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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Novum Testamentum is a leading international journal devoted to the study of the New Testament and related subjects. It covers textual and literary criticism, critical interpretation, theology and the historical and literary background of the New Testament, as well as early Christian and related Jewish literature.

¡ñ For over 40 years an unrivalled resource for the subject.
¡ñ Articles in English, French and German.
¡ñ Extensive Book Review section in each volume, introducing the reader to a large section of related titles.

Instructions to Authors
1. Editorial Policy
Novum Testamentum publishes articles that make original contributions to the field of New
Testament Studies. This includes text©\critical, philological, and exegetical studies, and investigations
which seek to situate early Christian texts (both canonical and non©\canonical) and theology in the
broader context of Jewish and Graeco©\Roman history, culture, religion, and literature. Articles are
published in English, French and German.
2. Submissions
2.1 A hard copy of a manuscript submitted for publication should be sent to Professor Dr. Cilliers
Breytenbach, Executive Editor Novum Testamentum, Theologische Fakultät, Humboldt©\Universität zu
Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, D©\10099 Berlin, Germany. An electronic version (preferably in PDF
format) should simultaneously be submitted by email to
novt@rz.hu©\berlin.de. Please include your
postal address in the email message. If it is not possible to send the electronic file by email, it should
be sent on CD©\ROM or DVD to the above address. Authors should retain their own copy for checking
proofs. Typescripts or printed copies are not normally returned to authors. When an article has been
accepted for publication, the author will be asked to send an electronic copy that may be edited as
well as a PDF copy of the final version by email, or on CD©\ROM or DVD by regular post.
2.2 The author(s) should include a statement to the effect that submission has been approved by all
authors (if applicable) and that the article has not and will not be submitted to any other journal
while it is still under consideration for Novum Testamentum. The statement should furthermore
indicate the extent of any overlap with books or articles the author has published or is likely to
publish in the near future. Articles that appear elsewhere in the same or a different language should
not be submitted to this journal.
3. Manuscript preparation
3.1 All manuscripts submitted for publication are expected to be in final form, with no further
changes expected. They should also conform to the requirements of these instructions. If they depart
from them significantly, revision may be requested before they are considered for publication.
Manuscripts should typically not exceed 8,500 words including footnotes. The manuscript must be
typewritten or printed, on one side of the sheet only, on white paper of A 4 or Letter size. All lines are
to be double spaced, even those of extended (i.e., block) quotations. Margins of at least 3 cm (1.25 in)
are to be left on all edges of the page.
3.2 The text of an article submitted should be preceded by an abstract of its contents of about a
hundred words, as well as two to six keywords (for indexing purposes).
3.3 In order to reduce delays in publication, contributors are asked to write as concisely as possible,
to keep footnotes as brief as possible and to exclude any that are unnecessary.
3.4 Footnote text should always appear at the bottom of the page on which the footnote is
located, and footnotes should be numbered consecutively for the whole article. Only arabic
numerals should be used for footnote numbers; roman numerals are not acceptable.
3.5 Italics should normally be used for titles of books and periodicals, transliterations and foreign
words, but may be replaced by single underlining if an italics font is not available.
3.6 Special material (e.g., lists, tables, charts, diagrams) should be typed or drawn on sheets separate
from the main text. However, the location of such material should be indicated clearly in the main
text (e.g., ¡°insert chart 1 approx. here¡±). Where possible, such material should be made available as
electronic files as well.
4. Stylistic requirements
4.1 Ancient languages
4.1.1 Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac and Coptic text should be set in their proper characters.
Accents, breathings and vowel points must be unambiguous. Unpointed Hebrew or Aramaic should
be used, unless the vocalization is crucial to the discussion. Greek words should not be transliterated
unless there is an established tradition for doing so (e.g., pneuma, parousia). Texts in other non©\
Latin scripts should be given in transliteration, unless the use of original characters is absolutely
necessary. For more information on the various fonts and formats to be used, please go to Brill¡¯s
website at
www.brill.nl and from there follow the links to Author Gateway, Guidelines and
Instructions and then to Special Scripts & Transliteration and to Fonts & Unicode.
4.1.2 Latin quotations should be in italic, without quotation marks.
4.2 References to biblical and other ancient texts
4.2.1 In references to biblical and other ancient texts the abbreviations listed in The SBL
Handbook of Style (Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1999) (= SBLHS) should be used.
4.2.2 The following table lists the abbreviations of biblical texts:

Instructions to Authors
instruction for author.pdf

Editorial Board
Executive Editors: C. Breytenbach (Humboldt-University Berlin) and J.C. Thom (University of Stellenbosch)
Book Review Editor: J.K. Elliott (University of Leeds)
Editorial Board: L. Alexander (Sheffield), F. Bovon (Cambridge, MA), J.K. Elliott (Leeds, President), C.R. Holladay (Atlanta), M.J.J. Menken (Utrecht), M.M. Mitchell (Chicago), D.P. Moessner (Dubuque), J. Smit Sibinga (Amsterdam), P. Trebilco (Dunedin)

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