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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Philosophy is the journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, which was founded in 1925 to build bridges between specialist philosophers and a wider educated public. The journal continues to fulfil a dual role: it is one of the leading academic journals of philosophy, but it also serves the philosophical interests of specialists in other fields (law, language, literature and the arts, medicine, politics, religion, science, education, psychology, history) and those of the general reader. Contributors are required to avoid needless technicality of language and presentation. Each issue contains an editorial on a topic of philosophical or public interest, and a 'New Books' section. The institutional subscription includes two supplements. Recent contributors have included Michael Dummett, Noam Chomsky, Jurgen Habermas, David Wiggins and Mary Warnock.

Instructions to Authors
The editorial policy of the journal pursues the aims of the Royal Institute of philosophy: to promote the
study of philosophy in all its branches: logic, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, social and
political philosophy and the philosophies of religion, science, history, language, mind and education. The
Institute is not committed to any school or method and its membership is not restricted to those with
special qualifications in philosophy. Contributors are expected to avoid all needless technicality.
Prospective authors should send their contributions, typed and double-spaced on quarto or A4 paper, to
The Editor:
Professor Anthony O'Hear
Royal Institute of Philosophy
14 Gordon Square
London WC1H 0AG
They should retain a second copy for the purpose of checking proofs. When an article has been accepted
for publication, the author is strongly encouraged to send a copy of the final version on computer disk
(Apple Macintosh or IBM compatible PC) together with the hard copy typescript, giving details of the
wordprocessing software used (Microsoft Word, Word or Word Perfect). However, the publisher reserves
the right to typeset material by conventional means if an author's disk proves unsatisfactory. Authors
should observe the conventions of the journal. The Editor may alter manuscripts wherever necessary to
make them conform to the stylistic and bibliographical conventions of the journal. Single quotation marks
should be used except where there is a quotation within another. The titles of books and journals should
be underlined (i.e. to be printed in italics), as should foreign words. Titles of articles should be in single
quotation marks.
Contributors of accepted articles will be asked to assign their copyright (on certain conditions) to the
Royal International of Philosophy so that their interest may be safeguarded.
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material in which they do not own
copyright, to be used in both print and electronic media, and for ensuring that the appropriate
acknowledgements are included in their manuscript. Notes and references will be printed as footnotes and
should be typed (double-spacing) on a separate sheet, numbered consecutively. They should be referred to
in the text by superscripts. Citations should be as follows:
H. B. Acton, The Philosophy of Punishment (London: Macmillan, 1969), 192-198. R. S. Downie and
Elizabeth Telfer, 'Autonomy', Philosophy 46, No. 178 (October 1971), 295.
Op. cit. note 1, 1011112.
W. C. Wimsatt, 'Some Problems with the Concept of Feedback', Boston Studies in the Philosophy of
Science, VIII, R. C. Buck and R. S. Cohen (eds.) (Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1971), 242.
The return of contributions cannot be guaranteed unless they are accompanied by stamps, or in the case of
contributions from abroad, by international coupons, to cover postage. A self-addressed envelope should
also be enclosed.
Only corrections of printer's errors can be allowed in proofs. Authors are therefore asked to send any
alterations or additions to Professor O'Hear as soon as possible after receiving his letter of acceptance.
Authors of articles, discussion papers and review articles will receive twenty-five offprints free of charge.
Additional offprints can be ordered when proofs are returned by arrangement with the Institute.
Books for review should be sent to the Editor at the Institute and not to Cambridge University Press.
Publishers are asked to note that non-philosophical works are not reviewed in Philosophy.
Authors' corrected proofs should be sent to Professor O'Hear at Royal Institute of Philosophy, 14 Gordon
Square, London, WC1H 0AG. All other correspondence should be addressed to the Institute.
?Royal Institute of Philosophy

Instructions to Authors

instruction for authors.pdf

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


  • Professor Anthony O'Hear
  • Director
    The Royal Institute of Philosophy
    14 Gordon Square
    London WC1H 0AR
  • anthony@ohear.com

Editorial Board

  • Professor Brenda Almond
  • University of Hull, UK
  • Professor Margaret Boden
  • University of Sussex, UK
  • Dr Nicholas Bunnin
  • University of Oxford, UK
  • Professor D. E. Cooper
  • University of Durham, UK
  • Professor Tim Crane
  • University College London, UK
  • Professor Christopher Hookway
  • University of Sheffield, UK
  • Martin Hughes
  • , UK
  • Dr Kevin Magill
  • University of Wolverhampton, UK
  • Dr Derek Matravers
  • The Open University, UK
  • Professor D. H. Mellor
  • University of Cambridge, UK
  • Professor Susan Mendus
  • University of York, UK
  • Professor Paul Noordhof
  • University of York, UK
  • Anthony Palmer
  • Dr Barry C. Smith
  • Birkbeck College, London, UK
  • Dr David Lloyd Thomas
  • King’s College, London, UK
  • Professor Roger Trigg
  • University of Warwick, UK

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