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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Monist publishes thematic issues on particular philosophical topics, and each issue is a collected anthology of continuing interest. It is one of the oldest philosophy journals in the world, established in 1888 as a quarterly journal of the philosophy of science. 

Instructions to Authors

The Monist

An International Quarterly Journal of General Philosophical Inquiry

Format Considerations for Advisory Editors and Authors

 1. Use Times typeface, justified, 11 pt., 22 pt. paragraph indents. Do not use footnotes. Type endnotes and bibliography in 9 pt.

2. Number all pages.

 3. Double-space everything. No additional space between paragraphs.

 4. Bar spaces: Always use one bar space, never two or more.

 5. Indent all paragraphs. (We do not use “block?style.)

 6. Punctuation “within? double quotes.

 7. Punctuation ‘outside? single quotes.

 8. En dashes (? between numbers.

  9. When using em dashes (─), no bar spaces before or after.

 10. Note flags should be in Arabic numerals (never Roman).

 11. Bibliography appears after notes.

 12. All extended quotes (extract matter) 9 pt., left indent 17 pts., no quotation marks.

 13. Ellipses (?: Please insert one bar space before, within, and after all the dots in an ellipsis.

 14. Cross references: Wherever possible the author should cite section numbers rather than page numbers when making cross references to his own paper, in order to avoid resetting in page proofs.

15. Quotation marks: Mentioned terms or expressions are enclosed in single quotation marks with no intervening punctuation. Otherwise standard American literary usage is followed (except in the cases of authors following British style and spellings throughout).

16. Special Typography: Diagrams, tables, and illustrations should be on separate sheets with their desired position in the text clearly indicated.

17. Note flags immediately follow punctuation.

18. ‘i.e.?and ‘e.g.?are always followed by a comma, but never italicized.

19. We prefer the serial comma: "limes, oranges, and lemons".

20. ‘p.?and ‘pp.?(for ‘page?and ‘pages? are always followed by a space.

21. Personal initials are separated by spaces.

22. ‘B.C.?and ‘A.D.?are small caps, set solid. ‘A.D.?precedes, and ‘B.C.?follows date.

23. ‘vol.? ‘no.? and ?SPAN class=SpellE>ch
.? as well as ‘n.?(for ‘note? are always lower-case and followed by a space.

24. Our sub-head style is generally flush-left, italic, arabic numeral followed by a period. Major section heads are roman numeral, centered, no period. Occasionally, owing to the complexity of heads, we use bold-face, but prefer to avoid it.

29. We avoid hyphens where possible.

30. References should be given in a separate Bibliography, which will appear after Notes, and should be prepared in the following form:

     Smith, John 1993 “Rules of Style,?Journal of the Bibliographical Association, 4, 11-16.
     Smith, John 1994 Still More Rules, New York: Random House.

Copyright and submission requirements

1. FIRST PUBLICATION: Papers can be considered for The Monist only if (a) they have not previously been published elsewhere, and (b) they are not being considered for publication elsewhere.

2. DUPLICATE COPIES: A digital version of the manuscript together with one clear copy should be submitted, and these will not be returned. An additional copy should, of course, be retained by the author.

3. LENGTH: The suggested length for Monist articles is 4,000 to 8,000 words, or about 10 to 20 double-spaced, typewritten pages, including all notes, with about one-inch margins on all sides.

4. STYLE & SPELLING GUIDES: University of Chicago Press, A Manual of Style, 13th ed.; The Random House Dictionary of the English Language; or the Oxford English Dictionary for authors who follow British usage.

5. PERMISSION TO QUOTE from works in copyright must be obtained by the author. See "fair use" in the University of Chicago Manual of Style.

6. PROOFS: No part of an article can be rewritten in galley or page proofs. Any addenda on galley proofs other than typographical corrections may be disregarded at the discretion of the editor.

Editorial Board

The Monist

An International Quarterly Journal of General Philosophical Inquiry

Edited by Barry Smith

Editorial Board:

Henry E. Allison, Boston University
David M. Armstrong, University of Sydney
Roberto Casati, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris
Dagfinn Føllesdal, Stanford University & University of Oslo
Susan Haack, University of Miami 
John Haldane, University of St. Andrews
Rudolf Haller, University of Graz
Ruth Barcan Marcus, Yale University
Joseph Margolis, Temple University
Wallace I. Matson, University of California at Berkeley
Kevin Mulligan, University of Geneva
J. K. Nyíri, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
J. Owens, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto
Anita Silvers, San Francisco State University
Peter M. Simons, University of Leeds
John E. Smith, Yale University
Sir Peter Strawson, Oxford University
Jan Wolenski, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
Achille Varzi, Columbia University



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