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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

OPEN HOUSE INTERNATION was started in 1976 by Nicholas Wilkinson whilst working in the Netherlands at the Foundation of Architects Research (Stichting Architecten Research). The SAR as it was called put up the money to finance a very modest low cost A5 format photocopied bulletin of SAR activities and research and especially projects of its supporters.
The magazine came about in the 1970's as a lack of information on projects in different countries on the practical application of 'supports and detachable units', the idea of N.J Habraken (The founder of the SAR in 1966). His thesis was spelt out in a small but important book called 'SUPPORTS - an alternative to mass housing.' (Has been reprinted in 1999 by The Urban International Press see book forms under section 12)
Open House International grew significantly in its early years to become a standard A4 journal on Open Building and Built Environment. It has a small but solid group of subscribers of around 400 and publishes quarterly in March, June, September and December.
OHI focuses on decision making processes which enable the various disciplines dealing with built environment to understand the dynamics of development and housing and so contribute more effectively to it. Its general aim is to improve the quality of built environment through encouraging greater sharing of decision making by ordinary people. It also aims at developing the necessary institutional frameworks which will support the local initiatives of parties in the housing process. The subject matter is the Built Environment.


In 1989 Open House International sponsored a conference called Quality in the Built Environment and produced proceedings of that conference under the same title. This is when the URBAN INTERNATIONAL PRESS was created. Since then three further books have been published ,. 33 Papers in Environment Behaviour Research - by Amos Rapoport , Supports - An Alternative to Mass Housing by N.J Habraken and SUSTAINING HUMAN SETTLEMENTS - Economy, Equity and Health edited by Dr. Roderick J Lawrence.
Subjects in Open House International Include:
Action Planning, Affordable Homes, Building and Urban Design, Building Design & Planning for Sustainable Development, Building Technology, Built Environment, City & Neighbourhood Management, Culture & Built Form, Environmental Issues, Gender Issues, Habitat Agenda, Housing Policy, Finance & Management, Open Building, Prefabrication & Industrialisation, Slum Improvement & Redevelopment, User Participation, Vernacular & Self-Build and Book Reviews.


Instructions to Authors


  OPEN HOUSE INTERNATIONAL is a Thomson  ISI Citation indexed journal and  is   covered  by SSCI, A&HCI, CC/S&BS and the  CC/A&H. The Journal is also listed on the following Architectural Index Lists: RIBA Index, API, ARCLIB, Avery Index and the Ekistics Index of Periodicals. OHI is online for subscribers at




1) Open House International is read worldwide and is the only journal which provides up to date information for postgraduate researchers, academics and practitioners on user oriented building and urban design processes. The articles are organised in theme issues dealing in depth and breadth with relevant topics which address the important issues of the Built Environment.

2) The articles are blind refereed by an eminent group of persons at doctorial and professorial levels. Many from the editorial and refereeing boards have written books and have published extensively in the international academic refereed journals.

3) The material and reporting is accurate and well substantiated by facts, data, survey information and case studies. Its reliability is strong and can be taken up in research for PhD and any form of comparative research.. Case Studies and Project Evaluation form the main method of reporting.

4) Open House International is acclaimed as essential reading for anyone concerned with home and neighbourhood building today. It serves not only as a lonely beacon for people dedicated to making housing more affordable for low income populations all over the world, but also as on of the few 'texts' used in teaching and research.

5) It is also acclaimed as a fine journal with a long track record of serious reporting on housing research both in developed and developing countries; required reading for everyone - academic or practitioner - who needs to keep abreast of developments in their field.

6) Each issue has approximately 80 well designed pages. A 4. (21 x 29.7 cm), perfect bound with many photographs and other illustrations printed in offset black and white on high quality art paper. All the major book and journal agents are familiar with Open House International.

