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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

New Testament Studies is an international peer-reviewed periodical whose contributors comprise the leading New Testament scholars writing in the world today. The journal publishes original articles and short studies in English, French and German on a wide range of issues pertaining to the origins, history and theology of the New Testament and early Christianity. All contributions represent research at the cutting edge of the discipline which has developed a wide range of methods in recent years. The periodical embraces exegetical, historical, literary-critical, sociological, theological and other approaches to the New Testament, including studies in its history of interpretation and effects.

Instructions to Authors
 Editorial Policy
New Testament Studies is an international peer-reviewed periodical whose contributors comprise the leading New Testament scholars writing in the world today. The journal publishes original articles and short studies in English, French and German on a wide range of issues pertaining to the origins, history and theology of the New Testament and early Christianity. All contributions represent research at the cutting edge of the discipline which has developed a wide range of methods in recent years. The periodical embraces exegetical, historical, literary-critical, sociological, theological and other approaches to the New Testament, including studies in its history of interpretation and effects.
Published under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas
Materials submitted for publication should be sent to the Editor, Professor John M.G. Barclay, at john.barclay@durham.ac.uk (Mail address: Department of Theology and Religion, Durham University, Abbey House, Palace Green, Durham DH1 3RS, UK). Contributors are requested to send one electronic copy in Microsoft Word or Word Perfect and simultaneously a second copy in pdf format. If pdf-submission is not possible, they are required to send two copies of the typescript to the above mail address, retaining a third copy for checking proofs.
The author should certify that the article is not being submitted simultaneously to some other journal and explain to the editor the extent of any overlap with books or articles the author bhas published or is likely to publish in the near future. Articles that appear elsewhere in the same or a different language should not be submitted to this journal.
Authors of articles published in the journal assign copyright to Cambridge University Press (with certain rights reserved) and you will receive a copyright assignment form for signature on acceptance of your paper.
Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material in which they do not hold copyright and for ensuring that the appropriate acknowledgements are included in their manuscript.
2.Manuscript preparation
New Testament Studies accepts contributions in English, French and German. All articles submitted for publication in this journal are expected to conform to the requirements of these instructions. If they depart from them in major ways, retyping may be requested before they are considered for publication. It is assumed that submitted typescripts are in final form with no changes expected later. Authors of articles receive proofs which they are expected to read carefully, check against a copy of the typescript, and correct.
Typescripts should not normally be longer than 8,500 words inclusive of footnotes (i.e. about 20 pages of the current NTS format). Two copies of a typescript should be submitted to the editor; authors should retain a third copy for checking proofs. Typescripts are not normally returned to authors.
When an article has been accepted for publication, the author is strongly encouraged to send a copy of the final version on computer disk (Macintosh or PC) together with the hard copy typescript, giving details of the wordprocessing software used (Microsoft Word or Word Perfect). However, the publisher reserves the right to typeset material by conventional means if an author's disk proves unsatisfactory.
The typescript must be typewritten or printed, on one side of the sheet only, on white paper of standard business-letter size. All lines are to be double spaced, even those of footnotes and extended quotations. Margins of at least 3 cms (1.25 ins) are to be left on all edges of the page. Words to be printed in italics (e.g. titles of books and periodicals, transliterations and foreign words) are to be underlined once, unless an easily distinguishable italic font is available.
Special material (e.g. lists, tables, charts, diagrams) should be typed (or drawn) on sheets separate from the main text. However, the location of such material in the main text should be indicated clearly (e.g. `insert chart 1 approx. here').
3.Text preparation
Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac and Coptic text can be set in their proper characters. Their insertion into the typescript must be done with the greatest attention to legibility. Accents, breathings and vowel points must be unambiguous. Unpointed Hebrew or Aramaic should be used, unless the vocalization is crucial to the discussion. Greek words should not be transliterated unless there is an established tradition for doing so (e.g. pneuma, parousia).
In all references roman numerals and superscript numerals to indicate the edition of a work should be avoided where possible.
Quotations of five or more typewritten lines in any language will be printed as a separate paragraph and in type smaller than that used in the body of the article (without opening and closing quotation marks). Such quotations should be double spaced in the typed typescript, but marked with a marginal note (e.g. `smaller type').
Respect for accuracy in verbatim quotations demands that the spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and abbreviations of the original publication be reproduced exactly, even if they differ from the style of this journal. Should the quotation contain an error, this may be indicated by (sic) or (?) at the author's discretion.
Bible references should use this form: Gen 2.4-8; Matt 13.16, 18, 21; 1 Cor 4.11-5.3 (for the abbreviations of the biblical books see note 16).
All footnotes should be double-spaced and numbered consecutively. Long, complicated footnotes should be avoided.
In giving bibliographical references in footnotes, the author should eliminate punctuation and unnecessary words as much as possible, especially commas and such abbreviations as vol., pp., cols. Words like `Series', `Press', `Verlag' should be eliminated wherever possible; also the names of translators (unless this is needed for some special reason). The publisher and the place of publication must be included in the first notice of a work. In the case of reprinted volumes the date of the original publication is preferred; the author may add, e.g., re-printed, New York: Ktav, 1970. If there is need to indicate a foreign original (which is normally not the case), this form is to be used: German original, München: Kaiser, 1970. The (abbreviated) title of a series is to be put within the parentheses.
Some examples:
J. Ziesler, Pauline Christianity (London/New York: Oxford University, rev. ed. 1990) 43-6.
M. Bouttier, En Christ: Étude d' exégèse et de théologie pauliniennes (Études d'histoire et de philosopie religieuses 54; Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1962) 10-12.
W. Schrage, Der erste Brief an die Korinther (1 Kor 1,6-6,11) (EKKNT 7/1; Zürich/Braunschweig: Benziger/Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 1991) 108-27.
C. F. D. Moule, The Phenomenon of the New Testament (SBT 2/1; London: SCM, 1967) 62-3, 66-7.
E. Trocm? `Un christianisme sans Jésus-Christ?', NTS 38 (1992) 321-36, esp. 323-4 n. 8.
M. Hengel, Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in Their Encounter in Palestine in the Early Hellenistic Period (2 vols.; London: SCM, 1974) 1.166; 2.108-9 n. 392.
P. Rossano, `La parola e lo spirito: Riflessioni su I Tess 1,5 e I Cor 2,4-5', Mélanges bibliques en hommage au R. P. Béda Rigaux (ed. A. Descamps and A. de Halleux; Gembloux: Duculot, 1970) 437-44.
J. Tyson, ed., Luke-Acts and the Jewish People: Eight Critical Perspectives (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1988).
Once the full information for a book or article has been given, a shortened title (but not an acronym!) is to be used. For example, Bouttier, En Christ, 138. General references to works previously cited, e.g. op. cit., art. cit., a.a.O., etc., must be avoided. Also f. or ff. (and equivalents) for `following' pages or verses; the proper page numbers or verse numbers are to be cited. These should be given in as concise a form as possible, except that the 1 is retained

