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变更情况:ISSN已改为0888-3769,此前刊名为Notre Dame English Journal: A Journal of Religion in Literature

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Religion & Literature seeks to publish high-quality, innovative scholarship that explores the relations between two crucial human concerns: the religious impulse and the literary forms of any era, place, or language. As an early editor remarked, the journal is determined to provide a usable, protean space for wide-ranging discussions of the many ways in which religion and literature are implicated in and shaped by each other. We welcome any scholarly approach provided authors are willing to consider religion not simply as cultural artifact but also as a living tradition, with all the paradoxes that phrase may embrace.

The journal, in print since 1984, is published three times a year. We publish scholarly articles, book reviews, and forums dedicated to focused topics in religion and literature; we also publish special issues edited by leading scholars. Susannah Monta is currently the editor of the journal; Sandra Gustafson, Romana Huk, Jesse Lander, and Christian Moevs currently sit on its editorial board. Our advisory board includes Harold Bloom, Felicia Bonaparte, Nicholas Boyle, Lawrence Buell, James Dougherty, Richard Giannone, Kevin Hart, Geoffrey Hartman, Roger Lundin, J. Hillis Miller, Carol Slade, and Thomas Werge. The journal has approximately 500 subscribers and can be found online at JSTOR. It is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography, ATLA Religion Database, Religion and Theological Abstracts, and other major databases.

Instructions to Authors


Religion & Literature welcomes submissions of essays that consider the literature of any time or place in conjunction with important religious or theological issues that emerge from the literary text or that illuminate it. The journal is also open to receive essays in which theology is elucidated, extended or challenged by literature. No religious or theological perspective is excluded. However, all essays are expected to treat religion as a living confession, not simply as a cultural or ethical system.

Please submit both a PDF version of the essay and three paper copies of typescripts to the managing editor at

Religion & Literature
B009F McKenna Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556-5611

The PDF should be e-mailed to the managing editor at randl@nd.edu. Unpublished work will be returned only if accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. R&L does not accept electronic submissions without accompanying paper copies of submissions. Manuscripts should be between 6,500 and 10,000 words. For the most part, we follow the Chicago Manual of Style for citations and formatting; please see our house style sheet for a few specifications and modifications, the most important of which being that we request the inclusion of a full bibliography. The author’s name and contact information should not appear within the submitted work.

Our editorial policy assumes that this article has not been published elsewhere and that it is not currently being considered for publication at another journal. R&L does not accept unsolicited creative works, such as poetry, fiction, or translations. In general, such work will only appear in special issues at the invitation of the guest editor.

For information on the republication of material appearing in R&L, please contact Kathleen Canavan at Canavan.2@nd.edu

Editorial Board

Susannah Monta

Managing Editor:
Emma Vanhoozer

Business and Production Manager:
Kathleen J. Canavan

Editorial Board:
Sandra Gustafson
Romana Huk
Jesse Lander
Christian Moevs

Advisory Board:
Harold Bloom
Felicia Bonaparte
Nicholas Boyle
Lawrence Buell
James Dougherty
Kevin Hart
Geoffrey Hartman
Roger Lundin
John J. McDonald
J. Hillis Miller
Carole Slade
Thomas Werge
Elie Wiesel

Assistant Book Review Editors:
Jacob Riyeff
Katy Wright-Bushman
Hannah Zdansky

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