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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Oxford Literary Review

New to Edinburgh University Press for 2008

Oxford Literary Review, founded in the 1970s, is Britain's oldest journal of literary theory. It is concerned especially with the history and development of deconstructive thinking in all areas of intellectual, cultural and political life. In the past, Oxford Literary Review has published new work by Derrida, Blanchot, Barthes, Foucault, Lacoue-Labarthe, Nancy, Cixous and many others, and it continues to publish innovative and controversial work in the tradition and spirit of deconstruction. Planned issues include ?Telepathies? ‘Writing and Immortality?and ‘Deconstruction and Environmentalism?

The journal operates partly through special issues with a provocative theme (e.g. ‘The University in Ruins? or ‘Disastrous Blanchot? but also invites contributions across a wide range of intellectual disciplines on issues and writers belonging to or engaging the work of deconstructive thinking (such as Heidegger, Blanchot, Levinas, Irigaray and others).

With the increase to two issues per year, Oxford Literary Review will alternate commissioned special issues, for which papers will be actively commissioned by the issue’s editor, with issues made up of unsolicited submissions usually relating to a specific theme. Calls inviting submissions for these non-commissioned issues will be announced via these webpages. 



Instructions to Authors

Notes for Contributors

The Oxford Literary Review is concerned especially with the history and development of deconstructive thinking in all areas of intellectual, cultural and political life. In the past the Oxford Literary Review has published new work by Derrida, Barthes, Foucault, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Jean-Luc Nancy, Hél¨¨ne Cixous and others and it continues to publish innovative and sometimes controversial work in the spirit of deconstruction.

The journal operates partly through special issues with a provocative theme (e.g. ‘The University in Ruins? ‘Disastrous Blanchot? but also invites contributions across a wide range of intellectual disciplines on issues and thinkers that belong to or engage the work of deconstructive thinking (including Heidegger, Blanchot, Levinas, Irigaray and others).

With the increase to two issues per year, the Oxford Literary Review will alternate commissioned themed issues, where papers will be actively commissioned by the issue editor, with issues made up of unsolicited submissions relating to a specific theme. Calls for papers inviting submissions to the non-commissioned issues will be announced via the journal's webpages and in the journal itself.

The Oxford Literary Review style guidelines can be downloaded

For further information about submitting to the journal, please contact Professor Tim Clark at

Call for Papers: 31.1 (July 2009)

Writing and Immortality

I posthume as I breathe, which is not very probable, the improbable in my life, that’s the rule I’d like to follow ?
Derrida, Circumfessions

…feebly but still, everything can call itself future, future perfect for the one who declares ?will have declared - ‘I posthume as I breathe?brilliantly inventing the verb to posthume, for his own personal usage as a ‘survivor?who wants to make liars of life and death. There you have him then he who dies at the top of his lungs, a buried-alive supernatural, who gets wind of a new definition of immortality through the magic of writing.
Cixous, Portrait of Jacques Derrida as a Young Jewish Saint

This issue of OLR welcomes writing that fails to mourn, that breathes - and takes a rise out of clich?- in readings not afraid to be ruled by ‘the improbable in my life.?Contributions may or may not concern the writings of Derrida or Cixous as their subject-matter but they will be concerned with rethinking the relation between life, death and writing.

We are looking for incredible respirations, airy inventions and writing-resurrections that don’t, and won’t, fit in with the Freudian theory of mourning. According to Derrida, the work of mourning is the prototype for all work. One retrieves an investment: something of me that was attached by me to an object, finally returns to me in a form I can use. Mourning pays, and it pacifies. And correspondingly, the work of art holds and perpetuates the living energy that made it, outlasting life as its representation. Mourning, sublimation, work, monument. For some time now, Derrida and Cixous have been proposing and doing something else, something that follows on from ‘the displacement of everyday language?to which she attributes his whole philosophy.

Deadline for expressions of interest: June 30, 2008. Copy date December 31, 2008. End of editing process April 30, 2009.

Contact: Dr Sarah Wood, School of English, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7HE UK. S.wood@kent.ac.uk


Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Professor Geoffrey Bennington (Emory University)
Professor Timothy Clark (University of Durham)
Professor Peggy Kamuf (University of Southern California)
Professor Michael Naas (De Paul University, Chicago)
Professor Nicholas Royle (University of Sussex)
Dr Sarah Wood (University of Kent)

Book Reviews Editor
Dr Kas Saghafi
Department of Philosophy, The University of Memphis , 327 Clement Hall, Memphis, TN 38152-3530

Advisory Board
Graham Allen
Branka Arsi?
Derek Attridge
Homi Bhabha
Rachel Bowlby
Clare Connors
Thomas Dutoit
Maud Ellmann
John Higgins
Elissa Marder
Anthony Mellors
Timothy Morton
Jeffrey T. Nealon
Avital Ronell
Caroline Rooney
Patricia Waugh
Sam Weber
David Wills
Ann Wordsworth
Robert J. C. Young

Honorary Committee
Harold Bloom
Geoffrey Hartmann
Jeffrey Mehlman
J. Hillis Miller
Alan Montefiore
Charles Taylor


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