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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

About the Review

With a national circulation of over 125,000, The New York Review of Books has established itself, in Esquire's words, as "the premier literary-intellectual magazine in the English language." The New York Review began during the New York publishing strike of 1963, when the present editors, Robert Silvers and Barbara Epstein, and their friends, decided to create a new kind of magazine¡ªone in which the most interesting and qualified minds of our time would discuss current books and issues in depth. The New York Review's early issues included articles by such writers as W.H. Auden, Elizabeth Hardwick, Hannah Arendt, Edmund Wilson, Susan Sontag, Robert Penn Warren, Lilian Hellman, Norman Mailer, Gore Vidal, Saul Bellow, Robert Lowell, Truman Capote, William Styron, and Mary McCarthy. The public responded by buying up practically all the copies printed and writing thousands of letters to demand that The New York Review continue publication.

Within a short time, The New York Times was writing that The New York Review "has succeeded brilliantly," The New Statesman hailed its founding as "of more cultural import than the opening of Lincoln Center," and the great English art historian Kenneth Clark observed, "I have never known such a high standard of reviewing." The unprecedented and enthusiastic response was indicative of how badly America needed a literary and critical journal based on the assumption that the discussion of important books was itself an indispensable literary activity.

From the 1960s to the 1990s, The New York Review of Books has posed the questions in the debate on American life, culture, and politics. It is the journal where Mary McCarthy reported on the Vietnam War from Saigon and Hanoi; Edmund Wilson challenged Vladimir Nabokov's translations; Hannah Arendt published her reflections on violence; Ralph Nader published his "manifesto" for consumer justice; I.F. Stone investigated the lies of Watergate; Susan Sontag challenged the claims of modern photography; Jean-Paul Sartre, at 70, described his writing and politics, and how he felt about his blindness; Elizabeth Hardwick addressed the issues of women and writing; John K. Galbraith analyzed the ailing economy under Carter and the Reagan recovery; Gore Vidal hilariously lampooned bestsellers, Howard Hughes, Teddy Roosevelt, and the Reagans; Mario Cuomo published his controversial address on the morality of abortion; V.S. Naipaul reported on the rise of neo-conservatism from the 1984 Republican convention; Felix Rohatyn made the case for a national industrial policy in an influential series of articles; Peter G. Peterson showed why the present Social Security program can't last, Joan Didion described, in a firsthand account, the situation in El Salvador; McGeorge Bundy, George Kennan, and Lewis Thomas outlined the nuclear threat; Nadine Gordimer and Bishop Desmond Tutu wrote from South Africa on the conflict over apartheid; V¨¢clav Havel published his reflections from the Czech underground; and Timothy Garton Ash carries on his continuing account of the new Eastern Europe. It is the journal where the most important issues are discussed by writers who are themselves a major force in world literature and thought.

Every two weeks, these and other writers publish essays and reviews of books and the arts, including music, theater, dance, and filmfrom Woody Allen's Manhattan to Kurosawa's version of King Lear. What has made The New York Review successful, according to The New York Times, is its "stubborn refusal to treat books, or the theatre and movies, for that matter, as categories of entertainment to be indulged in when the working day is done."

Instructions to Authors

 Michael Massing
on press coverage of the Iraq war and the hidden human costs of the conflict, from the psychological scars of front-line American soldiers to the experiences of everyday Iraqis.

 David Cole
on waterboarding, executive power, and the legacy of the Bush Justice Department.

 Henry Siegman
on "Failure Risks Devastating Consequences" (November 8, 2007)

 Bill McKibben
on "Can Anyone Stop It?" (October 11, 2007)

 Michael Tomasky
on "Citizen Gore" (September 27, 2007)

 Peter Galbraith
on "Iraq: The Way To Go" (August 16, 2007)

Editorial Board


Robert B. Silvers, Editor
Elizabeth Hardwick, Advisory Editor
Michael Shae, Eve Bowen, Jeff Alexander, Ann Kjellberg, Hugh Eakin, Assistant Editors
David Levine, Staff Artist
Barbara Epstein (1928-2006), Founding Co-editor

Rea S. Hederman, Publisher
Catherine Tice, Associate Publisher
Raymond Shapiro, Business Manager
Lara Frohlich Andersen, Advertising Director

Elaine Blair, Jana Prikryl, Jascha Hoffman, Sasha Weiss, Deirdre Foley-Mendelssohn, Editorial Assistants
Sylvia Lonergan, Researcher
Borden Elniff, Phil Raiten, Type Production
Janet Noble, Cover Production
Kazue Soma, Production
Michael King, Advertising Manager
Maura O'Brien, Classified Advertising
Nancy Ng, Design Director
Janice Fellegara, Director of Marketing and Planning
Andrea D. Moore, Assistant Circulation Manager
Angela Hederman, Special Projects
Diane R. Seltzer, Office Manager/List Manager
Dwayne Jones, Direct Sales Accounting
Margarette Devlin, Comptroller
Pearl Williams, Assistant Comptroller
Kevin Theodore, Accounting Assistant
Teddy Wright, Receptionist
Rande Barke, Office Staff

Matthew Howard, Director of Electronic Publishing
Miriam Hendel, Senior Designer
Maryanne Chaney, Production Coordinator

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