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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
About Philosophia Africana

Philosophia Africana
is an international philosophy journal founded in 2001. It is published at Depaul University under the editorship of the Nigerian-American philosopher Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze. Philosophia Africana won the first prize in the 2002
Council of Editors of Learned Journals award for Best New Journal.

Philosophia Africana publishes peer-reviewed academic philosophical or philosophically interdisciplinary works that explore pluralistic experiences of Africa and the Black Diaspora from both universal and comparative points of view. It also selectively publishes original or critical interpretations of creative and artistic works revealing vibrant intellectual cultures of modern Africa, the Black Diaspora, and other universally inclusive traditions of thought.

Philosophia Africana is indexed in The Philosopher's Index, K.G. Saur Verlag-IBZ/IBR Abstract Services, Current Bibliography on African Studies, CSA Sociological Abstract, ASA-Online, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, and Current Contents/Arts & Humanities. For more information, visit

Instructions to Authors
Notes For Contributors

for submission should be addressed to the Editors, Philosophia Africana, Department of Philosophy, DePaul University, 2352 N. Clifton Avenue, Suite 150, Chicago, IL 60614 USA. Three paper copies of each manuscript plus one copy in electronic version (see "Electronic Submission") must be submitted. Manuscripts should be typed on one side of the paper, double spaced with ample margins, and accompanied by an abstract of 100-150 words and a short biographical note.

Electronic Submission. It is essential that the hard copy (paper) version exactly matches the material on the disk. Please print out the hard copy from the disk that you are sending. Save all files on a standard 3.5 inch high-density disk. We prefer to receive electronic submissions in Microsoft Word or RTF format. (Use the save-as feature to convert your file if you are using a different word processing program.) Please specify which program that you have used. Do not save your files as "text only" or "read only."

References and Notes. All publications quoted in the text should be cited in endnotes listed in order following the text. Endnotes should be complete for the first citation, with a "henceforth cited as [abbreviation in italics of reference]." All other citations should be included in the main body of the text in parentheses with the abbreviation for the reference, followed by the page number(s). Do not use repeating endnotes for the same text. "Unpublished observations" and "personal communications" may not be used as references; information from manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted for publication should be cited as "unpublished observations" in parentheses in the text. Responsibility for references and their verification with the original documents lies with the author(s).

All notes should be formatted as endnotes. Number notes consecutively throughout the text using superscripted numbers. Note numbers should appear at the end, not in the middle, of the sentence where possible, and should not be attached to display material (title, subheadings, or epigraph). When submitting the electronic version of a manuscript, please be sure that the endnotes are not embedded. That is, do not use the endnote or footnote generating capability of your word processor. Texts referenced in the endnotes should be in the following form:
Journal Articles:
Robert Bernasconi, "The Poor Box and the Changing Face of Charity in Early Modern Europe" in Acta Institutionis Philosophiae et Aestheticae, Vol. 10, pp. 33-54. Henceforth cited as PB.

Kenneth D. Kaunda, A Humanist in Africa (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1966). Henceforth cited as HA.

(Edited Volumes)
Joseph Ki-Zerbo, "Le D関eloppement cl閟 en t阾e" in La natte des autres. Pour un development endog閚e en Afrique, edited by J. Ki-Zerbo (Dakar: Codesria, 1992), p. 2.

Illustrations, including photographs, diagrams, and graphs, should be referred to as figures and their position indicated in the text (e.g., Figure 3). Each should be submitted on a separate sheet of paper, numbered on the back. Captions should be submitted on a separate sheet as well and include keys to symbols. Interpretation of the illustration, with the caption, should be possible without reference to the text. Figures should be professionally drawn and designed with the format of the journal (248 X 175mm) in mind and should be capable of reduction.

Tables should be submitted on separate sheets, numbered in Arabic numerals, and their position indicated in the text (e.g., Table 1). Each table should have a short, self-explanatory title. Vertical rules should not be used to separate columns. Any explanatory notes should be given a footnote at the bottom of the table.

