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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Current IssueDescription

A comprehensive, multi-disciplinary, multi-authored guide to contemporary Jewish life and thought, focusing on social, cultural and historical aspects of Judaism alongside theological issues. This volume includes 38 newly-commissioned essays, including contributions from leading specialists in their fields. This book covers the major areas of thought in contemporary Jewish Studies, including considerations of religious differences, sociological, philosophical, and gender issues, geographical diversity, inter-faith relations, and the impact of the Shoah and the modern state of Israel.

Readership: Suitable for all undergraduate students studying Modern Judaism. Also for the general reader looking for a comprehensive guide to Modern Judaism.

Instructions to Authors

Information for Authors

Articles submitted for publication should be from 5,000-10,000 words, written in English, and typed double-spaced. They may not have been previously published or be pending publication elsewhere. Footnotes should be used sparingly: to give sources of direct quotations, references to main authorities on disputable questions, and evidence relied on for a new or unusual conclusion. They should be numbered in one sequence and typed, double-spaced, at the end of the article. Contributors should submit manuscripts in duplicate with an electronic copy (Word preferable) and retain one copy for correcting proofs. Manuscripts that are not accepted will be returned only if accompanied by return postage.

A style sheet with instructions for the transliteration of Yiddish is available from the Editorial Office.

Each contributor will receive a URL for free online access to his or her article, as well as one free copy of the issue in which it appears. Offprints or additional copies of the issue may be ordered by using the offprint order form that will accompany proofs.

Contributions, books for review, and other editorial correspondence should be sent to the Editor:

Professor Steven T. Katz

Center for Judaic Studies
Boston University
147 Bay State Road
Boston, MA 02215

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For the uses specified in that section, please note that there is no need for you to apply for written permission from Oxford University Press in advance. Please go ahead with the use ensuring that a full acknowledgment is made to the original source of the material including the journal name, volume, issue, page numbers, year of publication, title of article and to Oxford University Press and/or the learned society.

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When publishing an article in Oxford Journals, for the majority of the titles on our list* you are not required to assign copyright to Oxford University Press and/or the learned society concerned. In addition to this, you retain a wide range of rights concerning future re-use of the material as detailed in the Publication Rights Policies section on our Web site (see url below this section).

For the uses specified in that section, please note that there is no need for you to apply for written permission from Oxford University Press in advance. Please go ahead with the use ensuring that a full acknowledgment is made to the original source of the material including the journal name, volume, issue, page numbers, year of publication, title of article and to Oxford University Press and/or the learned society.

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The following additional policy information and guidelines are provided for the benefit of our authors:


Editorial Board

Editorial Board


Professor Steven T. Katz

Director, Center for Judaic Studies
Boston University
745 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 541
Boston, MA 02215


(617) 353-8096


(617) 353-7710


Arnold Eisen

Jewish Theological Seminary

Lloyd Gartner

Tel Aviv University

Sander Gilman

University of Chicago

Irving Greenberg

New York City

Paula Hyman

Yale University

Deborah Lipstadt

Emory University

Paul Mendes-Flohr

Hebrew University

Michael A. Meyer

Hebrew Union College

Jehuda Reinharz

Brandeis University

Publishers: Sending books for review

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