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Instructions to Authors

 Once articles have been accepted a 3? computer disk with the latest version of the article should be forwarded along with a 100-word abstract of the article for inclusion on the Journal website. The New Zealand Journal of History is prepared on a PC using Windows 2000 and Pagemaker. If, however, contributors use a different system and/or software, documents can be converted by the Journal.
The spelling should be consistent except in quotations. Follow the Concise Oxford Dictionary, in particular for the use of ‘ise?and ‘ize?as in ‘despise? but emphasize, organize, realize etc. Use centred, not centered; benefited, not benefitted; focused, not focussed. Use redefinition, rebind, etc., but re-elect, co-operate (where 2 vowels are the same).
Capitals should be used sparingly. Capitalize proper names and substantives only where they refer to specific individuals, offices or organizations: e.g. the Labour government; the government. Use the Prime Minister, but Cabinet minister. Use committee, court, council, minister, commission, parliamentary. Exceptions: Act (referring to a previously named Act of Parliament); Maori meeting-houses: Te Kawa a Maui, Te Poho o Mataatua.
Capitalize the first word and all the principal words (but not articles, prepositions and conjunctions) in titles of publications, and in chapter titles. When referring to magazines or newspapers (e.g. the Auckland Star, the Press) do not include the definite article in the title. The only exception made is The Times (of London).
Capitalize both words in a compound title: Director-General.
Capitalize Pakeha.
Italicize names of ships, titles of published books, plays, films, pamphlets and periodicals; also foreign words in an English text. However, Roman words used in English (sic; interalia) are not italicized.
In footnotes where an acronym is used for a publication title do not italicize the acronym, e.g. New Zealand Parliamentary Debates (NZPD). Do not italicize Maori words. See below for details.
Maori language
The Journal encourages the use of the macron to mark the long vowel. The Journal's policy is to accept the orthography chosen by the author. The Journal will use the double vowel system if the author prefers.
When Maori, and its English translation occur in the running text, English comes first, Maori follows in round brackets. However for longer separated quotes the Maori original comes first, and the English translation follows. Note, italics are not used. Do not pluralize Maori words with ‘s? Thus: Maori.
Form the possessive case of proper names by adding an apostrophe and ‘s? Jones’s article, Stevens’s poem; except where euphony demands omission: Bridges?
Compound words when used as adjectives (e.g. middle-class, working-class) are hyphenated. Compound words consisting of two nouns that are different but of equal importance (author-critic, composer-director, city-state) are hyphenated. Use a hyphen with mid: mid-1880s; mid-term. Words commencing with prefixes (pre-, inter-): when the word is in common usage the hyphen vanishes. But many are still visibly compounds and the hyphen is then retained: pre-colonial, inter-continental; postcolonial, postmodern.
Square brackets
Square brackets are used to enclose an interpolation in a quotation, e.g. [sic].
Quotations should be indicated by single quote-marks. For quotations within a quotation use double quote-marks. Punctuation marks such as full stops or commas should be placed outside the end quote mark, unless they are an essential part of the quotation (e.g. ‘Long live the king!?. If a complete quoted sentence ends the quotation, the full stop should be left inside the quotation mark.
Quoted material up to 100 words should be run on, in single quotes, as part of the text. Longer quotations should be separated from the text and reduced to single space, but not indented.
Use three dots to indicate omissions of material within a quoted sentence. If the omission comes from the concluding section of a sentence use four dots.
BNZ, BA, JPS (no punctuation stops and not italicized).
Spell all numbers from nought (zero) up to and including ten in full. Thereafter use numerals: 8000, 8007 (no comma with four numerals), but 16,000. All numbers, including dates, that begin a sentence must be spelled out. Weights, measures and percentages are written in numerals, e.g. 35kg, 1.290km, 2.3%. Convert all measurements into metrics. Dates are written in numerals, e.g. 1880s, on 8 May 1920. Spell out: nineteenth century. If used adjectivally, ‘nineteenth-century kings? hyphenate. Sequential dates in full: 1956?986.
