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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Media Psychology is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to publishing theoretically-oriented empirical research that is at the intersection of psychology and media communication. These topics include media uses, processes, and effects. Such research is already well represented in mainstream journals in psychology and communication, but its publication is dispersed across many sources. Therefore, scholars working on common issues and problems in various disciplines often cannot fully utilize the contributions of kindred spirits in cognate disciplines. By providing a high-quality, common publication outlet for psychologists, human developmental specialists, communication researchers, and other scholars who are interested in the psychological antecedents and consequences of communicating via mass media (television), telecommunications media (computer networks), and personal media (multimedia), potentially fertile cross-disciplinary work can flourish. Although most of the published articles will report original empirical research that bridges mediated communication and psychology, state-of-the-art reviews and meta-analyses that provide a major synthesis of primary research findings in a pivotal area will be considered. Manuscripts will be judged by the degree to which they make a major theoretical contribution and offer a substantial advancement to the body of knowledge about the uses, processes, or effects of the media.
Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Submitting Articles

Please note that all manuscripts should be complete and comply with the editorial guidelines appearing in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). (The manual is available from the APA Order Department, P.O. Box 92984, Washington, DC 20090-2984; tel: 800-374-2721; fax: 202-336-5502; e-mail: order@apa.org; online: www.apa.org/books/) You may find it helpful to consult "Appendix A: Checklist for Manuscript Submission" and "Appendix B: Checklist for Transmitting Accepted Manuscripts for Electronic Production" appearing on pages 379 through 386 of the APA Manual, the contributor information appearing in the journal, and/or the following summary of requirements for acceptable manuscripts. If you have any questions whatsoever, please ask for clarification.

Formatting. Set all margins at 1 in. Type all components double-spaced, including title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, appendixes, tables, figure captions, and footnotes. Indent all paragraphs and make sure the entire manuscript is neat and readable. Use superscript numbers to cite footnotes; type all footnotes on a separate page (not at the bottom of the pages on which they are cited). Type all figure captions on a separate page.

References. Provide complete, APA-formatted references and text citations and make sure the two correspond exactly. Pages 207 through 281 of the APA Manual provide (a) detailed guidelines on preparing references and citations, and (b) many excellent sample references and citations. When typing a reference for a chapter in an edited book, be sure to add the inclusive page numbers of the chapter.

Tests, Scales, Subscales, Factors, Variables, Effects. See APA Manual regarding capitalization. For statistics, see APA Manual regarding presentation. Acronyms: Define on first mention.

Permissions. Authors are responsible for all statements made in your work and for obtaining permission from the copyright owner(s) to reprint or adapt a table or figure or to reprint quotations from one source exceeding the limits of fair use. Write to the original author(s) and publisher to request nonexclusive world rights in all languages for use of the material in the article and in all current and future print and nonprint editions. Please note that you must obtain permission for any lines of poetry or song lyrics you quote as well as for prose, and that you will be liable for any licensing fees required for such use. Provide copies of all permissions and credit lines obtained (see APA Manual, Section 3.73, pp. 174¨C175, for sample credit lines). Click here for a sample permission request form.

Concordance of Elements. Make sure your manuscript is complete and internally consistent. Each reference must be cited in text at least once; each citation must have a corresponding reference. Likewise, each figure, table, and footnote must be cited; if a figure, table, or footnote is cited in text, the corresponding element must be included with the manuscript.

Shortening the production schedule involves combining the stages of author review of copyedited articles and subsequent review of typeset page proofs into a single review of proofs made from copyedited files via desktop publishing. With timely publication the concern of all involved, we assume you will (a) accept minor editorial changes that do not alter intended meanings; and (b) alter page proofs only to correct errors, update publication information, and respond to editors' queries. As substantial alterations will not be made after manuscripts have been typeset, please take the time now to make sure that your manuscript and its file are complete and identical and that they represent your "final say."

Preparing Files for Online Submission

The following formats are acceptable: Word and WordPerfect for text; tif, jpeg, gif, bmp, cdr for art. Your initial submission will contain at least two of the file types listed below.

  • Cover letter (required). The cover letter file should contain any comments to the editor as well as a statement indicating that the findings reported have not been previously published and that the manuscript is not being simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Authors should also state that they have complied with the American Psychological Association's ethical standards in the treatment of any participants in the work being reported.
  • Manuscript (required). The manuscript file should contain the entire text of your article, including abstract, all text, references, footnotes, and appendixes. Figures and tables may either be included in this file or submitted separately.
    • A blind review procedure will be used for all submitted manuscripts, and so author names and affiliations should not appear anywhere in the manuscript file. Do not include a title page containing author name(s). Only manuscript files that have been accepted for publication should contain author names and affiliations.
  • Figures. Figures may be submitted as separate files (one file for each figure) or included at the end of the manuscript file. Submit high-quality, professionally prepared black-and-white originals. Please note that figures appearing in the journal will look only as good as what you provide. Make sure lettering and details are crisp, clear, and large enough so that they will be legible upon reduction. (Figures are reduced in size to conserve space on the printed page.) Make sure each figure is identified. Assess whether textual information appearing on a piece of artwork might be best presented as part of the caption; alter artwork and caption accordingly.
  • Tables. Tables may be submitted as separate files (one file for each table) or included at the end of the manuscript file.
  • Action Letter (for revisions only). Once your manuscript has been reviewed, you may be asked to revise the manuscript before publication. Please respond to each editor or reviewers' comment in an action letter and attach it as a separate file. Do not include the name(s) of the author(s) in the action letter.

Please submit all text files in WordPerfect or Word. IBM-formatted files are preferred, but of course Macintosh is also acceptable. For other computer users, please try to convert and transfer your file to an IBM-compatible or Mac format. If unable to do so, please contact the LEA Online Journal Developer.

Instructions to Authors
instruction for authors.pdf

Editorial Board
Media Psychology
Please feel free to use any of the e-mail addresses below for your appropriate needs.
Prof. Dr. Peter Vorderer
Department of Communication Science
Center for Advanced Media Research Amsterdam
VU University Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: 31 20 598 2782
Fax: 0031-20-598 3733
Mary Beth Oliver
College of Communications
Pennsylvania State University
210 Carnegie Building
University Park, PA 16802¨C5101
Robin Nabi
Department of Communication
University of California-Santa Barbara
5838 Ellison Hall
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Michael A. Shapiro
Department of Communication
Cornell University
319 Kennedy Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Editorial Assistant
Abby Prestin University of California, Santa Barbara
Taylor & Francis Electronic Editorial Support

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