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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

XLII, Number 3, Octubre 2008

Andrea E. Morris, Performing Dance/Writing Dance: Embodiment and the Question of Female Agency in Afro-Antillean Poetry and Culture
Paula Di Dio, "Menuda faena..." La sombra del caminante de Ena Lucía Portela y sus representaciones del mal
Wendell Smith, Rescuing Damsels: Chivalry and Salic Law in the Chronicle of Fernando del Pulgar
Alberto Villamandos, Las trampas de la nostalgia: la gauche divine de Barcelona en su producción literaria
Wan Sonya Tang, "Mirar tapices flamencos por el revés": Elogio implícito de la traducción en Don Quijote

Diálogo Crítico

María Fernanda Lander, Narcogeografías
Héctor Abad Faciolince, Estética y narcotráfico
Miguel A. Cabañas, El narcocorrido global y las identidades transnacionales
Héctor Fernández L'Hoeste, From Rodrigo to Rosario: Birth and Rise of the
Gabriela Polit-Dueñas, On Reading About Violence, Drug Dealers and Interpreting a Field of Literary Production Amidst the Din of Gunfire: Culiacán - Sinoloa, 2007

Orders and Subscriptions Information

All orders, inquiries regarding subscriptions, etc., should be addressed to Editorial Assistant, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Campus Box 1077, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899. Issued three times a year: Winter, Spring, and Fall. Subscription rate: $33.00 per year. Institutions and libraries, U.S.A. and Canada $52.00; all other countries (individual, institutions, and libraries) $56.00; students $21.00. Back issue price: $13.00. Back volume: $22.00. Please make checks payable to Washington University. E-mail address: reh@artsci.wustl.edu.

Instructions to Authors

Guidelines for Authors

In an attempt to facilitate and hasten the publication process, the Editors of the Revista de Estudios Hispánicos request that authors adhere to the following recommendations when preparing their articles.

  1. Place all notes at the end in a separate Notes section (endnotes). This section should be double-spaced. Use the same font as the rest of the text.
  2. The Notes (endnotes) section must always precede the Works Cited.
  3. If your essay is accepted, double-check all Notes and Note numbers throughout the editorial process, as numbering may sometimes be altered during this process.
  4. Place no footnote in the title of the article.
  5. Use only one footnote per sentence. Place the footnote number at the end of the sentence, outside the period if the article is in English and inside the period if the article is in Spanish.
  6. Extremely short footnotes should be incorporated parenthetically within the body of the text. All parenthetical references should adhere to the MLA Style Manual. Place parenthetical references at the end of the sentence or clause rather than in the middle of a phrase so as to maintain readability.
  7. Page numbers should be placed at the end of the sentence.
  8. Use punctuation consistently. If you place a comma before the "and" in a series of three or more items, use the comma in all instances. Remember also that this rule applies to all series with conjunctions (with "or," "but not," etc.).
  9. Do not over-punctuate. Remember that punctuation serves to clarify the text for the reader.
  10. Do not put a comma after "Thus" at the beginning of a sentence unless a dependent clause follows.
  11. Use a comma after an introductory prepositional phrase only if the phrase is parenthetical or if confusion could result without the comma.
  12. The list of Works Cited should conform strictly with the MLA Style Manual. Include complete titles (including subtitles) of all books. Bibliographies with excessive deviations from these norms will be returned to the author for emendation, thus delaying the publication process.
  13. Spell proper nouns correctly in each instance.
  14. Proofread the article carefully. Do not rely solely on the "Spell Check" function of the word processing program.
  15. Do not use an apostrophe for plurals or for decades. "The 1950s" should not have an apostrophe, for example, but the omission of the century would require one: the '50s. (Note the direction of the apostrophe. Most word processing programs automatically invert the direction. You must enter this symbol manually.)
  16. Do not use split infinitives or contractions.
  17. Hyphenate "twentieth-century" if it is used as an adjective: "twentieth-century literature," but not if you refer to the "twentieth century" as a time period.
  18. Paragraphs of more than an entire page are extremely difficult to follow. Divide excessively long paragraphs where appropriate to the logic of the argument. But also avoid extremely short paragraphs.
  19. Insert a space before opening a parenthetical page reference.
  20. In the body of the text the period should follow the parenthetical page reference. If a quotation is indented, the period should follow the last word of the quoted passage, not the parenthetical page reference.
  21. For each journal entry included in the Works Cited, please make sure that you check whether it has continuous pagination, or if the journal pages each issue separately. If the journal has continuous pagination, you need only cite the volume number, ignoring the issue number, month or season. If, however, the journal pages each issue separately, both the volume and issue numbers must be included in the entry. (See Sec. 6.7: "Citing Articles and Other Publications in Periodicals" of the MLA Style Manual.)
  22. If you omit words or sentences from a quote, place square brackets [. . .] around your ellipsis to distinguish them from any ellipsis that may be original to the quote. (See Sec. 3.9.5 "Ellipsis" of the MLA Style Manual.)
  23. When quoting text from an original source, quote in the same language as the original quote if the text is Spanish or English. Do not rewrite the quote by translating the text yourself. For example, when quoting from a Spanish text, quote in Spanish, and do not translate it to English yourself.
  24. Ensure that your final manuscript still adheres to the limit of 9,000 words (including notes and works cited) indicated in the submission guidelines.

Click here for the print-friendly version of these guidelines.
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Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Published under the sponsorship of the Department of Romance Languages Washington University in St. Louis.

Elzbieta Sklodowska and Akiko Tsuchiya

Business and Publications Editor: J. Andrew Brown

Review Editors: Tabea Linhard and Ignacio Sánchez Prado

Editorial Assistants: Anna Eggemeyer and Brandan Grayson

Editorial Board from Washington University:
Nina Davis, John Garganigo (Emeritus), Mabel Moraña, Ignacio Sánchez Prado, and Joseph Schraibman

Editorial Board from Other Universities:

  • Gerard Aching, New York University
  • Andrew Bush, Vassar College
  • Amaryll Chanady, University of Montreal
  • Lou Charnon-Deutsch, State University of New York at Stony Brook
  • Anne J. Cruz, University of Miami
  • Luisa Elena Delgado, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Bradley S. Epps, Harvard University
  • Pura Fernández, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Madrid)
  • Luis Fernández Cifuentes, Harvard University
  • Edward Friedman, Vanderbilt University
  • Roberto González Echevarría, Yale University
  • Aníbal González Pérez, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Rebecca Haidt, Ohio State University
  • Roberta Johnson, University of Kansas (Emerita)
  • Djelal Kadir, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Amy K. Kaminsky, University of Minnesota
  • Jill Suzanne Kuhnheim, University of Kansas
  • Jo Labanyi, New York University
  • María-Inés Lagos, University of Virginia
  • William Luis, Vanderbilt University
  • Susan Martin-Márquez, Rutgers University
  • Jonathan Mayhew, University of Kansas
  • Mariselle Meléndez, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Alberto Moreiras, Duke University
  • Randolph Pope, University of Virginia
  • Jos?Rabasa, University of California, Berkeley
  • Joan Ramon Resina, Stanford University
  • Verónica Salles-Reese, Georgetown University
  • Stacey Schlau, West Chester University
  • Stephanie Sieburth, Duke University
  • Paul Julian Smith, Cambridge University
  • Joseph T. Snow, Michigan State University
  • Michael Solomon, University of Pennsylvania
  • Mary Beth Tierney-Tello, Wheaton College
  • Benigno Trigo, State University of New York at Stony Brook

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