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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Milton Studies is published annually by the University of Pittsburgh Press as a forum for Milton scholarship and criticism. The journal defines the literary, intellectual, and historical contexts that impacted Milton by studying the work of his contemporaries, seventeenth century political and religious movements, his influence on other writers, and the history of critical response to his work.

Instructions to Authors

How to Submit a Manuscript Proposal

We publish titles in: Latin American studies, Russian and East European studies, international relations, poetry, Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania regional studies, environmental studies, architecture and landscape history, urban studies, composition and literacy, the history of science and the philosophy of science. We do not publish in the hard sciences, nor do we publish memoirs or fiction.

We welcome unsolicited manuscript submissions appropriate to our list.

Poetry submissions must follow a different set of guidelines, found here.

Please download and fill out our Manuscript Inquiry Form and email it to the attention of the appropriate editor. Or send us a letter of inquiry that describes:

. The subject and contribution of your book;

. The approach you have taken

. The intended audience (scholars, students, the general public?). If the book is appropriate for course use, please discuss the kinds of courses and level (undergraduate, upper-level undergraduate, graduate);

. Your qualifications to undertake the project.

Please include an updated curriculum vitae, an outline or table of contents, and a sample chapter, if available. (It's best not to send the complete manuscript when first contacting us.) If the manuscript is not yet finished, include a projected timetable, an estimate of final length and the number of illustrations, if any.

Submit your inquiry directly to the appropriate acquisitions editor (see below), University of Pittsburgh Press, Eureka Building, Fifth Floor, 3400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15260.

Acquisitions Editors

Cynthia Miller, Director
(use above mailing addresses for correspondence)
Poetry, Regional, Environmental History/Studies, Composition Studies
Peter Kracht, Editorial Director
(use above mailing address or email)
Slavic Studies, Central Asian Studies, Architecture/Built Environment, Philosophy & History of Science

Joshua Shanholtzer, Acquisitions Editor
(use above mailing address or email)

Latin American Studies, Urban History/Studies, Cuban Studies, Milton Studies
Devin Fromm
Assistant Editor
(use above mailing address or email)
Latin American Studies

We will respond to your inquiry within 4-6 weeks. If your project seems appropriate for our list, we will invite submission of the complete manuscript.


Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Once a project has been accepted for production, we require that all final manuscripts, disks, and artwork be prepared in accordance with certain specifications, in order to ensure that your work proceeds smoothly and efficiently through editing and production. Incomplete and/or poorly prepared manuscripts may be returned to you, delaying the publication of your book.

Please download and read our Guidelines for Authors carefully before submitting your final manuscript. Note that these instructions--including those pertaining to the preparation of art and disks--apply to edited volumes as well as single-author works. Please share these guidelines with your contributors as necessary.

Downloadable Marketing Questionnaire

Poetry Submission Guidelines

The Pitt Poetry Series annually publishes at least four books by poets who previously have published full-length collections of poetry; we define "full-length" as a book of 48 or more pages. Poets who have not published a book before, or who have published chapbooks or limited editions of less than 750 copies, should refer to the rules for our first-book competition, the Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize.

Manuscripts from previously published poets should be sent during September and October only. Clear photocopies are acceptable, and we have no special rules concerning the format of manuscripts. Every manuscript must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope large enough to return the manuscript. Final decisions are usually made late spring or before.

We pride ourselves on the eclectic nature of our list. We are not tied to any particular style or school of writing, but we do demand that any book we publish be of exceptional merit.

Last year the Series received a total of more than 1,400 manuscripts. Each is read with the care it deserves, but this huge number means that we are unable to provide critiques or enter into correspondence of any sort with writers other than those whose manuscripts are accepted for publication.

Ed Ochester
Editor, Pitt Poetry Series
University of Pittsburgh Press
Eureka Building, 5th floor
3400 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260


Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Cynthia Miller, Director
(use above mailing addresses for correspondence)
Poetry, Regional, Environmental History/Studies, Composition Studies
Peter Kracht, Editorial Director
(use above mailing address or email)
Slavic Studies, Central Asian Studies, Architecture/Built Environment, Philosophy & History of Science

Joshua Shanholtzer, Acquisitions Editor
(use above mailing address or email)

Latin American Studies, Urban History/Studies, Cuban Studies, Milton Studies
Devin Fromm
Assistant Editor
(use above mailing address or email)
Latin American Studies

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