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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Leonardo was founded in 1968 in Paris by kinetic artist and astronautical pioneer Frank Malina. Malina saw the need for a journal that would serve as an international channel of communication between artists, with emphasis on the writings of artists who use science and developing technologies in their work. Today, Leonardo is the leading journal for readers interested in the application of contemporary science and technology to the arts.


Leonardo is an international journal for artists and others interested in work that crosses the artificial boundaries separating contemporary arts and sciences. Featuring illustrated articles written by artists about their own work as well as articles by historians, theoreticians, philosophers and other researchers, the journal is particularly concerned with issues related to the interaction of the arts, sciences and technology.

Leonardo focuses on the visual arts and also addresses music, video, performance, language, environmental and conceptual arts---especially as they relate to the visual arts or make use of the tools, materials and ideas of contemporary science and technology. New concepts, materials and techniques and other subjects of general artistic interest are covered, as are legal, economic and political aspects of art.
Tables of Contents and Abstracts are available online. A few Sample Articles are also available online, although not in the same layout as they would appear in the journal.

Instructions to Authors


Information Updated July 2007

Leonardo accepts both solicited and unsolicited texts for review. Prior to developing a complete manuscript, authors are encouraged to submit an outline to the editors, who will make a preliminary decision regarding the topic's relevance to the journal's aims and scope and will provide suggestions for developing the manuscript.

Manuscripts and manuscript proposals (except those being submitted for Leonardo Transactions) should be e-mailed directly to the main editorial office at leonardomanuscripts@gmail.com. Manuscripts being submitted for Leonardo Transactions should be submitted
electronically in final camera ready form through the Leonardo Transactions website. Authors should also send the names and contact information of two colleagues who would be capable of giving the manuscript a technical review (preferably working outside of the author's affiliated institution so as to avoid conflicts of interest). If you would like a particular member of the Editorial Board to look at your manuscript, please note this when you submit your manuscript, but do not submit your manuscript to them directly. If you are submitting your manuscript for a special project, please also note this when you submit your manuscript. Manuscripts for initial review may be submitted with embedded low-resolution images, which facilitates the review process. When submitting a manuscript, authors should include a statement indicating that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts must be under the 5,000 word count limit (including references and figure captions) before it will be considered for review.

The review process involves peer review of all submitted articles longer than 2,500 words, including those solicited by the editors. Generally each manuscript is reviewed by one member of the Leonardo editorial board, one technical peer reviewer and an in-house editor. A request by an editor for a manuscript is not a guarantee that it will be published.

Authors are notified of acceptance, rejection or the need for revision within four months. Texts are judged on the basis of relevance to the aims and scope of the journal, originality, rigor of thought and the use of straightforward and precise prose. Texts should be condensed as much as possible and written to be accessible to the interested lay reader. Papers may include statements of belief and speculations, which should be denoted as such.

Most manuscripts require revision by the author before final acceptance. Revised manuscripts accepted for publication must be submitted as unformatted word-processed text without embedded illustrations or auto-formatted references. Each illustration should be submitted as a separate high-resolution file (see the following section on Illustrations). Texts longer than 2,500 words must be accompanied by a 100-word abstract. After a manuscript is accepted, it is edited at the editorial office and returned to the author for approval prior to publication.

Leonardo is an archival journal and does not accept manuscripts if rapid publication is required. Typical time between submission of a manuscript and appearance in print is one year. Adherence to the above guidelines minimizes revisions and shortens the overall editorial processing time. Authors requiring faster publication schedules may wish to consider submitting to
Leonardo Transactions, a rapid-publication venue for timely material in the field (restrictions apply).

All texts must be submitted in English. Authors not fluent in English should write in their native language and then have the text professionally translated before submitting it. Since the journal is read in many countries, authors should avoid esoteric words, non-English words, slang, idioms and colloquialisms. Abbreviations and special terms, especially highly technical terms, should be defined in the text or in a glossary at the end of the text. Acronyms should be spelled out on the first appearance.

Authors should review
previous Leonardo texts for general style and format. The LEONARDO staff will not make major editorial revisions and cannot accept manuscripts requiring such revisions.

More information on manuscript formatting.


