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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Adalya is the annual journal of Suna & Ýnan Kýra?Research Institute on Mediterranean Civilisations (AKMED) on history and archaeology. The journal has been printed uninterruptedly since 1996 and is named after one of the ancient names of the city of Antalya, which was founded by the Pergamene King Attalos II in the 2nd century BC.

The scope of Adalya covers specific works, oriented to the research, study, documentation, conservation and interpretation of the relations between the cultures of the whole Mediterranean, in the fields of history, archaeology, ethnography, and exploring other relevant disciplines as well, the geography determined as the "entire Anatolian Mediterranean, but especially Antalya and its environs", namely Lycia, Pamphylia, Cilicia and Pisidia, within the framework of AKMED's foundation goals.

Adalya has been cited in the A&HCI (Art & Humanities Citation Index) and CC/A&H (Current Contents/Art & Humanities) from Adalya VIII (2005) and it is also included as "Adalya" in the abbreviation index of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI).

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Instructions to Authors

Articles can be written in Turkish, English, German or French, depending on the author's preference, and they have to be original. It is understood that the author's work has not been published elsewhere before and has not been submitted for publication by another publication. Articles within the framework of the abovementioned scope will be published after being reviewed by the scientific peer reviewers of the relevant subject. If necessary, articles will be returned to authors for reconsideration, addition, correction etc.

Despite any absolute restriction, authors are requested to submit articles not exceeding 20 pages of text and 12 plates of photographs and artwork. The text must be written on PC or Macintosh, using Word 5.0 or a higher version, in 12 pts "Times New Roman" with 10 pts footnotes at the bottom of each page and with continuous pagination. Two copies of the manuscript printed on A4 size paper must accompany the diskette or CD copy of the submitted article. In the event of another script occurring in the text of the article, the relevant script fonts must also be sent, together with the article on CD.

A summary in the same language as the article and not exceeding 3 A4 pages (approximately 3000 characters) must be attached to the article. Translations of these summaries will be undertaken by AKMED and will be sent to the authors for review/proofreading.

The titles of the photographs and artwork must include their sources (if applicable) and are to be submitted on a separate sheet.

Artwork in digital format (as for all kinds of visual material) must be 15 cm. long with a minimum resolution of 300 pixels/inch. In the event that the image is intended to be used as a full page, the long side must be of 22 cm. In addition, digital images must be submitted in TIFF format suitable for Adobe Photoshop. Images embedded in another programme (e.g. Microsoft Word) will not be accepted. Drawings prepared in Aldus FreeHand and Adobe Illustrator programmes should be sent directly in their original format without any conversion.

The sources used and personal abbreviations must be given at the end of the article. For international abbreviations only one of the indexes of AA, ArchBibl, AJA, BCH, JHS, Neue Pauly must be used and cited. Publications not mentioned in the indexes mentioned above must be abridged as follows:

News of Archaeology from Anatolia's Mediterranean Areas = ANMED
Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi = ASanat
Arkeometri Sonulan Toplants = ArkST
Dil, Tarih ve Corafya Fakltesi Dergisi, Ankara niversitesi = DTCFD
Mze Kurtarma Kazlar Semineri = MzeKKS
Trk Tarih Kongresi Bildirileri = TrkTKB

The initial of the first name of the author. Surname of the author, title of book (publication year) page fig. pl.
J. Borchhardt, Limyra. Zemuri Tasjan (1999) 32 fig. 53 pl. 74. 78-81. 85.
If there is more than one published edition of the work, the number of the edition must be given as superscript: G. Gruben, Die Tempel der Griechen3 (1986) 45. 64-67.

The initial of the first name of the author. Surname of the author, "title of the article", (the abbreviation of) the title of the periodical Volume number, year, page fig. pl.
C. H. Hallett, "Portrait Statues from Civic Center of Aphrodisias", AJA 102, 1998, 73-75 fig. 15.

Supplementary Series:
The initial of the first name of the author. Surname of the author, (the abbreviation of) the title of the series Supplementary Issue Nr. (publication year) page fig. pl.
J. Borchhardt - H. Eichner - K. Schulz, KERTHTHI oder der Versuch, eine antike Siedlung der Klasik in Zentrallykien zu identifizieren. Adalya Supplementary Series 3 (2005) 9 fig. 15.

O. Carruba, "Neues zur Friihgeschichte Lykiens", in: F. Blakolmer et al. (eds.), Fremde Zeiten. Festschrift fur Jurgen Borchhardt I (1996) 37.

E. Akurgal, "Die einheimischen und fremden Elemente in der lykischen Kunst und ihre Eigenheiten", in: J. Borchhardt - G. Dobesch (eds.), Akten des II. internationalen Lykien-Symposions I. Wien, 6.-12. Mai 1990 (1993) 149 ff.

P. Frei, "Geschichte lykiens im Altertum", in Gotter - Heroen - Herrscher in Lykien. Ausstellungkatalog Wien (1990) 7 ff.

Unpublished Theses:
M. zhanl, Arkaik Dnem Kilikya Pimi Toprak Figurinleri - Kilikya - Kbrs ve yonya ilikileri (Unpublished PhD Thesis Antalya 2004).

Publications by Editor(s):
E. Akurgal, "Die einheimischen und fremden Elemente in der lykischen Kunst und ihre Eigenheiten", in: J. Borchhardt - G. Dobesch (eds.), Akten des II. internationalen Lykien-Symposions I. Wien, 6.-12. Mai 1990 (1993) 149 ff.

Miscellaneous Abbreviations:

op.cit. in the work already cited ff. following pages
idem an author that has just been mentioned et al. and others
ibid in the same source approx. approximately
fig. figure n. footnote
pl. plate infra see below
dwg. drawing supra see above

Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Haluk ABBASOÐLU   Prof. Dr. Max KUNZE
Prof. Dr. Ara ALTUN   Prof. Dr. Thomas MARKSTEINER
Prof. Dr. Olu?ARIK   Prof. Dr. Wolfram MARTINI
Prof. Dr. Cevdet BAYBURTLUOÐLU   Prof. Dr. Gönül ÖNEY
Prof. Dr. Tuncer BAYKARA   Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÖZSAÝT
Prof. Dr. Jürgen BORCHHARDT   Prof. Dr. Urs PESCHLOW
Prof. Dr. Ömer ÇAPAR   Prof. Dr. Scott REDFORD
Prof. Dr. Vedat ÇELGÝN   Prof. Dr. Martin Ferguson SMITH
Prof. Dr. Bekir DENÝZ   Prof. Dr. Oðuz TEKÝN
Prof. Dr. Jacques Des COURTILS   Prof. Dr. Gülsün UMURTAK
Prof. Dr. Refik DURU   Prof. Dr. Burhan VARKIVAN?/TD>
Prof. Dr. Serra DURUGÖNÜL   Prof. Dr. Michael WÖRRLE
Prof. Dr. Hansgerd HELLENKEMPER   Prof. Dr. Martin ZIMMERMAN
Prof. Dr. Frank KOLB    

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