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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
About Us

The Laval théologique et philosophique (LTP) is specifically a university journal, published with the financial assistance of the Canadian Council for Research in Social Studies and the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la sociét?et la culture. Founded in 1945 by Charles De Koninck et Alphonse-Marie Parent with the goal of broadcasting the papers of professors and graduates of the Faculties of Theology and Philosophy at Universit?Laval, it very quickly occupied an important place in the area of research and teaching in Quebec, in Canada, and in the United States because of its dynamism.

The LTP is a unique journal in Quebec and in Canada as much because of its content as its orientation. Following the examples of several great international journals, such as the Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques (Paris) and Theologie und Philosophie (Freiburg, Basel, Vienna) to name a few, it has the primary characteristic of being open to theological and philosophical reflection at the same time. In principle, it covers the field of both of these disciplines. In its thematic issues, the LTP approaches in a very special way the questions that are found in the crossroads of the two disciplines, which lends itself to interdisciplinary elaborations. Its mission is to guide its readers in the understanding and discussion of currents of thought and of the main new developments that closely touch Theology and Philosophy.

The 1970s were a turning point in the organization and the presentation of the LTP. On the administrative level, the journal was endowed with a board of executive editors made up of two co-directors, one of which was a theologian, the other, a philosopher. It set up an editorial board recruited from French language universities in Quebec and in Canada. It was published more frequently (three issues per year instead of two) as well as a new format. Taking inspiration from its own innovative spirit, which presided at its foundation, it opened itself up in a critical but positive way to the diversity of theological and philosophical discourses. The format of thematic issues was inaugurated and the contributions of foreign researchers, especially French-speaking ones, contributed to reinforce the international character that is one of its distinctive traits since its foundation.

In 1997, the regulations of the journal were revised in order to reflect in the editorial structure its international openness and to give women greater access. An editorial board replaced the former one. A third of the members of this council is recruited outside of Canada. A board of executive editors exercises the main editorial and administrative functions. In 1998, the cover page of the journal was completely redesigned.

The journal has three objectives: broadcasting researchers' work, making a synthesis of major questions linked to modern-day theological and philosophical trends and opening new fields of investigation or research. Over the course of the last few years, the journal has remained faithful to this triple orientation. There have been numerous thematic issues:

  • ?nbsp;Hegel today ?
  • ?nbsp;Angel Phenomenologies ?
  • ?nbsp;Gregory Baum and Critical Theology ?
  • The proceedings of the international conference ?nbsp;Meaning and Knowledge ?(on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the LTP;
  • ?nbsp;Faith and Reason ?
  • ?nbsp;Hermeneutics of H.-G. Gadamer ?
  • ?nbsp;Various views on Marie de l'Incarnation ?
  • The proceedings of the international conference on ?nbsp;Descartes ?
  • ?nbsp;Ethics and bodily suffering ?and ?nbsp;Decision-making in bioethics ?which dealt with bioethics;
  • ?nbsp;Philosophies and theologies of liberation ?
  • ?nbsp;Fernand Dumont: Sociologist, Philosopher and Theologian ?
  • ?nbsp;The Jewish thought in the XXth century ?
  • ?nbsp;Apophatic Language ?
  • ?nbsp;Experience and Theology ?
  • ?nbsp;Esthetics and Theology ?
  • ?nbsp;Esthetics and Philosophy ?
  • and ?nbsp;Facing globalization ?on the quite current problematic of globalization.

    We have also published our own articles in order to introduce our readers to new sectors of interest in Exegesis, in German Philosophy, in Political Philosophy, in Social Ethics, in Critical and Contemporary Theology, among others. As well as the thematic works elaborated on in each issue, there are special articles dealing with diverse subjects on the cutting edge of research. The extent of the sources consulted and the presence of a list of recent works offer the reader the possibility of going further in his or her research in the areas of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Sciences. The book reviews, critical notices and chronicles, done by renowned specialists, make up a very precious source of commentaries on recently published works.

    A favorable place for reflection and research, Laval théologique et philosophique invites the reader to gain knowledge of the new perspectives offered by its numerous collaborators around the world.

    Instructions to Authors
    Manuscript Guidelines

    Submission of manuscripts

    1 ?

    Manuscripts submitted should advance research in theology or in philosophy.

    2 ?

    Articles, critical notices, chronicles, book reviews submitted to the Laval théologique et philosophique must be hitherto unpublished and cannot be later republished in whole or in part without its authorization.

    3 ?

    Manuscripts should be sent in three copies (two of them anonymous) to Secrétariat du Laval théologique et philosophique, Facult?de théologie et de sciences religieuses, Universit?Laval, Pavillon Félix-Antoine-Savard, Cit?universitaire, Québec (Qc) G1K 7P4, to the attention of the editor responsible for the philosophical or for the theological content of the journal.

    4 ?

