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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Society of the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature are the owners and publishers of Medium Ævum. The journal, which first appeared in 1932, is one of the leading international academic periodicals in medieval studies. It is published twice yearly and its present editors are Professors Nigel F. Palmer, Sylvia Huot and Corinne Saunders.

Instructions to Authors

For Contributors

Submissions and contributions

The journal welcomes submissions in all areas relating to medieval literature and languages. Articles can vary in length but are normally in the range of 7,000 to 12,000 words, though notes of under 2,000 words are fully acceptable. The Editors will acknowledge articles submitted on receipt, and will endeavour to reach a decision on publication within ten weeks. If and when an article is accepted, the author will then be asked to follow the journal's Notes for Contributors [PDF document].

Both articles and books for review should be sent to the relevant editor:

  • Romance languages: Professor Sylvia Huot, Pembroke College, Cambridge, CB1 2RF (e-mail: sh225@cam.ac.uk)
  • Germanic languages and literature (excluding Old English), Latin, art history and any miscellaneous medieval subjects: Professor N. F. Palmer, St Edmund Hall, Oxford OX1 4AR
  • English and history: Professor Corinne Saunders, Department of English Studies, University of Durham, Hallgarth House, 77 Hallgarth Street, Durham DH1 3AY.

1. If possible please submit copy on email or disk. We can also scan typescript
where necessary. We require one version on hard copy. The hard copy should be
marked by hand with any special characters etc., but otherwise electronic version
and hard copy should correspond exactly.
2. For questions not covered by this style sheet please consult MHRA Style Guide:
A Handbook for Authors, Editors, and Writers of Theses (London, 2002), online at
3. Contributions written in any of the following languages will be considered for
publication: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish.
4. Italics should be used for foreign words and phrases, except where they are
quotations, and for the titles of books and periodical publications.
5. Short quotations should be marked by single quotation marks, quotations within
quotations by double quotation marks. Longer passages of prose, and verse
quotations of more than two lines in length, should be set out as separate
6. Notes will appear as endnotes. Please note that reviews should never contain
7. In the citation of books, the author’s name and the title of the work should
always be given as on the title-page. When a numerical reference consists of page and/
or column only, arabic numerals are used with a preceding p./col. When the
reference includes volume, book, part, chapter, page, etc., p./col. is omitted, except
when the page number is roman. Volume will be indicated by large roman numerals;
book, part, act, canto by roman numerals in small capitals; chapter, scene, stanza by
lower-case roman numerals; the word ‘lines?should always be spelled out. For
place of publication, the form most commonly used in English should be given
(e.g. Florence, not Firenze; Leipzig, not Lipsiae).

