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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Notes, the quarterly journal of the Music Library Association began in 1934 (1st series: 1934-1942), and began its 2nd series in 1943. The journal has appeared consistently since then, offering its readers interesting, informative, and well-written articles in the areas of music librarianship, music bibliography and discography, the music trade, and on certain aspects of music history.

Beginning with volume 35, no. 1 (January 2004), the MCB has been issued online and is no longer distributed in print format. Issues will remain available online from the date of their issue. As with the print version, the online MCB is available by subscription only.

The price for a one-year (January to December) subscription to the Music Cataloging Bulletin is $35.00 per year. Payment may be made by credit card (MasterCard or VISA) or by check. Send checks, in US funds and drawn on a US bank, and made payable to Music Library Association, Inc., to the MLA Business Office at the address below.

For inquiries about subscriptions or to receive an electronic version of the renewal form and licensing agreement, please contact the Business Office by e-mail mla@areditions.com or phone (608-836-5825). Please send all written correspondence to:

The Music Library Association
Business Office
8551 Research Way, Suite 180
Middleton, WI 53562

The MLA Business Office sent renewal notices with the November 2003 issue, and included a licensing agreement, along with log-ins and passwords, which will be activated after payment is processed. In addition, the renewal form includes a space for subscribers to include their IP address for those serials departments which prefer to use IP authentication for electronic publications. (If you wish to verify your IP address, you may use the utility www.whatismyip.com.)

If you are a paid subscriber, you can access MCB Online at www.areditions.com//mcb/MCB_List.html.

Instructions to Authors

Notes - Information and Guidelines for Authors of Articles and Reviews

Notes welcomes submissions of interesting, informative, and well-written articles in the areas of music librarianship, music bibliography, the music trade, and discography, and on certain aspects of music history.

Submission of articles and reviews
Articles should be submitted in paper as well as electronic form. Manuscripts must be double spaced throughout and printed with 1? margins on 8? x 11" paper. The font size should be Times New Roman and the size 12 point. All pages should be numbered. Authors should supply footnotes, charts, tables, illustrations, and legends on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. A brief author note should appear as the first (unnumbered) note. The electronic format must be PC, in WordPerfect or Microsoft Word (if you use a Mac, please submit the review as a reformatted PC file) and submitted via e-mail attachment or on diskette accompanying the paper copy.

Manuscripts are first read by the editor for general suitability. They are then sent to one or more readers for further review and comment using a double-blind review process. Once a decision has been reached, the editor will tell the author whether the paper is accepted for publication and, if so, under what conditions. All accepted manuscripts are edited to insure clarity of presentation and consistency of style.

Illustrations and permissions
Illustrations should be submitted electronically when possible. Submit illustrations at size (i.e., 100%) and include both the electronic file and hardcopy. Illustrations should be in Quark Xpress, Photoshop eps or tiff, Adobe Illustrator eps, or Acrobat PDF format (full application version; the free version downloaded from the Internet does not import into Quark). When fonts are part of the image, include both screen and printer versions of fonts. Fonts must be PostScript, not TrueType. Scans must be at 300 dpi for grayscale images and 1200 dpi for line art. Hardcopy illustrations are best reproduced from 8" x 10" glossy black-and-white photographs; high-quality photocopies may be accepted. Photocopies are adequate for first review. Legends should be double spaced on a separate sheet accompanying the illustrations. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reprint illustrations, examples, song texts, and similar material. All necessary credits and acknowledgments should be included in the legends.

The accuracy of citations, including names, titles, dates, page numbers, and quotations, is the responsibility of the author. All information should be carefully verified before a contribution is submitted.

Notes follows, in its prose sections, The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, as well as the ongoing Notes Style Sheet, available on the Web at:

Footnote citations and bibliography entries
Footnote citations and bibliography entries should conform to the "humanities style" described in chapter 16 of The Chicago Manual of Style. Musicians' names follow the form and spelling used in
GroveMusic.com and the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2001) . Exceptions are listed under Words, Names, and Phrases in the Notes Style Sheet. Other words are spelled according to Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition. Notes does not allow masculine pronouns to be applied generically (nor are "he/she," "his or her," and similar constructions accepted).

Persons wishing to review music, books on music, or periodicals, or to writediscographic essays, are invited to send a curriculum vitae and a statement delineating their special areas of interest and competence to the appropriate editors. Unsolicited reviews are not accepted. Manuscript copy for reviews should conform to the guidelines specified by each review editor. Reviews are edited for style and are generally not returned for their authors' approval prior to publication.
Where to Send Materials for Review

Editorial Board

For availability, contact:
the MLA Business Office
8551 Research Way, Suite 180, Middleton, WI 53562
Phone: 608-836-5825 Fax : 608-831-8200

The MLA mailing list is available for rental in a variety of formats. Please contact the business office for details. Commercial use of this membership handbook for the production of mailing lists is prohibited, and the list has been seeded to detect unauthorized use.

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