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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Monumenta Nipponica, an interdisciplinary journal on Japanese culture and society, was founded in 1938, making it one of the oldest English-language academic journals in the field of Asian studies. Published semiannually as an international forum for research on Japan by Sophia University, Tokyo, MN carries both original scholarly contributions on history, literature, art history, religion, and thought, and translations of important Japanese literary and historical sources. Early volumes included articles in German and other European languages, but from volume 19 (1964) English has been the sole language of publication. At present each issue contains on average four articles, including reports on research trends and source materials of note, and fifteen reviews of recent books on Japan.

All contributions are peer-reviewed. Each issue contains on average four articles, including reports on research trends and source materials of note, and fifteen timely and authoritative reviews of recent books on Japan. MN is sent out to individual and institutional subscribers in more than sixty countries.

MN is indexed by Arts and Humanities Citation Index, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, and MLA International Bibliography.

Instructions to Authors
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Citation Format

Related links: MN Style Sheet | Book Review Guidelines |


Articles submitted for publication should be printed double-spaced with the right-hand margin unjustified; this applies also to indented quotations and notes. Initial submissions should be in hardcopy form. Once an article has been accepted, the author will be asked to provide a digital file prepared according to our specifications. As manuscripts under consideration for publication are sent out to be read anonymously, neither the title page nor headers and footers should include the author's name. Only one copy need be supplied; MN will duplicate copies for referees. Send submissions to Editor, Monumenta Nipponica, Sophia University, 7-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8554, Japan. Authors submitting manuscripts for the first time are encouraged to examine recent issues of the journal to see the type and format of articles published. Please note that MN articles are as a rule expected to be based on research in Japanese primary and secondary sources. MN is relatively flexible about length, but recommends that submissions be under 17,000 words (including notes).

For general issues of style and format, refer to The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th Edition, and to the MN style sheet. A printed version of the style sheet is available on request; an electronic version may be found on this website. For citation format, see the MN style sheet and recent issues of the journal. Notes should be numbered consecutively and preferably printed at the bottom of the page as footnotes. Kanji for Japanese and other East Asian names and terms need not be included at the time of initial submission, but if the piece to be considered is a translation, please supply a copy of the text on which it is based. For ease in editing, we prefer that in preparing the digital version of an accepted manuscript, authors use circumflexes rather than macrons to indicate long vowels.


The copyright to articles and reviews published in Monumenta Nipponica belongs to the journal. Manuscripts submitted should not have been published previously, circulated widely electronically, or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. We ask authors whose manuscripts or reviews have been accepted for publication not to distribute them in printed or electronic form without our permission. MN readily grants permission for the reprinting of articles in anthologies or other collections or for reproducing them for classroom use. Requests for permission for such uses should be made in writing and sent to the journal at the address shown on the copyright page.

Citation Format

For details on the method of citation used in MN, see the MN style sheet. Monumenta Nipponica uses the following abbreviations for frequently cited journals and multivolume series (please note that macrons and kanji normally included in the journal have been omitted here):

HJAS Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies

JJRS Japanese Journal of Religious Studies

JJS Journal of Japanese Studies

MN Monumenta Nipponica

GR Gunsho ruiju. 25 vols. Zoku Gunsho Ruiju Kanseikai, 1959-1960. Also, earlier editions published by Keizai Zasshisha, 1893-1897 (20 vols.); and Naigai Shoseki Kabushikigaisha, 1928-1938 (Shinko gunsho ruiju).

KST Shintei zoho kokushi taikei. 66 vols. Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 1929-1967.

KT Shinpen kokka taikan. 20 vols. Kadokawa Shoten, 1983-1992.

NKBT Nihon koten bungaku taikei. 100 vols. + index 2 vols. Iwanami Shoten, 1957-1967.

NKBZ Nihon koten bungaku zensh? 51 vols. Shogakukan, 1970-1976.

NST Nihon shiso taikei. 67 vols. Iwanami Shoten, 1970-1982.

SNKT Shin Nihon koten bungaku taikei. 100 vols. Iwanami Shoten, 1989- .

SNKZ Shinpen Nihon koten bungaku zensh? 88 vols. Shogakukan, 1994- .

T Taisho shinshu daizokyo. 84 vols. Taisho Issaikyo Kankokai, 1924-1931.

ZGR Zoku gunsho ruiju. 37 vols. + 3 supplementary vols. Zoku Gunsho Ruiju Kanseikai, 1959-1960. Also, earlier edition published by Keizai Zasshisha, 1902-1912 (19 vols.).

ZZGR Zokuzoku gunsho ruiju. 17 vols. Zoku Gunsho Ruiju Kanseikai, 1969-1978. Also, earlier edition published by Kokusho Kankokai, 1906-1909 (16 vols.).

Editorial Board


Kate Wildman Nakai

Managing Editor
Lynne E. Riggs

Advisory Board

W. J. Boot
Leiden University

Michael Cooper
Editor, 1971-1997

Richard Gardner
Sophia University

Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit
Freie Universität Berlin

Hiraishi Naoaki
University of Tokyo

Kobayashi Hiromitsu
Sophia University

Kurozumi Makoto
University of Tokyo

Miyazaki Fumiko
Keisen Jogakuen University

Haruo Shirane
Columbia University

Henry D. Smith II
Columbia University

Sueki Fumihiko
University of Tokyo

Hitomi Tonomura
University of Michigan

Charlotte von Verschuer
École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris

Yonekura Michio
Sophia University



J. B. Kraus (founder)


Wilhelm Schiffer


Wilhelm Schiffer, Francis Mathy


Joseph Pittau


Edmund R. Skrzypczak


Michael Cooper


Michael Cooper, Kate Wildman Nakai


Kate Wildman Nakai

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