8. Examples of forms of reference
Wolfgang Clemen, Chaucer’s Early Poetry, trans. C. A. M. Sym (London, 1963), p. 198
Mark Lambert, Malory: Style and Vision in ‘Le Morte Darthur?(New Haven, Conn.,
C. Boje, Über den altfranzösischen Roman von Beuve de Hamtone, Beihefte zur Zeitschrift
für romanische Philologie 19 (Halle, 1909)
The Early English Carols, ed. Richard Leighton Greene, 2nd edn (Oxford, 1977), no.
350 (p. 211)
Amis and Amiloun, ed. MacEdward Leach, EETS, OS 203 (London, 1937), lines 613?BR>24
Medieval Manuscripts and Textual Criticism, ed. Christopher Kleinhenz, North Carolina
Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures 4 (Chapel Hill, NC, 1976), pp.
Il libro della beata Angela da Foligno (Edizione critica), ed. Ludger Thier OFM and Abele
Calufetti OFM (Grottaferrata (Rome), 1985)
J.-B. Beck, La Musique des troubadours, 2nd edn (Paris, 1928), pp. 44f.
E. de Bruyne, Études d’esthétique du Moyen Âge, 3 vols (Bruges, 1946), II, 49
Le Roman d’Auberon: Prologue de ‘Huon de Bordeaux? ed. Jean Subrenat, Textes
littéraires français 202 (Paris, 1973)
Abaelards ‘Historia calamitatum? Text ?Übersetzung ?literaturwissenschaftliche
Modellanalysen, ed. Dag Nikolaus Hasse (Berlin, 2002)
Kurt Ruh, Der Passionstraktat des Heinrich von St. Gallen, Diss. phil. Zurich (Thayngen,
Second and subsequent references:
Medieval Manuscripts, ed. Kleinhenz, pp. 56?
Beck, La Musique, pp. 45f.
In a book:
Claude Luttrell, ‘The folk-tale element in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? in Medieval
English Romances: Some New Approaches, ed. Derek Brewer (Cambridge, 1988), pp.
92?12 (p. 103)
In a journal:
Derek Pearsall, ‘The development of Middle English romance? Mediaeval Studies, 27
(1965), 91?16 (pp. 114?5)
Tony Hunt, ‘Une traduction partielle des Parabolae d’Alain de Lille? Le Moyen Âge,
87 (1981), 45?6 (p. 45 n. 1)
A. E. Quaglio, ‘Tra fonti e testo del Filocolo? Giornale storico della letteratura italiano,
139 (1962), 321?9, 513?0 (pp. 353, 529)
Second and subsequent references:
Hunt, ‘Traduction partielle? pp. 46?
Mary Dove, ‘A study of some of the lesser-known poems of British Museum MS
Harley 2253?(unpub. Ph.D. diss., University of Cambridge, 1970)
Where possible, a manuscript should be referred to in full, as below, at the first
Bern, Burgerbibliothek, MS 568, fol. 58r
Cambridge University Library, MS Ff.1.6 (the Findern MS), fols 29r?2v
London, British Library, Add. MS 35268 (olim Ashburnham 125), fo1. 32r–v
London, British Library, Royal MS 12 C.xii, fol. 48.
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 14182
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France [abbreviated BnF], MS f. fr. 20131
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS nouv. acq. lat. 3161
Besançon, Bibliothèque municipale [abbrev. BM], MS 54, fol. 15v
SPECIALIZED REFERENCES (a selection of the more unusual reference styles)
Acta sanctorum, May, I (Paris, 1866), p. 452
Bible: II Kgs iii.9; Ps. xxiii.4; Rev. iv.2 [The Vulgate should as a rule be cited from
the edition by R. Weber published by the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, and with the
standard Latin abbreviations as used in that edition.]
Canterbury Tales: Franklin’s Tale, V.773 [Chaucer references should normally be to
The Riverside Chaucer, ed. Larry D. Benson (Boston, Mass., 1987), unless there are
special reasons for referring to other editions]
Decameron, IV, 6 (p. 000) [the page number will depend on the edition used]
De consolatione Philosophiae, II, pr. i, 18; III, m. ix, 13?7
Dictionary entries: OED, s.v. ‘spear? sb.1, la; MED, s.v. ‘sor(e? adj. (2), 1 (a)
La Divina Commedia: Purgatorio, IV.15
Migne: PL, CCII, cols 19?0
Piers Plowman B, X.13-20
Summa theologiae, la 2?23, 4; 3a.46, 8 ad 2
Wolfram von Eschenbach: Parzival, 795,29
9. Reviews
The heading to a review should include the author’s name and the title of the book,
both as given on the title-page; the series and series number, where appropriate; the
place(s) of publication; the publisher(s); the number of pages, and of plates and
other illustrations where appropri-ate; the ISBN number; and the price, e.g.:
Elizabeth Archibald, Apollonius of Tyre: Medieval and Renaissance Themes and Variations
(Cambridge: D. S. Brewer; Rochester, NY: Boydell & Brewer, 1991). xiii + 250 pp.
ISBN 0-85991-316-3. ?5.00.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board
  • Romance languages: Professor Sylvia Huot, Pembroke College, Cambridge, CB1 2RF (e-mail: sh225@cam.ac.uk)
  • Germanic languages and literature (excluding Old English), Latin, art history and any miscellaneous medieval subjects: Professor N. F. Palmer, St Edmund Hall, Oxford OX1 4AR
  • English and history: Professor Corinne Saunders, Department of English Studies, University of Durham, Hallgarth House, 77 Hallgarth Street, Durham DH1 3AY.



The Society of the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature
c/o History Faculty
George Street



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