Print all page numbers up to and including 99 in full, e.g. 16?8, 94?9; for 100 and upwards use the least number of figures, e.g. 322?0, 522?; but write 116?8, not 116?; 210?1, not 210? (where confusion might otherwise arise).
Money (Old)
Use numerals, e.g. ?. Use 1s; 1s.6d.; ?.6s.6d.. Spell out fourpence, sixpence.
Footnote Practice
Published books
Give title and author’s name as they appear on the title page:
1. John Savage, The Revolution in Southern Asia, London, 1974, p.114.
2. V. Purcell, The Chinese in Southeast Asia, 2nd ed., London, 1965, pp.242?.
Subsequent references where there are no other works by the same author mentioned:
3. Purcell, p.240.
Subsequent references where more than one work/volume by a particular author has been mentioned:
4. Purcell, Chinese, p.25
5. Campbell, II, p.96. (where there is no risk of confusion)
Title of the chapter or part of the book cited:
6. E. Olssen, ‘Towards a New Society? in W.H. Oliver, ed., The Oxford History of New Zealand, Wellington, 1981, pp.250?0.
Note: eds, (no stop).
Dictionary of New Zealand Biography
7. Anne Kirker, ‘Abraham, Caroline Harriet? in The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography (DNZB), Vol. One, 1769?869, Wellington, 1990, pp.1?.
Subsequent references to other entries:
8. Clarence Acker [note no middle name], ‘Acker, Lewis? in DNZB, Vol. One, pp.2?.
Subsequent reference to same entry:
9. Kirker, ‘Abraham? p.2.
Volume number:
10. J.S. Polack, New Zealand, London, 1838, II, p.74.
Number of volumes:
11. D. Campbell, The Puritans in Holland, England, and America, 2 vols, New York, 1892.
Articles in periodicals
12. H. Huth, ‘The American and Nature? Journal of the Polynesian Society (JPS), 10, 2 (1950), pp.101?9. Abbreviate title on the first reference with an acronym that is not italicized.
First references:
13. Evening Post (EP), 19 May 1949. Spell out all months in full.
Insert place of publication on first reference if there is a possible confusion as to which newspaper is being cited: Daily Telegraph (Napier), 4 June 1910.
Note: The Times (London) is the only newspaper which carries the word The in its title.
Later references:
14. EP, 18 May 1954.
15. Smith to Jones, 8 May 1830, Jones Papers, MS Papers 0213: 0006, Alexander Turnbull Library (ATL), Wellington. (The Turnbull Library has its own system where all files are now called ‘MS Papers?.
16. Smith to Brown, 8 November 1890, Colonial Office (CO), 273/188, Public Record Office (PRO), London.
17. Smith to Brown, 8 October 1890, Maori Affairs (MA) 23/8, National Archives (NA), Wellington.
Insert the abbreviations for libraries on first reference.
18. Southbrook-Pemberton Correspondence, Bodleian MSS Eng. Lett d 453, folios 1?, 52?3, Oxford.
19. F. W. Smith Papers, MS Papers 0270: 0023, Alexander Turnbull Library (ATL), Wellington.
20. 11 January 1872, William Williams Diary 1871?872, MS 54, Auckland Museum Library. (MS here indicates a single manuscript item).
Appendices to Journals, Parliamentary Debates, Statutes
First references:
21. Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives (AJHR), 1937, H-31A, p.48.
22. New Zealand Parliamentary Debates (NZPD), 1921, 190, p.401.
23. New Zealand Statutes (NZS), 1945, p.500.
Later references:
24. AJHR, 1937, H-31A, pp.9?0.
25. NZPD, 1963, 336, pp.201?.
26. NZS, 1932, pp.211?2.
27. J.D. Salmond, ‘New Zealand Labour’s Pioneering Days? PhD thesis, University of Auckland, 1950, pp.44?5.
28. Margaret Tennant, ‘Matrons with a Mission: Women’s Organizations in New Zealand, 1893 to 1915? MA thesis, Massey University, Palmerston North, 1976, p.132.
Other abbreviations
29. ch.5; chs 6, 7.
30. Use: ibid., p.48. No other Latin derivate used.
31. Use: cit. for cited in, or by.

Instructions to Authors
instruction for authors.pdf

Editorial Board


期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

New Zealand Subscriber:

Judith Bassett
Judith Binney
Malcolm Campbell
Caroline Daley
Raewyn Dalziel
Aroha Harris

Deborah Montgomerie

Review Editor:  Greg Ryan


Editorial Assistants: Barbara Batt, Jennifer Ashton


Business Manager: Gabrielle Fortune



Editorial Advisory Group:


Tony Ballantyne
Barbara Brookes
Giselle Byrnes
Cathy Coleborne
Bronwyn Dalley
Anna Green
Chris Hilliard
Kerry Howe
Jim McAloon
John E. Martin
Philippa Mein Smith


University of Otago
University of Otago
Victoria University of Wellington
University of Waikato
Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Auckland University of Technology
University of Sydney
Massey University, Albany
Lincoln University
Parliamentary Historian, Wellington
University of Canterbury

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