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期刊名称:PRINT Quarterly


期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The material published by Print Quarterly - in the form of main articles, shorter notices, notes, catalogue and book reviews - ranges from the origins of printmaking to the present day, from catalogues of the æuvre of  lesser-known printmakers to print collecting and print dealing through the centuries, from iconography to technique, from book illustration to decorative prints, from connoisseurship and the appreciation of prints as works of art to an assessment of their rôle in disseminating styles and ideas.

Instructions to Authors


Contributing to Print Quarterly

If you want to contribute to Print Quarterly, please please e-mail your article, Note, or review to the Editor at dlandau@printquarterly.co.uk 

Please remember to attach to your text photocopies of the images you would like to illustrate your contribution.

To help with the format and content, here are some guidelines. 




Photographs should be black and white, of a professional standard, and taken directly from the object and not from a book or any other reproduction. Digital images should be supplied at a minimum of 300 dpi, which can be converted to CYMK from RGB files.


Authors should obtain photographs and permission to reproduce them in Print Quarterly from the museum or collector. Authors should make clear to the owner at this stage that Print Quarterly is a scholarly magazine run by a charity, and it cannot therefore pay reproduction fees. Only in exceptional cases does Print Quarterly refund authors for the cost of obtaining photographs.


Photographs should be black and white positives; transparencies can be used, although the quality of the reproduction will suffer. No labels should ever be attached to the back of photographs, nor should paper clips be used. Each photograph should be numbered on its back, but authors should be careful not to offset ink from the back of one photograph to the front of another (a common occurrence!)


Illustrations for an article should be listed on a separate sheet accompanying the photographs. The following information must be provided by the author and typed double‑spaced:


1.                  Name of printmaker, or of artist if not a print.

2.                  Title (in italics).

3.                  Year, if known.

4.                  Medium, described in full.

5.                  Measurements in millimetres, height before width, to the platemark in the case of intaglio prints, to the edges of the image otherwise; if either is unknown, please specify that the measurements are of the sheet.

6.                  Collection, giving the full credit line as required by the owner.


Print Quarterly Publications     Registered Charity No. 1007928

Company Limited by Guarantee  Registered in England No. 2677762  VAT No. GB 564 3431 46
Registered Office: 52 Kelso Place London W8 5QQ  Fax: 020 7795



The length of an article should not exceed 6,000 words (including footnotes), and it should require not more than fifteen illustrations; the length of a Shorter Notice (including footnotes) may range between 600 and 1,500 words; that of a Note (for which footnotes are not permitted) about 150‑250 words; Reviews are usually up to 1,500 words long.


The text should be typed on A4 paper (one side of the paper only), and double­-spaced. Footnotes should be typed (double‑spaced) on a separate page. The typescript should contain no sub‑headings. Inscriptions, words in foreign languages, titles of works of art, books and periodicals should be underlined, but unpublished theses should not. Long quotations should be indented.


Dates should be given in the form: 17 March 1513. In references to centuries the ordinal should be spelled out. In numeral references to decades an 's' without an apostrophe should be used.


Footnotes and references


Notes will be printed as footnotes, not end‑notes. Their length and number should be limited as much as possible.

Word order, punctuation, capitalization, and abbreviations in references should be written as in the following examples:


3. P.Hughes, 'Patronage and Pedagogy: The British Institution in the Early Nineteenth Century', Art History, VIII, 1967, pp. 65‑78.

4. D.Girtin, Marcantonio Raimondi, exhibition catalogue, Hamburg, Kunsthalle, 4 April ‑ 17 June 1982, pp. 314‑17.

5. A Concise Encyclopaedia of the Italian Renaissance, edited by J.R. Hale, London 1981, p.214.

6. M.Smith, Constable, Cambridge, MA 1984, pp. 239‑42.


'Edited by', 'revised by' and 'translated by' should be written in full and should follow the title. Where there are more than three editors or authors, the name of the first of these should be given, followed by et al.



Print Quarterly Publications     Registered Charity No. 1007928

Company Limited by Guarantee  Registered in England No. 2677762  VAT No. GB 564 3431 46
Registered Office: 52 Kelso Place London W8 5QQ  Fax: 020 7795




Editorial Board
Editor: David Landau

Editorial Board:

Clifford Ackley, David Alexander, Michael Bury, Richard Field, Celina Fox, David Freedberg, Pat Gilmour, Antony Griffiths, Craig Hartley, Martin Hopkinson, Ralph Hyde, David Kiehl, Fritz Koreny, Ger Luijten, Giorgio Marini, Jean Michel Massing, Peter Parshall, Maxime Préaud, Christian Rümelin, Michael Snodin, Ellis Tinios, Reba White Williams, Henri Zerner.

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