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  出版社网址:http://www.asla.org/ http://archives.asla.org/nonmembers/lam.html

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Continuing Education
Credits Now Available in
Landscape Architecture

ASLA and Landscape Architecture
are offering continuing education
credits in some issues. These tests
consists of multiple-choice questions
based on articles that appeared in
the magazine. Tests are available
for credit for two years after their
publication. Click the links
below for more:

Instructions to Authors

How do I suggest a story for Landscape Architecture magazine?
Story proposals (with digital pictures whenever possible; please do not send original photos or slides with proposals) should be sent to LAM managing editor Lisa Speckhardt. We accept story proposals all the time; our editor reviews them and if he decides to pursue them he'll get in touch. Unfortunately, because of the volume of proposals we receive, we can't get back to those we decide against. The best way to assess what articles we will be interested in is to read a couple issues of the magazine.

How can I improve my chances of getting my project covered in Landscape Architecture magazine?
ASLA award winners are often covered in LAM, so a good first step is submitting your project for an ASLA award. Article proposals should be about projects in which landscape architects were involved

Who do I need to contact to get an editorial calendar?
If you would like to advertise, you can get a media kit with an editorial calendar from Nyah Miller at 202-216-2335.

If you're interested in submitting article ideas, no editorial calendar is necessary--in fact, we actively discourage people from pitching to our editorial calendar, so we don't distribute it for editorial purposes. See the first question above for more details on how to submit a story proposal.

I saw an article in LAM on a topic that interested me, but I'm not sure what issue it was in. How can I find it?
If it appeared between 1996-2000, try the online LAM index. Many local libraries also carry LAM. If you are an ASLA member, our librarian, Brooke Hinrichs (202-216-2354) can help you research articles.

My organization would like to use a photo/image we saw in LAM. Can you give me permission to do that?
No, we only have one-time rights to all images we use. You'll need to contact the photographer or artist directly. Photo/image credits appear on the same page or on the initial page of the article. LAM does not have contact information for all photographers and artists, though most should be easily found through searches on Yahoo or Google.

I want to make multiple copies of an article and distribute them. Who do I contact for permission?
Articles to be copied for use in classes or for a nonprofit purpose can receive limited permission based on receipt of a letter or form detailing the title of the article, what issue it appeared in and what page numbers it encompasses, how many copies will be made, and what the intended use is. Credit should be given to LAM magazine on each copy made. Contact Managing Editor Lisa Speckhardt, at 202-216-2366 before duplicating any LAM article or feature.

How do I get my book reviewed in LAM?
Send a copy of the book to Megan Ciarfalia, Editorial Assistant. We cannot guarantee that we will review your book, but we will consider it. Books sent in for consideration for review will not be returned.

Who should get any press releases for Landscape Architecture magazine?
Email or mail all press releases on editorial topics to Managing Editor Lisa Speckhardt. If your press release involves a product, send the press release to the editor of our Product Profiles column, Megan Ciarfalia.

Editorial Board

Contact Us

J. William Thompson, FASLA
editor | bthompson@asla.org

Lisa Speckhardt
managing editor | lspeckhardt@asla.org

Jeff Roth
art director | jroth@asla.org

Linda McIntyre
writer/editor | lmcintyre@asla.org

Lisa Schultz
copy editor | lschultz@asla.org

Megan Ciarfalia
legislative/editorial assistant | mciarfalia@asla.org

Marceia Cork
publications manager | mcork@asla.org

Mark Frieden
advertising sales manager | mfrieden@asla.org

circulation department | subscriptions@asla.org


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