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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
The Review of Religious Research is published four times a year (September, December, March and June).  The journal seeks to provide a regular channel for the exchange of information on methods, findings and uses of religious research. It contains a variety of articles, book reviews and reports on research projects.  Explore the links below for a more detailed examination of the Journal's contents.
Instructions to Authors

Submission Information and Style Sheet for 
Potential Review of Religious Research Articles

Notice to Contributors

Manuscript Submission:

Your submission should include a cover letter with the corresponding author’s address, phone number, and e-mail address, along with the title of the manuscript.

Four typed, double spaced copies of the manuscript are needed for review, along with an electronic version of the manuscript in Word, RTF, Wordperfect, or as a text file. Hard copies should be sent to Patricia Wittberg, Sociology, Cavanaugh 303, IUPUI, 425 University Boulevard, Indianapolis, IN 46202. It is strongly preferred that you send the electronic file via e-mail to pwittber@iupui.edu E-mail submission of the electronic file will speed the processing of your manuscript.

Members of the Religious Research Association may submit without charge, but non-members must pay a $15 processing fee. No fee is required for revised manuscripts. Membership in the RRA is only $30 for regular members, and $14 for students.

Manuscript Preparation:

Manuscripts must be typed and double spaced with margins of at least one inch on all sides. The font should be no smaller than 10 point type, with 12 point being preferable. Submissions should be on 8 ?by 11 inch white paper. Submissions in excess of 50 manuscript pages (including figures, tables, and references) will be returned to the author(s).

1.  Title page: Manuscripts should have a title page including the full title, the author(s)’s name(s) and affiliation (university, foundation, denomination, or otherwise). Indicate a title footnote with an asterisk (*) after the title and include the full address of the corresponding author including an e-mail address. The footnote should also acknowledge prior presentation of the manuscript at scholarly meetings, data sources, other credits, and grants.

2.  Abstract: All manuscripts must have an abstract of between 150-200 words. This should be on a separate page, with no indication of the author(s)’s identity. The abstract page should also include the title of the manuscript at the top.

3.  Headings and Subheadings: Headings in the text should be bold and all capital letters, while subheadings should be bold and italicized. Both should be in14 point font and left justified.

4.  Citations: Citations in the text give the last name of the author(s) and the date of publication.

If the author(s) name is in the text, the date should follow the name—Aho (1990). If not, the name and date should occur at the end of the sentence referencing the work--?Morris 1984).

Series of citations should be listed in either alphabetical order, or be ordered by date and separated by semi-colons--?Bromley and Shupe 1980; Rochford 1985; Stark and Bainbridge 1985)

For papers with two authors, both last names should always be included in the citations--?Jelen and Wilcox 1997).

Cites to papers with three authors should list all authors?names on the initial citation--?Wald, Owen, and Hill 1989), but then abbreviate using "et al." in any subsequent citations--?Wald et al. 1989).

When articles have more than three authors use "et al" throughout the citations--?Pargament et al. 1998).

Include page numbers for direct quotes or to reference particular passages--?Gill 1998:89).

Supply minimal identification for institutional publications--?Southern Baptist Convention 1993).

Use "forthcoming" to cite sources scheduled for publication. Use the date presented or defended for conference papers and dissertations. If no date is indicated use "n.d." in place of the date--?Groves n.d.; Thumma forthcoming).

Cite institutional or primary investigator authorship and date for machine readable data files?Institute for Survey Research 1976) or (Jennings, Markus, and Niemi 1991).

RRR uses anonymous peer review, so please make sure that your manuscript does not contain identifying statements. For example, if you cite your own work it is fine to say "Iannaccone (1990) identifies three?quot; but not "I identified three?Iannaccone 1990)."

5.  Notes: All notes should be indicated by sequential Arabic numerals, superscripted at the end of a full sentence or at a critical point in a sentence if multiple notes might be necessary in a sentence. All notes should be listed as endnotes, which is how they will appear in print. Please do not use formatting on your notes, embed the notes directly in the text on a separate page or pages following the main text of the paper and before the references.

6.  References: All cited material (and only cited material) should appear in a separate section at the end of the paper with the heading "REFERENCES." Publication information for each reference must be complete and correct.

List the references in alphabetical order by authors?last names; include the first names and middle initials for all authors when available. List two or more entries by the same author(s) in order of the year of publication. If cited material is not yet published but has been accepted for publication, use "Forthcoming" in place of the date and give the journal or publisher. For dissertations and unpublished papers, cite the date, and institution or conference, and the place the paper/dissertation was presented. If no date is available use "N.d." in place of the date.

