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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The periodical Oud Holland is the oldest surviving art-historical periodical in the world. Founded by A.D. de Vries and N. der Roever in 1883, it has appeared virtually without interruption ever since. It is entirely devoted to the visual arts in the Netherlands up to the mid-nineteenth century and has featured thousands of scholarly articles by Dutch and foreign authors, including numerous pioneering art-historical studies. Almost from the magazine¡¯s inception, the publication of archival information concerning Dutch artists has played an important role. From 1885 to his death in 1946, the renowned art historian Dr. Abraham Bredius set a standard of excellence for Oud Holland. Many other well-known Dutch art historians have also served as editor of the periodical.

Oud Holland is published four times a year. Every volume is richly illustrated, has at least 200 pages, and comes with a comprehensive printed index of names. Most texts in Oud Holland are printed in English. Articles in other languages, like Dutch, French or German, have an English summary. The editorial board is composed of Prof. Dr. Y. Bruijnen, Drs. E. Buijsen, Prof. Dr. R.E.O. Ekkart, Prof. Dr. C.W. Fock, Prof. Dr. V. Manuth, and F.G. Meijer.

From early 2008 with the first number of Volume 121, Brill will be the new publisher of this periodical. In close cooperation with the RKD (Netherlands Institute for Art History), we will continue offering the quality periodical that exists already for so many years.
An institutional subscription to Oud Holland includes access to all back volumes online!


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Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Y. Bruijnen, E. Buijsen, R.E.O. Ekkart, C.W. Fock, V. Manuth, F.G. Meijer

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