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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

La "Société d'Études Latines de Bruxelles - Latomus", A.S.B.L., fondée le 11 juillet 1936, publie, sous le titre "Latomus", une Revue trimestrielle et une Collection de livres. Celles-ci accueillent des travaux ayant trait à tous les domaines de la latinité: textes, littérature, histoire, institutions, archéologie, épigraphie, paléographie, humanisme latin etc.

Cette page d'accueil ne serait pas complète sans quelques mots de remerciements à tous ceux qui ont rendu possible ce site, notamment Carl Deroux, l'un de ses pères spirituels, Alain Martin, dont le précieux travail d'encodage a été à la base de notre banque de données, Mark Thomson, qui a revu et complété les pages anglaises, et last but not least Pierre-Yves Paulus, notre informaticien.


The journal LATOMUS, founded in 1937 by Marc-Antoine KUGENER, Léon HERRMANN and Marcel RENARD and continued by Carl DEROUX (Director), is currently published under the stewardship of David ENGELS (Director and Editor in Chief). The Journal receives financial assistance from the Belgian Ministry for the French Community (General Directorate of Non-Compulsory Education and Scientific Research) as well as the Belgian University Foundation (FNRS).

The Journal appears quarterly: each year it comprises a volume of approximately 1,300 pages. The Journal publishes articles, miscellanea and discussions, reading notes, reviews, bibliographical notes and pedagogical information, including a rich fund of information, often previously unpublished and abundantly illustrated. The languages used by LATOMUS are French, English, German, Spanish, Italian and Latin.

Subscriptions: Please contact info@latomus.be

Cost: Belgium 82 euros (taxes and postage extra). Abroad: 99 euros (shipping extra)

The four parts of each volume are not sold separately. A discount of 20 per cent applies for secondary school and university teachers, researchers who belong to organisations such as the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS), and to students. To purchase volumes 1 to 21, please write to: Schmidt Periodicals GmbH, Dettendorf, D-83075 Bad Feilnbach 2 (Germany).


Instructions to Authors

Authors desiring to submit a manuscript for publication in the journal or the monograph series are asked to conform as much as possible to our formal recommandations, to be found in the document attached to the present page (see also the printed version in vol. 68, 2009, p. 1183-1184).

Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail (info@latomus.be) or by post, addressed to  M. David ENGELS, director and chief editor of LATOMUS, B.P. 54, B-1170 Bruxelles (Belgium).

All electronic texts should be saved as .doc or as rtf (if they comprise special signs or illustrations, please also send a pdf), the manuscript itself have to be anonymised in order to assure maximum objectivity. All papers and books will be submitted to double-blind peer review. Our scientific committee comprises the members (full or adherent) of the Society for Latin Studies of Brussels as well as specifically chosen international experts. Languages accepted for publication in LATOMUS are French, English, German, Spanish, Italian and Latin.

Editorial Board

Contact addresses

For all questions, submissions or orders, please contact:


Prof. Dr. David ENGELS

Director and chief editor of LATOMUS





Postal address:

B.P. 54

B-1170 Bruxelles (Belgium)

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