Notes to Authors


Manuscripts should be around 4000 words in length and should be on the subject of the built environment, design and development, including case studies and new hypotheses or findings.
Manuscripts must have a title not exceeding ten words using only letters and avoid using hypens and any punctuations. The title must be followed by the author(s) name or names and an abstract of between 200 and 300 words in italics. The abstract must be followed by no more than five key words. After the body of the manuscript, it must close with a conclusion followed by full references abbreviated to the following format: Author(s) name in capitals followed by the year of publication in brackets, then the title of the paper or book in italics with page numbers, then in standard lower case the name of the publisher, town and country, e.g JONES D.H (1998). An Introduction to Climate Vol.10 pp 2-9. Pilgrimers Press, London, Great Britain. Paragraphs should follow under each other without space but with each first line being indented ten spaces. Main headings should be in bold capitals and sub-headings in bold lower case. All figures and illustrations must be filed separately and not placed in the body of the text. Only the figure number should be located in the text .

It is a condition of publication that ALL the references listed at the end of the manuscript MUST be cited in the body of the main text eg (JONES 1989) or JONES AND SMITH (1990). In addition a manuscript will only be published if the English is grammatically correct and with a high standard of articulation.

Manuscripts must be saved on WORD 5 FOR MACINTOSH or as RICH TEXT FORMAT. Submission should be made by e-mail attachment and/or in CD format, though 3.5 discs are still acceptable. Photographs must be in tiff or eps format and not less than 300 pixels psi. One hard copy of the manuscript is required in double spacing and on one side of the paper only. All illustrations must be cleared marked where they should be placed in the text and labeled with a soft pencil on the back with the name of the author, manuscript title and figure number. Care should be taken that all information, particularly about place names is clear and correct.

The author or authors (maximum three) of each article will receive one free copy of the journal.

A manuscript submission fee of 100 USD must be paid once the manuscript has been passed for publication.

Specification Summary.

Articles for publication must meet the following requirements:

1. The title of the paper should not exceed ten words
2. The title should NOT contain any hyphens or punctuation marks
3. There must be an abstract of between 200 and 300 words
4. All figures and illustrations must be stored on a separate file to the text
5. Locate any illustration by placing a figure number in the text
6. The manuscript must have keywords following the abstract
7. The manuscript must have references with the authors name in capitals followed the year, the title of the reference in italics and the source or publisher in normal lower case e.g JACKSON (1999) Reconstructing Architecture for the Twenty First Century, Toronto Univertsity Press
8. There must be a conclusion at the end of the manuscript
9. the manuscript must have all references cited in the body of the text eg (WILLS, 2002)
10. The length of the manuscript should be around 4000 words
11. All photographs, line drawing must be in tiff format and not be less than 300 dpi
12. Manuscripts must be submitted on a CD and by e-mail as an attachment.
13. The manuscript must be saved on Word 5 for Macintosh or as rich text format
14. Two hard copies of the text is required



Book reviews should contain the book review itself and full publication details ( the publisher, address, date, price, number of pages and ISBN number ). Reviews should not be more than 1000 words or less than  500 words in length. The contents of the book and their relevance to open building should be assessed in order to provide a critical appraisal of the work.


For the guidance of authors , the following form is used by the referees for the evalution of manuscripts



1. STRUCTURE: Does the article have:

1.1 a title which fits the contents Yes/No
1.2 a title which is less than ten words long. Yes/No
1.3 an abstract Yes/No
1.4 a conclusion Yes/No
1.5 references / bibliography Yes/No
1.6 at least five key words Yes/No

In the case of 1.1 and 1.2 if the answer is NO then please suggest a revised form.

2. STYLE / LANGUAGE : Is the writing clear, unambiguous and of a high standard ?

1. Yes
2. No
If no please give guidance for rewriting and/or improvements.

3. THEORY : Is the connection with theory clearly made ?
1. Yes
2. No
If no please suggest how this might be done.

4. LITERATURE : Does the writer cite references in his / her text and do these match with the reference list at the end of the article? They should all be referred to in the main text. This is important for ISI Citation Index control.

