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期刊名称:OPERA Quarterly


期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

About the Journal

Since its inception in 1983, The Opera Quarterly has earned the enthusiastic praise of opera lovers and scholars alike for its engagement within the field of opera studies. In 2005, David J. Levin, a dramaturg at various opera houses and critical theorist at the University of Chicago, assumed the executive editorship of The Opera Quarterly, with the goal of extending the journal’s reputation as a rigorous forum for all aspects of opera and operatic production. Under his stewardship, the journal is resituated squarely at the intersection of performance, theory, and history, with a purview encompassing
contemporary developments on the stage and in the academy.

We invite you to join those subscribers who have found The Opera Quarterly to be the definitive publication for anyone serious about opera. With a new objective, layout, and design, there is no better time to begin reading!

Abstracting and Indexing Services

The Opera Quarterly is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services:

ISI Arts & Humanities Citation Index
ISI Current Contents
Humanities Index
IBR (International Bibliography of Book Reviews)
IBZ (International Bibliography of Periodical Literature Covering All Fields of Knowledge)
Music Article Guide
Music Index


Instructions to Authors

Information for Authors


The editors of The Opera Quarterly invite the submission of original articles on all aspects of opera, including history, theory, and performance.

As of the summer of 2005 (vol. 21, nr. 3), each issue of The Opera Quarterly will be devoted to a single work or topic. The editorial board welcomes suggested topics for full issues or part issues (dossiers of smaller essays or collections of essays, translations, reviews, archival materials, etc.).


All submissions will be reviewed by the journal’s editorial board.

As a general guideline, articles should be 4,000-8,000 words in length.

Article pages should be numbered consecutively beginning with the title page. Please submit a copy of your article via email to Tami Wysocki-Niimi in a commonly used word-processing program, preferably Microsoft Word. Supplemental materials may be sent to The Opera Quarterly, University of Chicago, 1050 E. 59th St., Chicago, IL 60637. Book, CD, and DVD reviews should be submitted to the Reviews Editor, Dr. Gundula Kreuzer, Associate and Reviews Editor, The Opera Quarterly, Yale University, P.O. Box 208310, New Haven CT 06520-8310 or via email.

The title page of the manuscript should contain the author’s name and e-mail address, and a brief description of the author appropriate for the “Contributors to This Issue?page.

Contributions should sport a standard academic apparatus (e.g., endnotes, figure captions).

We are happy to consider publishing photographs or other art you might submit with your article, but we require proper written permission for their publication (see below). (The author is responsible for any fees incurred in the acquiring of such permissions.) If possible, illustrations should be submitted in electronic form, via email or CD (TIFF format with fonts [if applicable] embedded). For useful information on preparing your figures for publication, see http://dx.sheridan.com. Clearly label the CD with file names, software (including version), and a list of any fonts used in the figure. All electronic figures must be submitted as high-resolution, print-quality files (minimum 300 dpi). If you are sending hard copies, each illustration or photograph should have a label pasted on its back, indicating the title of the submission, the author’s name, the number of the figure, and the top of the figure. Do not make any marks on illustrations or photographs.

Musical examples may be included in articles. Again, if possible, musical examples should be submitted electronically (by email or on CD). All examples will be professionally typeset by the publisher. Please ensure that all parts of your submitted examples are legible, and that you clearly mark or list any necessary alterations to the original notation. Include captions on a separate captions sheet.

The Opera Quarterly's Web site can support downloadable audio files. We can accept up to 2 MB of supplementary data per example. To determine if the type(s) of file you are interested in uploading is supportable on our server, contact the production team. The copying of a copyrighted musical work or sound recording onto the Oxford University Press Web server constitutes exploitation of its reproduction right, for which authorization is required. For information on obtaining rights, visit the Harry Fox Agency Inc. Web site or contact the copyright owner of the sound recording (usually the record label) for authorization to copy sound recordings. You can also contact the Recording Industry Association of America or ASCAP for more information. For further questions and information, please contact the OUP permissions department.

All figures and tables will be printed in black and white. Videos and color figures can be posted online as supplementary material at no cost.

Style guidelines

For questions of formatting, spelling, and style, please consult Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition, and the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition. The best guide to editorial style, including endnotes citation, is a recent issue of OQ. The Opera Quarterly follows standard American English usage for spelling and terminology. When using foreign language quotes or excerpts, please provide both the original and the English translation, where appropriate. Translations may be given in either the text or the endnotes. When use of a translation is in doubt, please contact the editors.

In text, OQ prefers to write out accidentals (A-sharp, D-flat).

French publications vary in the way they capitalize titles of works. Following CMS, we recommend capitalizing only the first word of a title (of a book, an article, etc.) and anything that would be capitalized in ordinary text. Example: Ravel’s L’Enfant et les sortilèges.

Once a reference has been given in full, use the short-title version (author last name, short title, page number[s]) in subsequent endnotes containing the same reference. Use "Ibid." in two or more consecutive endnotes containing the same reference.

Original endnote:
1. Daniel Albright, Untwisting the Serpent: Modernism in Music, Literature and Other Arts (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2000), 12-23.

Repeat endnote:
10. Albright, Untwisting the Serpent, 6?, 12, 29.

Consecutive endnotes:
14. Albright, Untwisting the Serpent, 6?, 12, 29.
15. Ibid., 29.


Authors must secure permission to reproduce copyrighted material for use in the journal article, in the print and online versions of the journal, for the life of the work. We require all necessary permissions at the time of submission. Any reproduction charges must be paid for by the author; this includes applications and payments to DACS, ARS and similar licencing agencies where appropriate. Evidence in writing that such permissions have been secured from the rights-holder must be sent to the editors either by e-mail or fax [+44 (0)1865 355725]. It is also the author's responsibility to include acknowledgements as stipulated by the particular institutions.

Oxford Journals can offer information and documentation to assist authors in securing print and online permissions: please see the Guidelines for Authors section. A standard permissions request form can be provided by the editors. Information on permissions contacts for a number of main galleries and museums can also be provided. Should you require copies of this, then please contact the editorial office of the journal or the Oxford Journals Rights department.


It is a condition of publication that authors grant an exclusive license to publish to Oxford University Press; requests for permission to reprint material found in the journal should also come to Oxford University Press. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be disseminated as widely as possible. Authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication and Oxford University Press as the publisher.


Editorial Board

Editorial Board


David J. Levin

University of Chicago


Tami Wysocki-Niimi

The Opera Quarterly
University of Chicago
1050 E. 59th St.
Chicago, IL 60637




Gundula Kreuzer

Publishers: Sending books for review


Alessandra Campana

Lydia Goehr

Gundula Kreuzer

Simon Morrison

Michael P. Steinberg


Daniel Albright

John Allison

Philip Auslander

Karol Berger

Leon Botstein

Peter Brooks

Tim Carter

Stanley Cavell

John Deathridge

Mladen Dolar

Martha Feldman

Philip Gossett

Arthur Groos

Steven Huebner

Linda Hutcheon

Michael Hutcheon

Richard Klein

William Lacey

Susan McClary

Roger Parker

John Rockwell

Ellen Rosand

Emanuele Senici

Fabrizio Della Seta

Gary Tomlinson

Sam Weber

Klaus Zehelein

Slavoj Žižek


Irene Sloan

Founding Editor (1983-89)

Sherwin Sloan

Founding Editor (1983-89)

Bruce Burroughs (1989-93)

William Ashbrook (1993-97)

E. Thomas Glasow (1997-2004)

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