Offprints. Each contributor will be provided with a PDF (viewable in Adobe Acrobat Reader) electronic copy of the article as it appears in the published version of the journal.

Copyright. It is a condition of publication that authors vest copyright in their articles, including abstracts, to Philosophia Africana. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article and the journal to the widest possible readership in print and electronic form as appropriate. Authors may, of course, use the article elsewhere after publication without the prior permission of Philosophia Africana, provided that acknowledgment is given to the journal as the original source of publication and that Philosophia Africana is notified so that our records show that its use is properly authorized. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.

For more information, go to our website at

Editorial Board
The Editor and Editorial Board


Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze, DePaul University

Associate Editor
John P. Pittman, John Jay College, CUNY

Assistant Editor
Peter M. Gratton, DePaul University

Book Review Editors
Patrick Goodin, Howard University
Daw-Nay Evans, DePaul University

Editorial Board

Robert Bernasconi, University of Memphis
Tunde Bewaji, University of West Indies, Jamaica
Enrique Dussel, Universidad Naçional Autonoma de México
Pieter Duvenage, University of the North
Robert Gooding-Williams, University of Chicago
Lewis Gordon, Temple University
Kwame Gyekye, University of Ghana
Hassan Hanafi, University of Cairo
Kathleen Higgins, University of Texas at Austin
Axel Honneth, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Universität
Paulin Hountondji, Universit?du Bénin
Abiola Irele, Harvard University
Charles Mills, University of Illinois at Chicago
Lucius Outlaw, Vanderbilt University
Kwasi Wiredu, University of South Florida

Editorial Advisors

Ahmed H. Alami, Mohamed Ben Bellah University
Anthony Appiah, Princeton University
Richard Bernstein, New School for Social Research
Phambu Ngoma Binda, Universit?du Kinshasha
Stephen R. L. Clark, University of Liverpool
Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Harvard University
Paul Gilroy, London School of Economics
David T. Goldberg, University of California, Davis
Sandra Harding, University of California, Los Angeles
Frank Kirkland, Hunter College, CUNY
Albert Mosley, Smith College
Martha C. Nussbaum, University of Chicago
Mack Sacks, University of Essex
Claude Sumner, University of Addis Ababa
Merold Westphal, Fordham University
Tukufu Zuberi, University of Pennsylvania

Scholarly research and teaching in African, African-American and Afro-Caribbean perspectives on philosophical traditions have grown widely in recent decades. Philosophia Africana is conceived to promote scholarly exchanges across these historical and cultural boundaries. Philosophia Africana is interested in advancing North-South international dialogues and shall publish peer-reviewed contributions from anywhere on relevant philosophical issues, e.g., philosophical issues in multiculturalism, philosophy of race and racism, postcolonial epistemologies, or philosophy and the new critical social and cultural theories.

Editorial Correspondence

Manuscripts for submission should be addressed to the Editors, Philosophia Africana, Department of Philosophy, DePaul University, 2352 North Clifton Ave, Room 150, Chicago, IL 60614. Telephone: 773-325-7265; Fax: 773-325-7268; E-mail:
africana@condor.depaul.edu. See Notes for Contributors regarding proper format before submitting a manuscript.

Books For Review

Send books for review to Dr. Patrick Goodin, Department of Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences, Howard University, 2441 6th Street, N. W. Washington, DC 20059; Tel: (202) 238-2380, Fax: (202) 518-3347, E-mail:

Business Correspondence

Orders and remittances relating to subscriptions, advertisements, back numbers and offprints should be addressed to Circulation, Philosophia Africana, Department of Philosophy, DePaul University, 2352 N Clifton, Suite 150, Chicago, IL, 60614. Website:

Philosophia Africana is published twice each year, in March and August, and these two issues constitute one volume. An annual index is bound in the August issue and published on our website at http://condor.depaul.edu/~africana. ISSN 1369-6823

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