If two or more cited works are by the same author(s) within the same year, list them in alphabetical order by title, and distinguish them by adding letters a,b,c, etc. to the year (or to "Forthcoming").

For works by more than one author, only the first author’s name is inverted (e.g. Stolzenberg, Ross M., Mary Blair-Loy, and Linda J. Waite 1995). List all authors on every publication. "Et al" is not acceptable in the reference list.

Reference Examples:


Bureau of Census. 1910. Religious Bodies: 1906. Vols. 1-2. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

Simmel, Georg. [1905] 1959. Sociology of Religion. Translated by Curt Rosenthal. New York: Philosophical Library.

Rochford, E. Burke Jr. 1985. Hare Krishna in America. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Smith, Christian, ed. 1996. Disruptive Religion: The Force of Faith in Social Movement Activism. New York: Routledge.

Articles, multiple cites, book chapters, and forthcoming:

Lazerwitz, Bernard. 1961. "Some Factors Associated with Variations in Church Attendance." Social Forces. 39: 301-309.

1964. "Religion and Social Structure in the United States." Pp. 426-439 in Religion, Culture, and Society, edited by Louis Schneider. New York: Wiley.

Miller, Alan S., and John P. Hoffmann. Forthcoming. "The Growing Divisiveness: Culture Wars or a War of Words?" Social Forces.

Conference Presentations, dissertations, and unpublished manuscripts:

Phillips, Rick. 1999a. "Denominational Mandates vs. Congregational Realities: The Case of Missionary Work in an LDS Ward." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, August 5-7, Chicago, IL.

1999b. Saints in ‘Zion,?Saints in ‘Babylon? Mormonism, Pluralism and the Transformation of Subcultural Vitality in the United States. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Sociology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.

N.d. "The Transformation of Subcultural Vitality in the United States, 1776-2000." Department of Sociology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Unpublished manuscript.

Machine Readable Data Files:

Center for Political Studies. 1995. American National Election Studies, 1948-1994. [MRDF and codebooks]. Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research [producer]. Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor].

7.  Tables should be numbered consecutively and printed on separate pages. Insert a note in the text of the paper to indicate approximate placement of the table (e.g. "Table 4 About Here"). Each table must have a descriptive title, and all rows and columns must be defined. Place general notes on the table at the bottom as "Notes:" and use a, b, c, etc. to indicate multiple notes on the table. Use asterisks *, **, and/or *** to indicate significance levels at the p < .05, p < .01, and p < .001 levels, respectively, and always specify one or two tailed significance tests.

8.  Figures should be numbered consecutively throughout, and their placement should be indicated in the text (e.g. "Figure 1 About Here). Each figure must be printed on a separate page. All figures must be produced in a format that allows them to be reproduced by the printer (in Word, Wordperfect, Adobe, or Quark files). Any materials subject to copyright (table or figure reproductions, pictures, etc) must be cleared for reproduction by the authors, and written evidence of copyright clearance must be presented to the editors before publication. RRR will not pay copyright costs for materials requiring a fee. Costs must be paid by the author(s) or the reproductions will be eliminated from the article.

9.  Appendices should be lettered to distinguish them from tables and figures in the text. Each appendix should include a descriptive title, and only essential appendices will be published. Prospective authors may include appendices of alternative analyses for reviewers and editors.


Editorial Board

Officers of the Religious Research Association, Inc.

President: Keith Wulff - Research Services , PCUSA (retired irector)
Past President:
C. Kirk Hadaway - Episcopal Church Center
Secretary: Deborah Bruce - Research Services, PCUSA

David Roozen - Hartford Seminary
Executive Officer:
William H. Swatos, Jr.

View a list of all past RRA presidents and several of the  presidential addresses.

Directors at Large:

Anthony J. Blasi - Tennessee State University
Mary L. Gautier - CARA
Cynthia Woolever
Keith Wulff - Research Services PCUSA
Laurence R. Iannaccone - George Mason University
Paula D. Nesbitt
D. Paul Johnson - Texas Tech University
Katie Day -
Lutheran Theological Seminary
Michael Cieslak - Diocese of Rockford

RRA Committee Chairs:

RRR Editor: Anthony J. Blasi - Tennessee State University
Patricia Wittberg - Indiana University Purdue University in Indianapolis
Publicity & Research Planning:
Scott Thumma - Hartford Seminary
Joseph B. Tamney
David Roozen - Hartford Seminary
Awards: Michael Cieslak - Diocese of Rockford

Program Chair:

Jack Marcum
- Research Services Director, PCUSA


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