1. Yes
2. No

5. INTERPRETATION : Has the author given appropriate interpretation to data ?

1. Yes
2. No
If No please comment.

6. SIGNIFICANCE : Is this paper a significant contribution to its field ?

1. Yes
2. No

If No state the reasons why.

7. LENGTH : The article should be around 4000. If more please advise where cuts could be made.

1. Should be published, no revision necessary.
2. Should be published with revision.
3. Should not be published.

Referees revision specifications and comments:




Editorial Board

Director & Chief Editor
Nicholas Wilkinson, DPU Associate, University College london,Endsleigh Garden, London WC 1H OED,
Great Britain.



Prof. Pat wakely,
University College London, Development, Planning Unit 9, Endsleigh Gardens, LondonWC 1H OED,

Great Britain.
Prof. Nabeel hamdi,
Oxford Brookes university, School of architecture, Gypsy Lane, Headington, Oxford OX3 OBP,

Great Britain.


Dr. Andrea Martin-Chavez
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
Professor Amos Rapoport
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, USA.
Dr. Florian Steinberg,
Institute of Housing Studies, Jakarta Office,
Dr. Zainab F. Ali,
BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dr. Hussein Ateshin
Eastern Mediterranean University
Robert Brown,
University of Westminster,
London, Great Britain.
Ype Cuperus
Delft University of Technology
Delft, The Netherlands.
Forbes Davidson,
Institute of Housing & Urban Development Studies,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Diane Deacon,
Building and Social Housing Foundation,
Coalville, Great Britain.
Prof. Yurdanur Dulgeroglu-Yuksel
Istanbul Technical University,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Prof. Avi Friedman
McGill University,
Montreal, Canada.
Catalina Gandelsonas
University of Westmister
London, Great Britain.
Dr. Karim Hadjri,
United Arab Emirates University,
El-Ain, UAE
Prof. Keith Hilton,
Mansle, France
Prof. A. D. C. Hyland
National University of Science & Technology,
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Dr. Stephen Kendall,
Ball State University
Muncie, Indiana, USA
Dr. Roderick J. Lawrence
University of Geneva,
Geneva , Switzerland.
Dr. Fuad Mallick,
BRAC University,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dr. Marton Marosszeky
University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Sydney, Australia
Babar Mumtaz,
DPU, University College London,
London, UK
Dr.Hugo Priemus
OTB, Delft University of Technology,
Delft, The Netherlands.
Geoffery Payne,
GPA Associates
London, Great Britain.
Prof. Gulsun Saglamer,
Istanbul Technical University,
Prof. Dick U. Vestbro
The Royal Institute of Technology
Div. of Urban Studies
Dept. of Infrastruture
SE-10044 Stockholm, Sweden.
Prof. Ibrahim Numan,
Eastern Mediterranean University
Prof. Seiji Sawada,
Meiji University,
Tokyo, Japan.
Prof. Paola Somma
University of Venice
Venezia, Italy.
Dr. Mark Napier,
Pretoria, South Africa.
Dr. Peter Kellett
University of Newcastle.upon Tyne,
Newcastle upon Tyne, Great Britain
Prof. Jia Beisi,
University of Honk Kong,
Hong Kong
Dr. Omar Khattab
University of Kuwait
Kuwait, State of Kuwait.

Christine Wamsler
HDM, Lund University




Ms. Uma Adusumilli,
CIDCO, Navi Mumbai,
Dr. Hussein Ateshin
Eastern Mediterranean University
Prof. Bob Koester
Ball State University
Muncie, USA.
Robert Brown
University of Westminster
London, Great Britain.
Dr. German T. Cruz
Ball State University
Muncie, USA.
Dr. Bruce Frankel
Ball State University
Muncie, USA.
Dr.Omar Khattab
University of Kuwait
Dr. David Keuhl
Ball State University
Muncie, USA.
Prof. Keith Hilton
Mansle, France
Dr. George R.Smith
Ball State University
Muncie, USA.
Dr. Ashraf Salama
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals-KFUPM, Saudi Arabia.

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