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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Concentrating on the period extending roughly from 1860 to the present, Modernism/modernity focuses on the methodological, archival, and theoretical exigencies particular to modernist studies. It encourages an interdisciplinary approach linking music, architecture, the visual arts, literature, and social and intellectual history. The journal's broad scope fosters dialogue between social scientists and humanists about the history of modernism and its relations to modernization. Each issue features a section of thematic essays as well as book reviews and a list of books received. Modernism/modernity is the official journal of the Modernist Studies Association; members of the MSA automatically receive four free issues of Modernism/modernity (published in January, April, September, and November) and have free access to the journal online through Project Muse. In 2003, Modernism/modernity received the Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial Achievement from the Council of Editors of Learned Journals. Modernism/modernity has three editors, one appointed to five-year terms by the MSA and two appointed by Johns Hopkins University Press. Each September issue is edited by the MSA editor and includes a selection of peer-reviewed articles from the proceedings of the prior year's annual MSA conference. Occasionally, one of the other three regular annual issues of the journal is a guest-edited special issue.

Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines

Manuscript Format and Submission Procedure

The MSA issue is the third issue of each volume and is edited by Drew University. Issues 1, 2, and 4 are edited alternately by the Stanford and York offices. Potential contributors should direct queries and submissions accordingly. The book review section is edited by the University of York office; all correspondence regarding reviews should be directed there.

Please double-space manuscripts throughout, with one-inch margins and endnotes. A copy of the manuscript, preferably in Microsoft Word, with covering letter, can be sent as an attachment via email.

Submissions should be sent to only one office; see below for more information. Style and format should be consistent with the The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed. or above.

Authors must obtain permissions for illustrations. A black-and-white glossy print of each illustration will be needed, though a photocopy of good quality is acceptable for initial submission. Captions should be typed on a separate piece of paper, with appropriate credits and permissions.

The following forthcoming issues will be edited by the York office: January 2007; November 2007; April 2008; January 2009; November 2009.

Department of English
University of York
Heslington, York YO1O 5DD
United Kingdom
Phone: 44-1904-433341

The following forthcoming issues will be edited by the Stanford office: April 2007; January 2008; November 2008; April 2009.

Dept. of Comparative Literature
Building 260
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2031
Fax: 650-723-0482

Issue 3

Department of English
Drew University
36 Madison Ave.
Madison, N.J. 07940
Phone: 973-408-3141

Editorial Board

Editors and Editorial Board

    Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Stanford University
    Cassandra Laity, Drew University
    Lawrence Rainey, University of York
    Editorial Interns
    Jamie Cahiwat, Drew University
    Editorial Board
    National Literatures
    Mary Gluck, Brown University / Central Europe
    Denis Hollier, New York University / France
    Paolo Valesio, Yale University / Italy
    Dorothea Dornhof, Humboldt University / Berlin, Germany
    Roberto Gonz¨¢lez-Echevarr¨ªa, Yale University / Spain and Latin America
    Sonia Mattalia, University of Valencia / Spain and Latin America
    Claude Rawson, Yale University / United Kingdom
    A. Walton Litz, Princeton University / United Kingdom and United States
    Marjorie Perloff, Stanford University / United Kingdom and United States
    Ronald Bush, St. John's College, Oxford University / United Kingdom and United States
    Robert von Hallberg, University of Chicago / United States and Germany
    The Arts
    Robert Morgan, Yale University / Music
    Richard Taruskin, University of California at Berkeley / Music
    Charles Harrison, Open University / Visual Arts
    Patricia Leighten, Duke University / Visual Arts
    Francesco Dal Co, Yale University / Architecture
    Kenneth Frampton, Columbia University / Architecture
    Intellectual History and Social Theory
    Martin Jay, University of California at Berkeley /Intellectual History
    Anthony Giddens, King's College, Cambridge University / Social Theory
    Robert Wohl, University of California at Los Angeles / Continental Culture
    Arthur Danto, Columbia University / Philosophy and Aesthetics
    Vincent Crapanzano, CUNY Graduate School / Anthropology
    Paul DiMaggio, Princeton University / Sociology
    Other Fields
    Rachel Blau Duplessis, Temple University / Gender and Modernism
    Susan Stanford Friedman, University of Wisconsin-Madison / Transnational Modernism and Modernity
    Lisa Tickner, Middlesex University / History of Feminism
    Emilio Gentile, University of Rome / Fascism
    Jerome McGann, University of Virginia / Nineteenth-Century Literature
    Karlheinz Barck, Max Planck Center, Berlin / Avant-Garde Culture
    Peter Galison, Harvard University / History of Science
    Jean-Michel Rabat¨¦, University of Pennsylvania / Literary Modernism
    Michael Andr¨¦ Bernstein, University of California at Berkeley / Literary Modernism
    Peter Jelavich, University of Texas / German Culture
    John Sutherland, University College, London / Publishing History
    Rita Felski, University of Virginia / Feminist Theory

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