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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

About the Journal

The Library is the journal of the Bibliographical Society. For more than a hundred years it has been the pre-eminent scholarly journal for the history of books, both manuscript and printed, and the role of books in history. All aspects of descriptive and historical bibliography come within its scope, including the general and economic history of the production and distribution of books, paper, printing types, illustration, and binding, as well as the transmission of texts and their authenticity. Each issue of The Library normally contains 100-115 pages, illustrated where necessary. Also included in each issue are reviews and lists of recent books and periodicals in the field. A comprehensive index is issued annually.

For information about joining the Bibliographical Society, please contact the Hon. Secretary, Dr Margaret Ford, c/o Institute of English Studies, Room 304, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU.

Abstracting and Indexing Services

The Library is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services:-

Abstracts of English Studies (to 1995)
ABC CLIO: America: History & Life
ARTBibliographies Modern
Bibliography of the History Art
Book Review Index
Children's Literature Abstracts
Index Book Reviews Humanities
ISI: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Current Contents, Research Alert
Library Literature
MLA International Bibliography
Recent Published Articles Reference Sources

Instructions to Authors

Author Self-Archiving Policy

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Postprint use of Oxford Journals content

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  • A PDF of the final published version of the article as it appears in the journal following copyediting and proof correction may not be deposited by authors in institutional repositories.
  • Authors should include the following credit line when depositing their accepted manuscripts.

This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in [insert journal title] following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version [insert complete citation information here] is available online at: xxxxxxx [insert URL that the author will receive upon publication here].

* Definition of a post-print:
A post-print is the final draft author manuscript, as accepted for publication, including modifications based on referees' suggestions but before it has undergone copyediting and proof correction.

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You acknowledge that the article has been accepted for publication in [Journal Title] ? [year] [owner as specified on the article] Published by Oxford University Press [on behalf of xxxxxx]. All rights reserved.

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Editorial Board

Editorial Board


Dr Oliver Pickering

Editor, The Library
Leeds University Library
Leeds LS2 9JT


+44 (0)113 343 6377


Dr Nicolas Bell

Music Collections
The British Library
96 Euston Road
London NW1 2DB


John Barnard, Oxford

Peter W.M. Blayney, Toronto

Anna-Giulia Cavagna, Genoa

Annie Charon, Paris

Roger Chartier, Paris

Martin Davies, London

A. I. Doyle, Durham

John Flood, London

Mirjam Foot, London

Janet Ing Freeman, London

Paul Hoftijzer, Leiden

Trevor Howard-Hill, South Carolina

Eberhard König, Berlin

Maria-Luisa López-Vidriero, Madrid

Harold Love, Melbourne

Paul Needham, Princeton

Julian Roberts, Oxford

David Shaw, Canterbury

Michael Suarez, Oxford and New York

Germaine Warkentin, Toronto

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