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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Konsthistorisk Tidskrift/Journal of Art History

Aims & Scope

Since 2002 Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History is put together by an Editorial Committee from the Department of Art History at Stockholm University and from Nationalmuseum and Moderna Museet in Stockholm.

The topics covered by the journal include investigations on art, architecture, and visual culture. We welcome articles on works, creators, and specific themes, as well as on theory and historiography.

Accepted articles can be thorough explorations of a topic in accordance with a standard academic genre. We also welcome texts in a shorter, less finished format, functioning as openings to discussions.

Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History was founded in 1932 by Konsthistoriska sällskapet/The Society of Art Historians. The journal is still owned by this non-profit society and the chairman is Professor at the Department of Art History at Stockholm University.

Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Authors

Submission of manuscripts

Electronic Manuscript Submission

All submissions should be made online at Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History Manuscript Central site.  New users should first create an account. Once a user is logged onto the site, submissions should be made via the Author Centre. 

Authors should prepare and upload two versions of their manuscript. One should be a complete text, and when uploading this file authors will then be able to define the non-anonymous version as  File not for review.

The second version of the manuscript should have all information identifying the author removed from the file, to allow it to be sent anonymously to referees. Contributors who wish to reference their own previous publications in their paper are requested to anonymise their work by inserting 'Author' both in the body of the text where their name would normally appear, and also in the bibliography.  This file should be defined as the Main Document.

Contributors should also include brief biographical details (not more than three lines) for each author, which may include their institutional affiliation, membership of an organisation and aspects of their biography and professional experience that they think are important and relevant to their contribution to the journal. These details should be saved as a separate file and defined as Author Bio.

Keep illustrations as separate files, e.g. high resolution EPS, TIF or PDF files. These files should be defined as the Figures. 

Manuscripts in English, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German and French are accepted. All manuscripts should have a brief summary in English.


Please follow these simple guidelines for preparing your electronic manuscript:

  1. Be consistent. The same elements should be keyed in exactly the same way throughout the manuscript.
  2. Do not break words at the end of lines. Use a hyphen only to hyphenate compound words.
  3. Enter only one space after the full stop at the end of a sentence.
  4. When emphasizing words please use the italic feature of your word processor software.
  5. Do not justify your text; use a ragged right-hand margin.
  6. Use a double hyphen (--) to indicate a dash in text.
  7. Do not use the lowercase l for 1 (one) or the upper case O for 0 (zero).
  8. The space bar should only be used as a word separator. Use TAB when identifying paragraphs or separating columns in tables.

Please observe that Taylor & Francis can receive files from any word processing system; however, styled Microsoft Word files are preferred. Keep electronic illustrations as separate files, e.g. EPS, TIF or PDF.

Manuscript Layout
Double-space the entire manuscript - even the list of endnotes - and leave generous all around margins. Organise the paper: title page, text pages, acknowledgements, endnotes, figure legends.

Begin each section, including figure legends on separate sheets of paper and type the page number in the upper right-hand corner of each page.

The Title Page should include: 1) title of manuscript, 2) name of author(s) and affiliation, including address, 3) address, telephone, fax number and e-mail address of the author to whom the proofs are to be sent, and 4) a "running title" of no more than 50 characters.

In the text (and endnotes): mark titles of works of art and books, poems, periodical publications, technical terms, phrases in foreign languages and place names in italics.

Mark quotations of more than three sentences by indenting 1 cm from the left-hand margin.

Endnotes should be clearly designated by superior figures in the text. They should be numbered consecutively and typed double spaced on a separate page. The following guidelines for references to publications are recommended, but will not be strictly enforced.


  1. Judy Sund, "Beyond the Grave: The Twentieth-Century Afterlife of the West Mexican Burial Effigies", The Art Bulletin, No 4, 2000, pp. 734-767.
  2. Sund, 2000, p. 751.


  1. Michael Baxandall, Patterns of Intention. On the Historical Explanation of Pictures, New Haven and London, 1985, p. 38.
  2. Baxandall, 1985, pp. 41-73.


Stockholm, Kungliga Biblioteket, MS 50, fol. 8.

No elaborate bibliography will be required.


  • Photographs of the highest quality must be provided. An article cannot be scheduled for publication until photographs have been submitted.
  • Drawings should be in black ink on white drawing paper, scanned and saved as separate files, e.g. EPS, TIF or PDF. For details please contact the editorial office.
  • The author pays for colour illustrations, 535 USD per page.
  • Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission for the reproduction of photographs and for reproduction costs. The documents giving permission should be kept by the author. A separate list of illustrations (double spaced) must accompany the manuscript when submitted. Legends should be stated as briefly as possible.

Book Reviews
Book reviews should be prepared in the same style as other contributions to Konsthistorisk tidskrift and submitted via the Manuscript Central website (see details above). Each book review should begin with the author(s) names, title of the work, publisher, place of publication, year, ISBN number and number of pages. It is desirable that every review includes a description of the contents of the work under review, as distinguished from the reviewer's critical estimate of its merits.

Proofs and Offprints
Any changes in proof not owed to printer's error should be avoided and may be charged to the author. One set of the proofs, carefully checked by the author should be sent to the Editorial Office within 48 hours of receipt, together with the offprint order form provided by the printer.

The copyright is held by Taylor & Francis to whom all requests for permission to reproduce material should be sent. Address: Konsthistorisk tidskrift, Taylor & Francis, Box 3255, SE-103 65 Stockholm, Sweden. Phone: +46 (8) 440 80 47, Fax: +46 (8) 440 80 50.

Instructions to Authors
instruction for author.pdf

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlöf

Editorial Office:

Taylor & Francis
Konsthistorisk tidskrift
Box 3255
SE-103 65 Stockholm
Tel: +46 (8) 440 80 40
Fax: +46 (8) 440 80 50

Associate Editors:

Görel Cavalli-Björkman
Dan Karlholm
Anna Tellgren

Book Review Editor:

Tomas Björk - Department of Art History, Stockholm University, S-106 91, Stockholm, Sweden

The Board of Konsthistoriska Sällskapet:

Tomas Björk - Associate professor, Stockholm University
Jan von Bonsdorff - Professor, Uppsala University
Hans Henrik Brummer - Director, Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde, Stockholm
Görel Cavalli-Björkman - Professor, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm
Lena Johannesson - Professor, Göteborg University
Stig Kangas - Chartered Accountant, Stockholm
Dan Karlholm - Associate Professor, Södertörn University College
Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlöf - Professor, Stockholm University
Birgitta Sandström - former Museum Director, Zorn Collections, Mora
Jan-Gunnar Sjölin - Professor, Lund University
Roland Spolander - Professor, Ume?University
Eva Sundler Malmnäs - former Associate professor, Stockholm University
Solfrid Söderlind - Director, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm
Anna Tellgren - Curator, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Inga Lena Ångström Grandien - Associate professor, Dalarna University College


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