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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Linguistic Inquiry leads the field in research on current topics in linguistics. In this journal, the world's most celebrated linguists keep themselves and other readers informed of new theoretical developments based on the latest international scholarship.

Linguistic Inquiry captures the excitement of contemporary debate in the field by publishing full-scale articles as well as shorter contributions (Squibs and Discussions) and more extensive commentary (Remarks and Replies).

Instructions to Authors
Instructions for Contributors

1. Submitting a paper for review

- Articles (except for contributions from Europe) and all Remarks and Replies:
    Send a Word document and/or PDF file to:

- Articles (European contributions):
    Send a Word document and/or PDF file to:

- Squibs and Discussion
Submit paper (any format) electronically to: linguisticinquiry@hum.uit.no

If electronic submission is not possible, send three hard copies of the paper to the appropriate editorial office, as follows:

- Articles (except for contributions from Europe) and all Remarks and Replies:

Samuel Jay Keyser


Cambridge, MA 02139

- Articles (European contributions):

Eric Reuland
Research Institute for Language and Speech (OTS)

Utrecht University
Janskerkhof 13/13A
3512 BL Utrecht
The Netherlands

- Squibs and Discussion:

Gillian Ramchand, Curt Rice, and Peter Svenonius
Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics (CASTL) 
University of Troms?/ST1:PLACENAME> 
NO-9037 Troms?nbsp;


2. Manuscript Length

The editors request that article manuscripts be limited to 50 manuscript pages, and Remarks and Replies manuscripts to 25 manuscript pages. These page guidelines include notes but not references and are based on double-spaced pages typed in a 12-point font and with 1?inch margins. Manuscript pages should be numbered.

The editors request that Squibs and Discussion manuscripts be limited to 12 pages (guidelines as above). Manuscripts accepted as Squibs will not be required to propose a solution to problems they address as long as their relevance to theoretical issues is made clear.

3. Manuscript Format

ontributors should follow the Linguistic Inquiry style sheet in preparing manuscripts for submission. The current style sheet appears in Volume 24, Number 1.
Hard copies of the style sheet can also be obtained on request from the Editor, 32-D808, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139; the style sheet in PDF format can be obtained on request from cagibbs@mit.edu.

Authors submitting an article manuscript or a Remarks and Replies manuscript are requested to include a 100-word abstract that concentrates its main ideas and to suggest 4-6 keywords that would lead online searchers to the article.


It is the policy of The MIT Press to own the copyright to the contributions it publishes. This policy most effectively protects authors and the Press from the consequences of copyright infringement and facilitates the appropriate use of contributions by others, while granting authors full rights to reuse their own material. Therefore, in compliance with U.S. Copyright Law, we request that authors of articles and contributions to Remarks and Replies submit a signed copyright transfer form before production begins.

Editorial Board
Editorial Information


Samuel Jay Keyser

European Editor

Eric Reuland

Squibs and Discussion

Kyle Johnson 

Joe Pater

Chris Potts

Managing Editor

Anne Mark

Editorial Assistants

Emilio Englade

Charlotte Gibbs

Nancy Bromberger, Emerita

Blossom Hoag, Emerita

Associate Editorial Board

Mona Anderson                            Peter Culicover                               Diane Massam

Diana Archangeli                          Michel DeGraff                                John McCarthy

Mark Baker                                  Denis Delfitto                                  James McCloskey

Adriana Belletti                            Molly Diesing                                   Martha McGinnis

Rajesh Bhatt                                Martin Everaert                               Shigeru Miyagawa

Jonathan David Bobaljik                Danny Fox                                      Andrew Nevins

Željko Bošković                           Robert Freidin                                  David Pesetsky

Joan Bresnan                               Naoki Fukui                                     Douglas Pulleyblank

Benjamin Bruening                       Morris Halle                                     Norvin Richards

Luigi Burzio                                  Daniel Harbour                                Luigi Rizzi

Andrea Calabrese                        C.-T. James Huang                           Ian Roberts

Greg Carlson                               Sabine Iatridou                                Cilene Rodrigues

Lisa Lai-Shen Cheng                     William Idsardi                                 Mamoru Saito

Gennaro Chierchia                       Christopher Kennedy                        Carson Schütze

Noam Chomsky                           Michael Kenstowicz                           Peter Sells

Sandra Chung                              Richard Larson                                Tarald Taraldsen

Guglielmo Cinque                         Howard Lasnik                                 Esther Torrego

Nick Clements                              Beth Levin                                       Lisa deMena Travis

   Peter Coopmans                           Alec Marantz                                   Maria Luisa Zubizarreta

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