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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Not since the Gutenberg Bible has there been a publishing revolution to match that of the Internet. Yet, even as the Internet enlarges our view, it diminishes our literary horizons. The people who write great stories have fewer places to publish and fewer people to read their work. In the United States alone, there has been a loss of twenty million readers between the ages of eighteen and forty.

Thats why Narrative Magazine was founded in 2003 with the single mission to bring great literature into the digital age, and to provide it for free. Stories, poetry, essays, novel excerpts, articles, and interviews are availablewithout subscription  to readers everywhere. With an audience of 30,000 readers, Narrative Magazine has brought together online readers with the best literary minds in the world to reverse the downward trend in reading.

But we need to do more. We need to reach more. We need to raise more funds.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Narrative depends on your U.S. tax-deductible donation to ensure the vibrant growth of contemporary literature.

To add your name to a growing list of people determined to maintain literary excellence, click Support Narrative.

Instructions to Authors
Submission Guidelines

We welcome submissions of previously unpublished manuscripts of all lengths, from short short stories to complete book-length works. Narrative regularly publishes fiction, poetry, and nonfiction, including stories, novels, novel excerpts, novellas, personal essays, humor, sketches, memoirs, literary biographies, commentary, reportage, interviews, and features of interest to readers who take pleasure in storytelling and imaginative prose. For poetry submissions, Narrative is open to all forms and genres. We look for quality and originality of language and content. We do not accept translations. If you are interested in sending your work for consideration, please read the following guidelines carefully. You may wish to print out this page so that you can refer to it as you submit your manuscript.

Submissions may be sent to us at any time, year-round. We accept multiple submissions, since we feel that it¡¯s unreasonable to expect writers to give a magazine an exclusive look at a work unless the magazine can respond within two to three weeks. We want writers to have every possible opportunity for success, so we¡¯re willing to risk losing a story we want when someone at another magazine may have done their reading before we have, and in that case we¡¯ll be sorry to lose the piece but happy for the writer. Our response time varies from four to twelve weeks, with the slowest times usually being August/September and December/January.

Except during our open-submission periods, we require a reading fee for submission, as follows: 

reading fee for short short stories of 750 to 2,000 words. 

reading fee for up to five poems in a single submission. 

reading fee for short audio (MP3) submissions of poetry. Audio poetry submissions may be up to five minutes in length. 

reading fee for short audio (MP3) submissions of prose, for our TELL ME A STORY category (see description below). Audio prose submissions may be up to five minutes in length. 

reading fee for a single manuscript (fiction or nonfiction) of 2,000 to 10,000 words in length.

reading fee for novellas and book-length works.

All submissions, with a reading fee, from new or emerging writers are eligible for the $4,000 Narrative Prize awarded annually.

For all accepted manuscripts of 750 to 2,000 words we pay between $150 and $350 on publication. For all accepted manuscripts of 2,000 to 10,000 words, we pay $350 to $1,000 on publication. For all book-length works accepted for serialization, we pay a minimum of $1,000 to $10,000 on publication and may offer more, depending on the length and nature of the work. For more information on our program of serializations, please click here. For each accepted poem, we pay $50, on publication.

Contributors are asked to include a brief biographical note with their submissions.

We accept only online submissions: Please read the following instructions in full and/or print out the instructions before making an online submission:

1) Online submissions should be formatted as follows: Fiction and nonfiction should be double-spaced, with 12-point type, at least one-inch margins, and sequentially numbered pages. Poetry should be single-spaced, with 12-point type, at least one-inch margins, and sequentially numbered pages.The author¡¯s name, address, telephone number, and email address should be typed at the top of the first page.

2) Save your document in one of the following formats: .doc, .pdf, or .rtf. To read instructions for putting a document in Microsoft Word Rich Text Format (.rtf), or any other word processing program using .rtf, please click here.

3) Before sending us your document, read the details below and fill in the appropriate form fields.

SHORT SHORT STORY manuscripts must be between three and five pages in length, and no less than 750 and no more than 2,000 words.

MANUSCRIPTS OF UP TO 10,000 WORDS can include short stories, essays, and other complete short works of nonfiction, and excerpts from longer works of fiction and nonfiction.

COMPLETE BOOK-LENGTH WORKS. For consideration for serialization, please send the first chapter and a one-page synopsis of the book. (Based on our reading of the first chapter and synopsis, we will ask to see the complete book manuscript if we think the book is suitable for serialization in Narrative. We accept submissions of completed, previously unpublished books. For further information on our program of serializations, please click here.)

POETRY SUBMISSIONS may contain up to five poems. Your submission should give a strong sense of your style and range. We accept submissions of all poetic forms and genres but do not accept translations.

AUDIO POETRY SUBMISSIONS must be in MP3 format and may be up to five minutes long.

TELL ME A STORY audio prose submissions may be fiction or nonfiction but should take a storytelling form. Audio prose submissions must be in MP3 format and may be up to five minutes long.

Editorial Board

Carol Edgarian and Tom Jenks

John Miller

Michael Wiegers

Pat Gage

Lacy Crawford

Mimi Kusch

David Dexter

Jane Lancellotti

Sameer Pandya

Tom Centolella
Pia Z. Ehrhardt

Kira Petersons

Nana Adae
Stephanie Czarnota
Kathy Fish
Reese Kwon
Caitlin McKenna
Tina Nettesheim
Mike Noll
Robin Oliveira
James Spears
Liesl Wilke
Joan Wilking
Victoria Williams

Kathy Evans

Michelle Detorie
Meagan Evans
Andy Frost
Lara Gularte
Evelyn Lauer

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