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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and Scope:

Public Understanding of Science is the only journal to cover all aspects of the inter-relationships between science (including technology and medicine) and the public.

Topics Covered Include...

·surveys of public understanding and attitudes towards science and technology

·perceptions of science

·popular representations of science

·scientific and para-scientific belief systems

·science in schools

·history of science education and of popular science

·science and the media

·science fiction

·scientific lobbying

·evaluative studies of science exhibitions and interactive science centres

·scientific information services for the public

·popular protest against science ('anti-science')

·science in developing countries and appropriate technology

Instructions to Authors
Manuscript Submission Guidelines:



Manuscripts for consideration should be submitted electronically to: pscience@ucalgary.ca

Please attach the electronic file as a Microsoft Word document. Any figures or photos should be attached as separate files. The files should be of maximum 6MB.

Author names and addresses should only appear on the removable title page of the manuscript to facilitate blind review. Author information should arrive in a separate file.

Authors will need to obtain copyright permission for all figures or photos from a copyrighted source.

Types of submissions:

1. Theoretical papers - maximum 9,000 words including Abstract, Notes and References.

2. Research notes or practical perspectives - maximum 5,000 words including Abstract, Notes and References.

3. Essays or commentaries - maximum 5,000 words, including Abstract, Notes and References.

4. Book reviews -for further inquiries, please contact the Book Reviews Editor, Jane Gregory, Department of Science & Technology Studies, University College London, Gower St, London WC1E 6BT, UK; email jane.gregory@ucl.ac.uk

Text organization:

Use Times New Roman, 12-point.

All text should be double-spaced.

All text should be ragged-right.

Use either English (United States) or English (UK). Set Tools/ Spelling/ Options/ Dictionaries/ Language option (in Microsoft Word) to set the file to "English (United States)" or "English (UK)." Also, select all text in the file, then use Tools/Language/Set language to choose "English (United States)" or "English (UK)". Both steps may be necessary to ensure consistent use of the right dictionary.

Please note that our journal does not accept appendices. You may incorporate the information in text or in an endnote.

Articles should have the following sections, in order:


The title should be descriptive -- someone finding the title in an indexing service should be able to determine what the article is about.

?Author(s) name and contact address (including email). Indicate corresponding author.

?Abstract (up to 150 words)

The abstract should be freestanding: a summary of the main points of the article, which can be read without needing to refer to the article and which can be removed without sacrificing the argument in the article. In other words, the article should not "begin" until after the abstract. The abstract should be a single paragraph, with no references. Maximum length is about 150 words.

?Keywords (5-7 words)

?Body of article


The acknowledgements (if present) should appear as a separate section of text following the main article text. Acknowledgements should not appear as a footnote or endnote.



?Author(s) information (submitted in a separate file for peer review purposes)

The author(s)' information should include: name, title and institutional affiliation, mailing address and preferably email address, and a sentence on other interest or recent publications.

Overall guidelines for the manuscript:

Use the APA Publication Manual (currently, 5th edition) for questions of style, excepting reference citation (see separate section below). If there are conflicts between this style sheet and the APA manual, please bring them to attention of the editor.

Use Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, current edition, for questions of spelling.

Guidelines for format:

Headlines and subhead styles

1. Main headline is flush left, bold face, initial cap only.

2. Author's name is indented one stop.

3. Abstract is indented one stop.

4. Level 1 (highest level) subheads should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3?, flush left, bold-face, initial cap only.

5. Level 2 subheads should be unnumbered, flush left, italic, initial cap only. (Copyeditors' discretion: If you believe numbered Level 2 subheads are needed, use 1.1, 1.2, etc.)

6. Avoid further subdividing articles. If a third level of subhead or labeling is needed, use italic text run-in with paragraph or use line space between paragraphs, as appropriate.

7. After any subhead, paragraph is flush left (no initial indent). All other paragraphs have single indent.


1. Use double-quotes (') for quotations and as "scare quotes" around terms to be defined or highlighted.

2. Use single-quotes (') only for quotations within double-quotation marks.

3. In keeping with American style, commas and periods go inside quotation marks, even when only a single word is in quotations.

4. Block quotations (more than 3 lines of typeset text) should be indented one stop. No quotation marks are needed around block quotes.

5. Use double hyphen (--) for n-dashes, triple-hyphen (---) for m-dashes.

6. Lists may be numbered or bulleted; be consistent within a single manuscript. Lists should be indented one stop.

In-text citation

All references in the text and notes must be specified by the author(s)' s last name(s) and date of publication together with page numbers if given.

Do not use ibid., op. cit., infra., supra. Instead, show the subsequent citation of the same source in the same way as the first.

Note the following for the style of text citations:

1. If the author's name is in the text, follow with year in parentheses:

... Author Last Name (year) has argued ...

2. If author's name is not in the text, insert last name, comma and year:

... several works (Author Last Name, year) have described ...

3. Where appropriate, the page number follows the year, separated by a colon:

... it has been noted (Author Last Name, year: page nos) that ...

4. Where there are two authors, give both names, joined by 'and'; if three or more authors, use et al.:

... it has been stated (Author Last Name and Author Last Name, year) ...