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


  • Professor Judith Lieu
  • Faculty of Divinity
    West Road
    CB3 9BS

SNTS - Ex Officio Officers

  • Prof Dr Barbara Aland
  • University of Münster, Germany
  • Professor Seán Freyne
  • University of Dublin, Ireland
  • Dr Bruce W. Longenecker
  • The University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK
  • Professor W. A. Meeks
  • Yale University, Connecticut, USA
  • Professor R. A. Piper
  • University of St Andrews, UK
  • Professor M . C. de Boer
  • Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Editorial Board

  • Professor Samuel Byrskog
  • University of Göteborg, Sweden
  • Prof Dr Christfried Böttrich
  • Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Germany
  • Professor Elian Cuvillier
  • Facult?de Théologie, Montpellier, France
  • Professor T. L. Donaldson
  • University of Toronto, Canada
  • Professor Bart D. Ehrman
  • University of North Carolina, USA
  • Professor T. Engberg-Pedersen
  • University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Prof Dr C. A. Evans
  • Acadia Divinity College,Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Dr Joel B. Green
  • Asbury Theological Seminary, USA
  • Professor Jens Herzer
  • Universität Leipzig, Germany
  • Professor Jey J. Kanagaraj
  • Hindustan Bible Institute & College, India
  • Professor W. Loader
  • Murdoch University, Australia
  • Prof Dr Thomas Schmeller
  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität , Frankfurt, Germany
  • Professor Dr J. Schröter
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
  • Professor T. K. Seim
  • University of Oslo, Norway
  • Professor L. Stuckenbruck
  • Durham University, UK
  • Professor Johan C. Thom
  • University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
  • Professor M.M. Thompson
  • Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
  • Professor Paul Treblico
  • University of Otago, New Zealand

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