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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Founded in 1990 as a groundbreaking experiment in scholarly publishing on the Internet, Postmodern Culture has become a leading electronic journal of interdisciplinary thought on contemporary cultures. PMC offers a forum for commentary, criticism, and theory on subjects ranging from identity politics to the economics of information.

Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines

Submit files via Netscape

(Be sure to read and follow all instructions)

Addresses:Critical essays, reviews, and notices may be submitted by electronic mail (as an attached word processing document, if possible), anonymous ftp, or snail-mail. Please note that PMC is no longer accepting unsolicited works of fiction or poetry.

Editors' Address:

Send correspondence or submissions to

Anonymous ftp:

[First, make sure you are in the local directory that contains the file(s) you want to transfer...]

ftp jefferson.village.virginia.edu

Name: [type "ftp" here; hit the enter key]

Password: [type your email address here; hit the enter key]

cd submission/pmc

[If you are transferring image or word-processor files, type "bin" and hit the enter key at this point]

put [filename]


(If you submit by ftp, please notify the editors by e-mail. Otherwise they may not know how to reach you regarding your submitted essay.)

Snail Mail:

University of Virginia
319 Alderman Library
P O Box 400115
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4115

Author's Guide:

Electronic submissions may be in plain ASCII, ASCII with HTML tags, Microsoft Word, or Wordperfect. Always indicate the the program and operating system used (e.g., MSWord for Macintosh). Hard copy should be accompanied by a disk, if at all possible. All else being equal, PMC prefers to receive email attachments in MSWord or WordPerfect for Windows format. We can, however, handle other formats with no difficulty.

The current MLA format is recommended for documentation in essays.

PMC does not have a specific word length requirement, but essays appearing in the journal tend to be between 6,000 and 11,000 words.

PMC ASCII Conventions:

If you submit an essay in ASCII format, we ask that you follow the conventions below with regard to special characters and emphasis:

*bold* (emphasis)
%italics% (foreign language)
_underline_ (titles)
^superscript^ (endnote numbers within the text)
[1], [2], etc. (paragraph numbers)

Multi-Media Elements:

Postmodern Culture can publish still images, sound, animations, and full-motion video as well as text. For the time being, the following formatting restrictions should be observed:

In-line images (on the page) must be in .jpg or .gif formats, and must be the size at which you want them to display, with the maximum allowable width being 420 pixels. In special situations, PMC may be able to utilize wider images or other image formats such as the dejavu plugin. HTML markup should indicate the placement of such images, using the tag and the exact filename of the image file.

Sound files can be in .au, .wav, Real Audio, or Quicktime formats. As with image files, HTML markup should indicate placement of the audio clip, using the exact filename.

Video should be in MPEG or Quicktime formats. As above, indicate placement of the video clip in the HTML markup of the document to which it is attached.

Bear in mind that your document still needs to be intelligible without the multi-media elements, since many of our readers will not be able to see these elements. Also, do remember that you must have appropriate permissions in order to use photographs, drawings, sound, or video that was originally produced by someone other than you: the same intellectual property rules apply to the Web as apply in print.

PMC's Implementation of HTML:

Although HTML does not have many tags that describe content, we do use the ones that exist: ,
, ,
, etc.

Emphasis (rarely used) should be tagged like this

Foreign language should be tagged like this

Paragraphs and the text of endnotes should be tagged with
  • , as items in an
      list. Start a new
        list for notes, and use a
        list for works cited.

        Note numbers in the text should be tagged as follows:

        (in note number two, "ref2" and "#foot2" would be substituted for "ref1" and "#foot1", etc.)

        The text of endnotes should be tagged as follows:

        (in note number two, "foot2" and "#ref2" would be substituted for "foot1" and "#ref1", etc.)

        For PMC-specific examples, use the "Page Source" (Netscape) or "Source" (IE) option on the pull-down View menu while viewing any PMC article from January, 1994 or later.

  • Editorial Board

    Editors and Editorial Board


      Eyal Amiran, University of California, Irvine

      Review Editor:

      Ellen McCallum, Michigan State University

      Editorial Collective:

      Lisa Brawley, Vassar College
      James F. English, University of Pennsylvania
      Paula Geyh, Yeshiva University
      Stuart Moulthrop, University of Baltimore
      John Unsworth, University of Illinois

      Managing Editor:

      Claire Chantell, University of Virginia

      Editorial Assistants:

      Sean Borton
      Michelle Cho

      Editorial Board

      James Berger
      Heesok Chang
      Wendy Chun
      Ashley Dawson
      Johanna Drucker
      Graham Hammill
      Terry Harpold
      Steven Helmling
      David Herman
      Matthew Kirschenbaum
      Neil Larsen
      Akira Lippit
      Adrian Miles
      James Morrison
      Sianne Ngai
      Patrick O'Donnell
      Bob Perelman
      Marjorie Perloff
      Peggy Phelan
      Arkady Plotnitsky
      Alessia Ricciardi
      Tilottama Rajan
      Judith Roof
      Susan Schultz
      Steven Shaviro
      Katie Stewart
      Rei Terada
      Darren Tofts
      Paul Trembath
      Jeffrey Williams

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