... some investigators (Author Last Name et al., year) ...

5. If there is more than one reference to the same author and year, insert a, b, etc. in both the text and the list:

... it was described (Author Last Name, yeara: page nos-page nos) ...

6. Enclose within a single pair of parentheses a series of references, separated by semicolons:

... and it has been noted (Author Last Name and Author Last Name, year; Author Last Name and Author Last Name, year; Author Last Name, year) ...

7. If two or more references by the same author are cited together, separate the dates with a comma:

... the author has stated this in several studies (Author Last Name, year, year, year, year) ...

8. Enclose within the parentheses any brief phrase associated with the reference:

... several investigators have claimed this (but see Author Last Name, year: page nos-page nos)

9. For an institutional authorship, supply the minimum citation from the beginning of the complete reference:

... a recent statement (Name of Institution, year: page nos) ...

... occupational data (Name of Bureau or Institution, year: page nos) reveal ...

10. For authorless articles or studies, use the name of the magazine, journal, newspaper or sponsoring organization, and not the title of the article:

... it was stated (Name of Journal, year) that ...

11. Citations from personal communications are not included in the reference list:

... has been hypothesized (Name of Person Cited, year, personal


Reference list

Check that the list is in alphabetical order (treat Mc as Mac).

Names should be in upper and lower case.

Where several references have the same author(s), do not use ditto marks or em dashes; the name must be repeated each time.

Last Names containing de, van, von, De, Van, Von, de la, etc. should be listed under D and V respectively. List them as: De Roux, D.P. and not Roux, D.P., de. When cited in the main text without the first name, use capitals for De, Van, Von, De la, etc. (Van Dijk, year)

Names containing Jr or II should be listed as follows:

Author Last Name, Author First Name, Jr (year)

Author Last Name, Author First Name, P.P., II (year)

References where the first-named author is the same should be listed as follows:

Single-author references in date order;

Two-author references in alphabetical order according to the second author's name;

Et al. references in alphabetical order; in the event of more than one entry having the same date, they should be placed in alphabetical order of second (or third) author, and a, b, etc. must be inserted.

Brown, J. (2003)

Brown, T.R. and Yates, P. (2003)

Brown, W. (2002)

Brown, W. (2003a)

Brown, W. (2003b)

Brown, W. and Jones, M. (2003)

Brown, W. and Peters, P. (2003)

Brown, W., Hughes, J. and Kent, T. (2003)

Brown, W., Kent, T. and Lewis, S. (2003)

Check that all periodical data are included - volume, issue and page numbers, publisher, place of publication, etc.


Journal article

Author Last Name, Initial (year) 'Article Title: Article Subtitle,' Journal Name vol. no.(issue no.): page nos-page nos.

[note page numbers should be minimum spans, 25-8, 145-80, but note 13-19]


Author Last Name, Initial, ed. (year) Book Title: Book Subtitle. Place: Publisher.

Chapter in book

Author Last Name, Initial (year) 'Chapter Title,' in Editor Initial and Last Name and Editor Initial and Last Name (eds) Book Title: Book Subtitle, page nos page nos. Place: Publisher.


Author Last Name, Initial (year) 'Online Article,' Online Journal vol. no.(issue no.), URL (consulted Month Year): http:/xxxx.xxxx.xx.xx/xxxx/xxxxxx/

Book Reviews

Book review header should have Author name, Title (City: Publisher). Number of pages. ISBN, price (hardcover); ISBN, price (paperback).


Steve Fuller, The Governance of Science (Buckingham and Philadelphia: Open University Press,1999). xii + 167 pp. ISBN 033520235, ?0 (hardcover); ISBN 0335202349, ?5.99 (paperback).

Book review should close with author name in boldface, followed on separate line by affiliation, city, and country. Do not include full mailing address.

When citing a particular page within the book under review, place the reference in text, as "Jones has a particular interesting definition of science (p. 10)."

Bibliographic information about other books should be put in footnotes, not in text.


On acceptance of their article for publication authors will be requested to assign copyright to Sage Publications, subject to retaining their right to reuse the material in other publications written or edited by themselves and due to be published preferably at least one year after initial publication in the journal. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere.

Proofs and Offprints

The corresponding author will be sent proof for checking and correction. He or she will be given controlled access to a PDF of their article and a complimentary copy (per author) of the issue after publication

Editorial Board
    Edna Einsiedel University of Calgary, Canada
Editorial Board:

Associate Editors
Wolfgang Wagner Universität Linz, Austria
Book review editor
Jane Gregory University College London, UK
Managing Editor
Delia Dumitrica University of Calgary, Canada
Founding Editor
John Durant MIT Museum, USA
Editorial Advisory Board
Celeste Michelle Condit University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Sharon Dunwoody University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Steven Epstein University of California, San Diego, USA
Sandra Harding University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Stephen Hilgartner Cornell University, USA
Alan Irwin The University of Liverpool, UK
Bruno Latour Ecole nationale supirieure des mines, France
Luisa Massarani Museum of Life/Oswaldo Cruz Foundation/Fiocruz, Brazil
Cees Midden Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Brian Martin University of Wollongong, Australia
Jon Miller Northwestern University, USA

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