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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
FOUNDED IN Boston in 1815, the North American Review is the oldest literary magazine in the US. Published at the University of Northern Iowa (Cedar Falls) since 1968, on six occasions during that period, it has been a finalist for the National Magazine Award (the magazine equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize), and it has twice won the top award in the Fiction category in head-to-head competition with The New Yorker, Harpers, The Atlantic Monthly, and so on. No other university-sponsored periodical has an equivalent record of achievement.
Published five times each year, the NAR is well-known for its early discovery of young, talented fiction writers and poets. But it also publishes creative nonfiction, with emphasis on increasing concerns about environmental and ecological matters, multiculturalism, and exigent issues of gender and class.

Instructions to Authors
The North American Review is the oldest literary magazine in America (founded in 1815) and one of the most respected. We are interested in high-quality poetry, fiction, and nonfiction on any subject; however, we are especially interested in work that addresses contemporary North American concerns and issues, particularly with the environment, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and class.
We like stories that start quickly and have a strong narrative arc. Poems that are passionate about subject, language, and image are welcome, whether they are traditional or experimental, whether in formal or free verse (closed or open form). Nonfiction should combine art and fact with the finest writing. We read poetry, fiction, and nonfiction year-round.
Please submit no more than six poems, one short story, two short-short stories, or one essay. If you are submitting in more than one genre, please send them in separate envelopes. Include a cover letter with a very brief bio; list title(s). Address to Poetry Editor, Fiction Editor, or Nonfiction Editor at:
North American Review
University of Northern Iowa
1222 West 27th Street
Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0516
We do not accept e-mail submissions. We also do not allow simultaneous submissions; these will be returned unread. We do not consider previously published material or work currently in press elsewhere. Please do not submit completed book reviews; send a query instead. Do not submit entire novels, collections of poems or stories, or nonfiction books.
Don't send more than one submission in a given genre at the same time; please wait to hear our decision on one submission before sending more.
Please send a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) with your work. If you wish to decrease your postage cost, we can send back just the first page of your story or article and recycle the rest. For poems we can send back just your cover letter, indicating titles if needed. If you are outside the US, please clip an International Reply Coupon to your submission for return postage.
We try to report on submissions within three months, but we have a very small staff to read more than ten thousand pieces each year. If you haven't heard in four months, you may inquire with an SASE if you wish.
We ask for first North American serial rights only. Copyright reverts to the author upon publication. The NAR pays $1 per line for poems or $5 per 350 words of prose (minimum payment for either genre is $20, maximum $100).
Please do not send disks; if we accept the work, we'll ask for a disk at that time or arrange for you to send the text to us electronically.
Do send us work you're proud of, and do not send your only copy. Be sure to keep copies of what you've sent us in your files.

Editorial Board



Vince Gotera (poetry)

Grant Tracey (fiction)


Managing Editor


Ron Sandvik (nonfiction)


Art Editor


Gary Kelley


Book Review Editor


Anne G. Myles

Contributing Editors

Susan Bergman

Peter Cooley

Robert Dana

Perry Glasser

Margaret Morganroth Gullette

David Hellerstein

Robert L. King

Maxine Hong Kingston

Yusef Komunyakaa

Barry Lopez

Michael Martone

Stephen Minot

Mary Peterson

Barry Sanders

Natalia Rachel Singer

Gloria Vando

Terry Tempest Williams

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