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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Revista Chilena de Literatura, founded in 1970, is a biannual publication of the Departamento de Literatura of the Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad de Chile. The writings and articles published in this journal are written in Spanish and have not been previously published. Revista Chilena de Literatura addresses a broad range of issues in the field of literary research such as studies of writers, literary works and similar topics, from a literary perspective, from Chile as well as from foreign countries, from the present and the past.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial policies

Revista Chilena de Literatura was founded in 1970. It is sponsored by the rectorship of the Universidad de Chile and it is affiliated with the Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. It is a biannual publication that welcomes writings in Spanish that have not been previously published. Revista Chilena de Literatura addresses a whole range of topics since it includes studies of writers, literary works and similar issues from the present and the past, from Chile as well as from foreign countries from a literary perspective. The journal is organized into four sections: 1. Studies: literary scientific articles that promote the development of knowledge of the specific topic discussed. 2. Notes: usually briefer than articles and without the usual scientific organization present in scientific studies. However, they should be internally consistent and appropriately founded. 3. Documents about different authors and their works, such as interviews, new translations and unpublished writings that may allow a better understanding of these authors’ works. 4. Reviews of recently published works.

The journal has an editorial staff that can either accept or reject the submitted manuscripts as well as correcting minor formal errors.

Manuscripts form and preparation

1) Layout: the submitted manuscript should have a brief title without the author’s name and institutional affiliation. The author’s name, institution to which he is affiliated, correspondence address and email address should be enclosed in a different document. The manuscript should not exceed 25 typed pages (21.5 x 27 cm), 1.5 spaced, including notes, bibliography and appendixes.

2) Text: formally, the text must follow the recommendations of the MLA Style Manual 2003. The content or bibliographic commentary notes should be written as foot notes. The bibliographic references of direct, indirect quotes and other types of references (cf.) must be written in brackets including the author’s surname and pages (Mignolo 151). In the case of a clear reference in the text to the author of the source, only the page numbers should be included. If there is a reference to several works by the same author, the beginning of the corresponding title must be included in italics, separated by a space following the title (Ortíz, Contrapunteo 29-32). For a better understanding, some examples are provided:

Single title by two authors: (Altamirano y Sarlo 45).

Single title with more than two authors: (Debesa et al. 113-32).

Quoting an indirect source: (Cit. en Montes 206).

Quoting literary works: (Wolff 321; esc. 2).

Direct and in-text quotations:

Short quotations up to four lines should be written in quotations marks within the text. Longer quotations should be displayed. Displayed quotations do not require quotation marks. They should be written in a five space indented paragraph in both margins. At the end of the quotation the bibliographic reference should be specified following the guidelines provided above. Examples:

As Ángel Rama says, “dentro de ese cauce del saber, gracias a él, surgirán esas ciudades ideales de la inmensa extensión americana" (38).

As Ángel Rama states in La ciudad letrada:
Desde la remodelación de Tenochtitlan, luego de su destrucción por Hernán Cortés en 1521, hasta la inauguración en 1960 del más fabuloso sueño de urbe de que han sido capaces los americanos, la Brasilia de Lucio Costa y Oscar Niemeyer, la ciudad latinoamericana ha venido siento básicamente un parto de la inteligencia... (35)

The quotation marks of the citations and of the ones displayed as foot notes that refer to comments, explanations or bibliographic notes must be rendered in the following way:

"…la inmensa extensión americana" (38).
...problema que ha sido objeto de extensa bibliografía.²


The bibliography at the end of the text should only include the works cited. The main conventions for quotations are presented through examples as follows:

a) Books

They must use these conventions: last name of the author, name. Title of the book (in italics). Place of publication: publishing house, year.


Single title by one author:

Zea, Leopoldo. Discurso desde la marginación y la barbarie. Barcelona: Anthropos, 1988.

Year of first edition:
Donoso, José. El obsceno pájaro de la noche. 1970. Santiago: Alfaguara, 1997.

Single title by two authors:
Altamirano, Carlos y Beatriz Sarlo. Ensayos argentinos: de Sarmiento a la vanguardia. Buenos Aires: Ariel, 1997.

Single title by several authors:
Zea, Leopoldo, et al. José Martí a cien años de Nuestra América. México: Universidad Autónoma de México, 1993.

Editor or compiler:
Colón, Cristóbal. Textos y documentos completos. Ed. Consuelo Varela. Madrid: Alianza, 1984.

Zea, Leopoldo, comp. Sentido y proyección de la conquista. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1993.

Lispector, Clarice. Lazos de familia. Trad. Cristina Peri Rossi. Barcelona: Montesinos, 1988.

Chapters in books:

Goic, Cedomil. "La novela hispanoamericana colonial." Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana. Tomo I. Época Colonial. Coord. Luis Iñigo Madrigal. Madrid: Cátedra, 1982. 369-406.

Unpublished thesis:
Suárez, Mariana Libertad. "Dos veces mujer: representación del sujeto femenino en la novela hispanoamericana finisecular escrita por mujeres". Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2002.

b) journal articles

They must use these conventions: last name of the author, name. Title of the article (in italics). Name of the journal (in italics). Volume/number (year of publication): pages.

Invernizzi, Lucía. "Imágenes de mujeres en testamentos chilenos del siglo XVII." Revista Chilena de Literatura. 61 (2002): 21-37.

c) Online publications

They must use these conventions: last name of the author, name. Title of the article (in italics). Name of the web site (in italics). Date of publication or of latest updating and web site address (URL).

Villoro, Juan. "El cielo artificial." MEXartes-berlín.de September-December 2002

Manuscript submission

Manuscripts and mail must be sent to:

• Revista Chilena de Literatura
Universidad de Chile
Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades
Departamento de Literatura
Ignacio Carrera Pinto Avenue #1025
Ñuñoa - Santiago

Authors must submit two printed copies of their manuscripts without name or institutional affiliation and an electronic CD file.

Editorial Board


  • Prof. Bernardo Subercaseaux
    Universidad de Chile
    Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades
    Departamento de Literatura
    Ignacio Carrera Pinto #1025

Editorial Staff

• Eduardo Godoy
• María Eugenia Góngora
• Guillermo Gotschlich
• Irmtrud König
• Cristián Montes
• Leonidas Morales
• Horst Nitschack
• Alicia Salomone
• Eduardo Thomas
• Luis Vaisman

Editorial Board

• Iván Carrasco, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile.
• Santiago Daydí-Tolson, University of Texas, San Antonio, United States.
• Ottmar Ette, Universität Potsdam, Germany.
• Lucía Invernizzi, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
• Amadeo López, Université París X, Nanterre, France.
• Félix Martínez Bonati, University of Columbia, United States
• José María Martínez Cachero, Universidad de Oviedo, España.
• Fernando Moreno, Université de Poitiers, France.
• Nain Nómez, University of Santiago de Chile, Chile.
• Marcos Piason Natali, Universidade de Säo Paulo, Brasil.
• José Promis, The University of Arizona, United States.
• Grínor Rojo, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
• Bernardo Subercaseaux, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
• Gilberto Triviños, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
• Gloria Videla de Riveros, Universidad de Cuyo, Argentina.

Editorial production

• Editorial secretary
Sarissa Carneiro
Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades
Departamento de Literatura
Carrera Pinto Avenue #1025 Ignacio

Layout and text production
Elena Loyola
Reditext Limited
Phone-Fax: (56-2) 2387296

Printing press
LOM Editors
Concha y Toro #23, Santiago
Phone: (56-2) 6885273

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