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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and Scope

Music Analysis is the international forum for the presentation of new writing focused on musical works and repertoires. Through articles of this kind and through its lively Critical Forum, it also aims to take forward debates concerning the relationship of technical commentary on music with music theory, critical theory, music history and the cognitive sciences.

Founded in 1982, Music Analysis publishes major orientation articles by respected scholars such as Kofi Agawu, Craig Ayrey, Richard Cohn, Nicholas Cook, Hermann Danuser and Marianne Kielian-Gilbert.  The journal has also featured translations of important articles by Adorno, Molino, Ratz, Ruwet and Schenker.

Music Analysis is eclectic in its coverage of music from medieval to post-modern times, and has regular articles on non-western music. Its lively tone and focus on specific works makes it of interest to the general reader as well as the specialist.

Music Analysis is published in association with the Society for Music Analysis (SMA).

Click here for the Society for Music Theory (SMT) webpage.

Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines

Information for contributors

  1. Contributions should be sent in the first instance to the Editorial Manager, Jenny Troyano, Academic Journals Production, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford 0X4 2DQ. Please note that unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned.
  2. Manuscripts should be submitted in duplicate, printed on one side of the paper, along with a disk. A short biographical note on the author should follow the text.
  3. Endnotes should be numbered in sequence and referred to by superscriptions in the text.
  4. In a contribution with no endnotes, sources should be cited within the text in the form (Schenker 1979, p. 23) and an alphabetical bibliography of all references should follow the text.
  5. Citations of books, articles and other published works should follow a style evident in recent issues of the journal.
  6. Where a quotation in the original language (i.e. other than English) is considered essential, a translation with a record of its source should also be given.
  7. Contributors should use verbal terms within the text for the designation of < flat >, < natural > and < sharp > pitch notations.
  8. Music examples, figures and tables should be supplied on separate sheets, numbered in sequence and referred to in the text in the form; Ex. 1 or Exs. 2 and 3; Fig. I or Figs. 2 and 3; Table I or Tables 2 and 3.
  9. Music examples and other graphics should, if possible, be supplied as Encapsulated PostScript?files, or in another machine-readable form by arrangement with the Editor. If this is not feasible, the journal will normally undertake to set material as required.
  10. British spellings and terminology should be used throughout (e.g. bar, crotchet, metre, perfect cadence); please use -ise, -isation, etc. in preference to -ize, -ization, etc. Other preferred forms include the following: acknowledgement, bar line, double bar, focused, interpretative, interval-class, judgement, neighbour note, neoclassical, note (not tone), pitch-class, postmodern, premise, set-class, tempi, third-progression, towards (not toward), Ursatz, Urlinie, voice-leading. Two-letter abbreviations of the names of American states should be used where necessary (e.g. MA, NY).
  11. Set-class names should normally follow the usage established in Allen Forte, The Structure of Atonal Music (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1973). Where prime and inverse forms of set-classes are distinguished, the suffixes A and B should be used respectively (e.g. 3 - 11A for the set-class of minor triads). Pitch-class integer notation should use the numbers 10 and 11 rather than letter-name alternatives.
  12. Conventional titles of musical works should not be italicised (or underlined) if in normal English usage; proper names and foreign titles should be (e.g. Sonata Op. 111, but Konzertstück, The Turn of the Screw and Fidelio).
  13. Capitalisation should be maximised in English titles of musical works, books, etc. (e.g. The Structure of Atonal Music); capitalisation of foreign-language titles should follow the custom of the language concerned.
  14. Authors are responsible for supplying written evidence of copyright permission with respect to the reproduction of music examples and similar materials. It will expedite the processing of your contribution if any necessary agreements with copyright holders have already been sought when material is submitted to the journal.

Please note that the copyright of all material published by the joumal remains with the journal. Authors may subsequently repriat their contributions in collections of their own work without fee to the journal provided (i) that such reprinting does not involve photographic or other similar means of reproduction of the joumal's typography, and (ii) that appropriate acknowledgement is made to the journal. A condition of publication in the journal is that contributor licenses to the journal, in the person of the publisher, the right to administer the reprinting, anthology, translation aad other subsidiary tights in the contribution. Half of the fees in all such subsidiary rights, except for reproduction of the journal's typography, will be paid to the contributor.

Exclusive Licence Form
Authors will be required to sign an Exclusive Licence Form (ELF) for all papers accepted for publication. Signature of the ELF is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless a signed form has been received. Please note that signature of the Exclusive Licence Form does not affect ownership of copyright in the material.  (Government employees need to complete the Author Warranty sections, although copyright  in such cases does not need to  be assigned).  After submission authors will retain the right to publish their paper in various medium/circumstances (please see the form for further details).  To assist authors an appropriate form will be supplied by the editorial office. Alternatively, authors may like to download a copy of the form here

Pre-submission English-language editing
Authors for whom English is a second language may choose to have their manuscript professionally edited before submission to improve the English. A list of independent suppliers of editing services can be found at www.blackwellpublishing.com/bauthor/english_language.asp. All services are paid for and arranged by the author, and use of one of these services does not guarantee acceptance or preference for publication.


Editorial Board

Editorial Information

Alan Street
Department of Music
University of Exeter
Streatham Drive

Exeter EX4 4PD

Tel: +44 (0) 1392 263819

Critical Forum Editor
Julian Horton

Assistant Editor
Michael Spitzer

Editorial Board Chairman
Nicholas Marston

Editorial Board
Craig Ayrey
Julie Brown
Sarah Callis
Suzannah Clark
David Clarke
Eric Clarke
Martin Clayton
Jonathan Cross
William Drabkin
Dai Griffiths
Matthew Head  
Matthew Riley
John Rink
Alastair Williams

Advisory Panel
Ian Bent
Gianmario Borio
Nicholas Cook
Jonathan Dunsby (Founding Editor)
Allen Forte
Christopher Hasty
Nicolas Meeùs
Richard Middleton
Michael Musgrave
Jean-Jacques Nattiez
Robert Pascall
Kathryn Puffett
Julian Rushton
Jim Samson
Janet Schmalfeldt
Joseph N. Straus
Arnold Whittall
Christopher Wintle

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