    In order to lighten the expenses of composition, a disk copy is also requested. That copy should be perfectly identical to the printed copy. Disks must be of the 3.5 inches format, high density (HD), either PC or Macintosh. An electronic version of the manuscript may be sent to our e-mail address (ltp@fp.ulaval.ca).

    5 ?

    Articles and chronicles must not have more than 12 000 words (30 pages in double spacing, in characters Times 12 points); critical notices must have no more than 4 000 words (10 pages) ; whereas book reviews may extend somewhere between 200 et 2 000 words (up to 5 pages), depending on the importance of the work reviewed.

    6 ?

    Texts should be submitted in French and exceptionally in English.

    7 ?

    Every article must be signed, with in addition an abstract in French as well as (if possible) in English, of no more than a hundred words, together with a brief biographical notice on its author.

    8 ?

    Authors will receive an acknowledgment of receipt of their manuscript.

    9 ?

    Unpublished manuscripts will not be returned to their authors.

    Presentation of manuscripts

    1 ?

    Manuscripts should have numbered pages. They must come with their electronic version on disk (PC or Macintosh 3.5 inches HD). They need to be word-processed with the help of current software, compatible with Microsoft Word 9.0 (Word 2000) for Windows.

    2 ?

    Both the main text and the notes must be readable, in double spacing and in characters of standard size (e. g., Times 12 points).

    3 ?

    The text must be written in correct language and in good style. Submitted texts will be considered as definitive and cannot be modified by their authors while correcting the proofs.

    4 ?

    Notes must be numbered continuously and must exactly correspond to the numbers within the text.

    5 ?

    Bibliographical references must be complete (author, title, city, publisher, collection, year, pages) and uniform (only current abbreviations will be admitted).

    6 ?

    Foreign language words and titles of volumes included within the text must be italicized or, failing that, underscored.

    7 ?

    Any character foreign to the Roman or Greek alphabet must be correctly composed (on the paper version as well as on the electronic version). Moreover, the data files (format Type 1 or TrueType) must be provided along with the document, or, failing that, the main information concerning them (type, name, foundry, version, etc.).

    8 ?

    Every image, drawing or graphic to appear in the text must be provided in an electronic version, in a separate document, in a format compatible with Microsoft Word 9.0 (Word 2000) for Windows, and must be identified as precisely as possible (software, platform, version, etc.).

    Evaluation of manuscripts

    1 ?

    The editor for the discipline concerned, theology or philosophy, submits each projected article to at least two competent and independent readers, who are called upon to recommend publication or not. These may suggest corrections.

    2 ?

    The choice of readers is known by the direction of the journal alone.

    3 ?

    The name of the authors does not appear on the copy of the text submitted to the readers.

    Selection of manuscripts and publication

    1 ?

    The editor decides on the opportunity of publishing or of not publishing the articles, in the light of the advice of the readers and after consulting, if need be, the ad hoc committee. The author is then informed of the decision.

    2 ?

    Once the article is published, its author receives ten free offprint copies of it.

    Editorial Board
    The Board of Editors

    Our Editorial Board gathers together specialists from varied domains who, by their respective competence, guarantee the scientific rigor of the journal.

  • Leslie Armour Dominican College of Philosophy and Theology and University of Ottawa
  • Gregory Baum McGill University, Montreal
  • Klaus Brinkmann Boston University
  • Monique Cardinal Universit?Laval, Québec
  • Venant Cauchy Universit?de Montréal
  • Gabor Csepregi Dominican College of Philosophy and Theology, Ottawa
  • Jean-François de Raymond Universit?de Paris X - Nanterre
  • Anne Fortin Universit?Laval, Quebec City
  • Claude Geffr?/A> Institut Catholique de Paris
  • Pierre Gisel Universit?de Lausanne
  • Michel Gourgues Collège dominicain de philosophie et de théologie, Ottawa
  • Jean Greisch Institut Catholique de Paris
  • Yves Laberge Institut québécois des hautes études internationales, Québec
  • Luc Langlois Universit?Laval, Quebec City
  • Gilbert Larochelle Universit?du Québec ?Chicoutimi
  • Georges Leroux Universit?du Québec ?Montréal
  • Pierre Létourneau Universit?de Montréal
  • Jean-Luc Marion Universit?de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)
  • Jean-François Mattéi Institut universitaire de France, Universit?de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Marseille
  • Andr?Mineau Universit?du Québec ?Rimouski
  • Thérèse Nadeau-Lacour Universit?du Québec ?Trois-Rivières
  • James R. Pambrun Universit?Saint-Paul, Ottawa
  • Marie-Hélène Parizeau Universit?Laval, Quebec City
  • Anne Pasquier Universit?Laval, Quebec City
  • Lucien Pelletier University of Sudbury
  • Marie-Andrée Ricard Universit?Laval, Quebec City
  • Robert P. Scharlemann University of Virginia
  • Mary Ellen Sheehan University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto
  • Noël Simard Universit?Saint-Paul, Ottawa
  • Paul Valadier Centre Sèvres, Paris

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