Articles published in Leonardo are copyrighted by Leonardo, The International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (ISAST), the owner of Leonardo. Copyrights to illustrations published in the journal remain with their current copyright holders. Signed permissions to publish both text and images must be received at the Leonardo editorial office before any manuscript will be edited in preparation for publication. In cases where an image is copyrighted by a third party, authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions, including on-line reproduction rights. Any fees required to obtain illustrations or to secure copyright permissions are the responsibility of authors.

Permission to re-use material copyrighted by Leonardo/ISAST is routinely given to the authors of articles for use in their own publications. Use by third parties generally is not provided without concurrence of the author.

More information on copyright issues.


Titles must be descriptive, clearly reflecting the contents of texts and the type of artwork discussed in order to assist in indexing and information-retrieval services; two-part titles are encouraged.


Extremely technical or detailed material should be placed at the end of the text in one or more appendices, to which the text should refer.


The use of references is strongly encouraged. A list of general references in the form of a bibliography is also desirable. Footnotes are not used; such notes should be formatted as references. References should be numbered in citation order and listed at the end of the text. Reference numbers should appear in brackets in the text and each number should be used only once. Do not submit the manuscript with auto-formatted references such as are available with many word-processing programs. The following forms should be used when referring to:

Books and Exhibition Catalogues:

Books and Exhibition Catalogues: 1. Author, Title of Book (place of publication: publisher, date) page numbers. Example: L. Artel, Visual or Plastic Arts (London: John Doe Press, 2002) p. 5.

Include name of editor or translator, edition, date of original publication and any other pertinent information. Include page numbers of quotes.


2. Author, "Title of Article," Name of Periodical, Volume Number, Issue Number, pages (date). Example: L. Artel, "Art and Technology," Leonardo Vol. 39, No. 1, 435-441 (2005).

Include both volume and issue numbers. Include page numbers of quotes.

Editorial Board

Leonardo International Co-Editors

David Carrier
Jürgen Claus
Jack Ox
Sheila Pinkel
Christa Sommerer
Stephen Wilson

Leonardo Editorial Advisors

Annick Bureaud
Donna Cox
Alain Depocas
Michele Emmer
Jean Gagnon
George Gessert
John Holloway
István Hargittai
Eduardo Kac
Thomas E. Linehan
Aleksandra Manczak
Frieder Nake
Clifford Pickover
Louise Poissant
Larry Polansky
Robert Root-Bernstein
Rejane Spitz
Douglas A. Vakoch
Arthur Woods

Leonardo Music Journal
International Editorial Board

Marc Battier
Barbara Barthelmes
Jürgen Bräuninger
Joel Chadabe
Ricardo Dal Farra
Jody Diamond
Jonathan Impett
Douglas Kahn
Eduardo Reck Miranda
Larry Polansky
David Rosenboom

Leonardo Electronic Almanac Editorial Advisors

Leonardo Reviews Panel

Former Editorial Board Members

Stephen A. Benton (U.S.A.)
Claude Berge (France)
Vladimir Bonacíc (Croatia)
Sir Ernst Gombrich (U.K.)
Anthony Hill (U.K.)
Gyorgy Kepes (U.S.A)
Raymond Guido Lauzzana (U.S.A.)
Ryszard Stanislawski (Poland)
Pierre Székeley (France)
Makepeace Tsao (U.S.A.)

Leonardo Honorary Editors

Rudolf Arnheim (U.S.A.)
Roy Ascott (U.K.)
Dennis Bartels (U.S.A.)
Ray Bradbury (U.S.A.)
Giorgio Careri (Italy)
Elmer Duncan (U.S.A.)
John E. Fobes (U.S.A.)
Herbert W. Franke (Germany)
Yona Friedman (Israel)
Jorge Glusburg (Argentina)
Vic Gray (New Zealand
Richard L. Gregory (U.K.)
Yusuf A. Grillo (Nigeria)
John H. Holloway (U.K.)
Peter Lloyd Jones (U.K.)
Madhoor Kapur (India)
Richard I. Land (U.S.A)
Jacques Mandelbrojt (France)
Otto Piene (U.S.A)
Frank Popper (France)
Harry Rand (U.S.A)
Ervin Rodin (U.S.A)
Itsuo Sakane (Japan)
Kirill Sokolov (U.K.)
Sonia Sheridan (U.S.A.)
K.G. Subramanyan (India)
Takis (Greece)

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