paste into the forms found in the submission system: affiliations of the authors, authors' names, e-mail addresses of authors (if you want them to be copied on the status of the manuscript), manuscript title, keywords, and abstract. The system also has a form box for entering comments to the editor that will act as your cover letter; if you want to submit a cover letter, please have that copy prepared to paste into the system.

Manuscript submission: Log in, click on “Author Center” then on “Submit First Draft of Manuscript” Complete the information as requested. If you are interrupted during the submission process, it is possible to save what you have completed and finish the submission process at a later time.
     Once you have uploaded a draft of your manuscript, you will be given the opportunity to view the proof. Please check the proof to ensure that the .html and .pdf files have translated successfully and to review your final manuscript. If you find problem areas, you may upload new drafts until you are satisfied with the file. Close the proof file. As the final step, you must submit the manuscript.
     Once you have successfully uploaded a manuscript, you will receive an e-mail verifying that the manuscript has been submitted with your manuscript number. The Managing Editor will immediately receive an e-mail that your manuscript has been submitted, which will be an alert to start the review process. In turn, the Editor-in-Chief will select reviewers and make the final decision on the acceptability of your paper.

Submitting a Revised Manuscript
Submitting your comments to editor and reviewers. Enter your Author Center and click on the button “View Comments and Respond to Referees,” which is to the right of the manuscript title in the “Manuscripts to be Revised” section. Cut and paste your comments to the Editor and to the Reviewers in the appropriate text boxes and click on “Submit Responses” This saves your comments. Submitting the revised manuscript is a separate step. See “Upload the revision” below.
     Make revisions. Make your revisions in your original word processing document, then create a new .pdf file.
     Upload the revision. Log into the
Manuscript Central site and enter your Author Center. Click on your manuscript title. This will bring you to your Draft Center. If you want to correct the title, abstract, or names of authors, you may do so by clicking the “Back to...” button in the middle of the Draft Center page. These “Back to...” buttons will take you through each page in the Author Center that you completed during the original submission. Correct any necessary information and then click on the “Save and Continue” to advance through the pages until you return to the Draft Center. In the Draft Center:
          Click on “Create a New Draft”
          Click on “Next”
          Click on “Browse” and locate your revised manuscript on your hard drive.
          Click on “Upload File.”
     Proof and submit your file as you did for the original submission. When your draft has been assigned an .R1 after the manuscript number, the upload is complete.

Submitting Accepted Papers for Production
Once you have been informed that your paper has been accepted, the editor will ask you to provide the native word processing files, graphics files, and a short bio to be used with the article upon publication. For final submission, tables, captions, and graphics files should be submitted at the end of the file or in separate files, not embedded into the text file. Electronic files in the TIFF, JPEG, or EPS format can be submitted with the final version, if possible at camera-ready size. Bitmap images (black and white; charts, graphs, and drawings) should have a resolution of 600 dpi; photographs should have a resolution of 300 dpi. If you have concerns about the print quality of electronic graphics files, please email Aileen Keenan, Managing Editor, at

Materials published in African American Review do not necessarily represent the views of the journal's editors, staff, or financial supporters, and these parties therefore disavow any legal responsibility for the materials.



Editorial Board

For editorial inquiries, email
Aileen Keenan 
or call 314.977.3688

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